Don Juan Mexican Restaurant LUNCH or DINNER With Purchase of 2 Combinations Maalmwm S coupon* par parly Not Good on Fridays Or On Orders To Go Offer Eipirrs 1 1 14 90 DON JUAN MEXICAN RESTAURANT 685 E Broadway • 344-1091 • (Close to Campus) WALT DISNEY WORLD COLLEGE PROGRAM Walt Disney World Co. representatives will present an information session on the Walt Disney World College Program on Wednesday, November 14, 1990 at 7:00 pm in the Maple Room — Student Union. Attendance at this presentation is required to interview for the SPRING '91 COLLEGE PROGRAM. Interviews are scheduled for Thursday, November IS. All majors are encouraged to attend. Contact: Career Planning & Placement Phone: 346-3214 tieffi World Co. to (4Ml OftHIM*) Imfieyrt ARTS Smothers Brothers entertain at Hult By Ming Rodrigues Emerald RepoMer Mom's favorite sons are back in town. The Smothers Brothers return to the Hull Center's Silva Con cert Hall tonight for yet another hilariously timeless perfor mance Fans will he delighted to know that their classic vaude vitlian act has not lost its edge: the verbal gymnastics, exagger ated glances and unspoken communication between the brothers are all there. "They provide spontaneous humour on a variety of sub jects. with sing and play inter twined in a truly fresh perfor mance,” said Suzanne kaykas. promoter for Regal Produc tions. tile agents bringing in the show "There's not a perfor mance like llieir's out there " Anyone who has watched tel evision over the last 25 years already knows much of what to expect from the brothers We know that the singing siblings never will get through a song, that mom always liked Dick Irest. and that Tom never will start singing when the eternally optimistic Dick shouts. "Take it.". "They're a special and unique act who are always very well received wherever they are," said Pal Cusick, the Hull Center's assistant marketing di rector. In tonight's performance, fans will lie treated once again to sight-gags that are Smothers standards and several one-lin ers that long-time Smothers (jturlmt of I hr Halt (rnlvr Mom 's favorite sons return to the Hult Center tonight to regale fans with their well-known and loved vaudeviUian act. Brothers fans love so well. But the Smothers Brothers an; more than just wonderful comedians. They are also gen erous musicians who make sure the audience appreciates the backbone of their act. Conduc tor and pianist Michael Preddy, their special guest tonight, of ten shares the spotlight and the laughs. Showtime is at 7 p.m. Tick ets. at $18. can lx- purchased at the KMU main desk or by call ing (>87-5000. There art? no stu dent discounts. TMIRI WAA NO OCTTCII MUON TO WOITC IVCN A NAIMTIVC THAN FATIMA MffA Ml IN Nil M ANGKl A Hardcover 19.95 “There was no better person to write such a narrative than Fatima Meer” * Winnie Mandela i FATIMA MEER WILL BE SIGNING HER BOOK HIGHER THAN HOPE The Authorized Biography of Nelson Mandela FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9 12:30-1:30 P.M. AT THE UO BOOKSTORE SECOND FLOOR N the ma elson Mandela is the most important po litical prisoner of our time. Yet although _ his name and message are well known, man behind them is not. He has been kept from the South African public and the world for a quarter of a century. This is a dramatic and in timate biography, which draws on letters and reminiscences from Mandela himself and from his close family. Fatima Meer, a friend of Man dela’s for many years and a professor of soci ology, has provided a meticulously researched and passionately written account of a man who, more than almost anyone, can claim to have made African history. 13th A K.nca>d M F 7 30 6 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 346 4331 K kinko,s g>the copy center 8&0 E-1 Jlh iC*mpu»i 1 J 344-7144 • Open U Honn 1 1265 Wi!Uirtat(lJJi4 Wiliinent) W45555 • OpM 7 Din '* tMINOBtUM) *1 SRt AT f OR PARTIES ANO BIRTHDAYS I f-eVIDEO O GAMES ALL GAMES WONK I WITH NICKELS I ADMISSION M SO I L STM STRUT PMRIIC MMUT iUCf flf • MS-MR4 THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE Ful Hiliilnj SunSkoMrcr on campy «m mi • ih i l ift Save some money!! Use ODE. coupons.