SPORTS Ducks shoot for NCAA tourney Brandon, Lucas lead experienced team By Ashley Conklin Emetald Sports EdttO' An Oregon men's basketball team hasn't been to the NCAA Tournament since 1961. That could i hange this sea son. With four returning starters and a talented incoming fresh man class, Oregon Coach I km Monson could very well lead the Ducks into the 64-team NCAA show in March. During the off-season, an NCAA bid was something all of the players thought about after going 15-14 and receiving a Na tional Invitation Tournament bid a year ago. "Coach told us right after the NIT game when we were in the hotel lobby in New Mexico. 'NIT this year, NCAA next year,” senior center and team captain Richard Lucas said. "It's not only on our minds, it's something we think about constantly.” lunior point guard Terrell Itrandori agreed that an NCAA bid is one of Oregon’s top goals this season. "With Coach Monson. after the NIT game last year, the first thing we talked about was that we feel four or five Pac-10 teams will go the NCAAs and we can be one of those teams." Monson certainly has a team that can contend for an NCAA bid but it won’t be easy as the Pacific-10 Conference has re emerged in the last three years as one ol me premiere comer in the country. "There's no question that it s the toughest its been since I've been here." Munson said "There's a good chance that five teams will go to the NCAAs and we fit in there pret ty well." Arizona should again be the class of the Pac-10, but UCLA should give the Wildcats a run for their money. Both teams are top 10 teams and both could go a long way in the NCAA Tour nament California should also tie strong as well as Stanford with five returning starters. Oregon went :t-t> against those schools last year and upset both Arizo na and UCLA in McArthur Court The talk of an NCAA Tourna ment bid seems incredible after the Ducks went 8-21 two sea son ago. "The beginning of my junior year everyone and their moth ers had us picked for No. 10 in the conference." Lucas said, "and some people picked us 11th out of 10 teams." Hut the Ducks turned things around last season with the in Turn to DUCKS, Page 8 t lie (•holn lunior point guard Terrell Brandon will load Oregon after ils tint \CAA Tournament bid since Ifttit this season. Student Campaign for Disarmament Presents Starhawk Witch-Goddess of the Ancient Craft that honors Nature and the power of Women • Ecofeminist • Social Activist Author of: "The Spiral Dance” “Dreaming the Dark” "Truth or Dare” Starhawk will be speaking Thursday, November 8th, 7:30pm at the University of Oregon, 150 Columbia TICKETS: $5 student, $7 general Proceeds go to The Student Campaign for Disarmament Tickets are only available at the EM(J Bo* office Limited space, pre registration required! For information and registration contact: Shannon 346-4248 or Carolyn 342-2974 Co Sponsored by: Talking Leaves, GALA, Project Saferide. Women's Resource and Referral. Women In Transition. Women's Diversity Program. Jewish Student Union, Women’s Studies Dept.. Peace Studies Dept.. Philosophy Dept.. Survival Center STUDENT HEALTH CENTER OPEN FOR 8:00 am to 8:00 pm VETERAN’S DAY Monday, November 12 Please use the Beech Street entrance (facing Carson Hall) pvi I Ft Alpine Import Service. Owners FREE SAFETY INSPECTION $1095 Oil Change includes oil and filler 4 cylinders only 12th & Main, Springfield YOUR VOLVO 726-1808 Council for human Rights in Latin America presents MARTA BEMAVIDE5 national Coordinator of Ecumenical Ministries for Development and Peace and former Advisor to Archbishop Romero Will Speah On PROSPECTS FOR PEACE IM EL SALVADOR IM THE MEW POLITICAL WORLD ORDER Thursday, Nov. 8 at 5 p.m. in Room 110 Willamette Co-Sponsored by the Latin American Support Committee and the Sister University Project Choose from a variety of perms formulated to enhance your hairstyle. Regularly S35 to S45. long haif and deugner wrapt are eitra Coupon expires December 15.1990 COLOR SERVICE Coupon expires DecemDor 15. 1990 o o Mon and Woman reg S9.50 Children reg $6.95 Seniors reg $7 50 Coupon expires December 15. 1990 PERFECT LOOK FAMILY HAIRCARE WITHOUT APPOINTMENTS PornnrKl • V'encouv#/ •Camcm • iQord •Bmovwrfan •Hmtwfo •MAmtjuAj* Aiofo •Ctockamai •Omoon C*y •Gfthoen •Sonet? •Nmwtmta •AJbany McMrmvtf* •CorvaAi •Satmrr •Sp/mpto*} • fugtn# •fhm Daimt •Bond YOUR RETAIL CENTER FOR NC£|US PRJLMTTa-ELL Valley Rive; 345 6675 Delta Oaks 485 3748 WmamaRa Pla/a 343 7190 rfarkal Place West 343-5144 Pioneer Pta/a 747 0507 SpragTSaia Mall 7*1377