UNIVERSITY IFC to hear 1990-91 resolutions MEETINGS The Incidental Fee Committee will Ik* dealing with its 1900-01 resolutions and hearing the budget criteria at 7 p.m in the EMU Hoard Room Et als Amigos de las Americas in formational meeting, sponsored by I^itin American Support Committee, will Ik* at 7::t() p.m. in the EMU Gumwood Room OSPIRG's alternative energy group will meet at 8:30 p.m. in EMU Century Room E Vietnamese Student Associa tion will meet at 7 p.m in Smith Lounge. Public Relations Student So ciety of America will hold a general business client commit tee meeting at 5:30 p.m. in Room 214 Allen Hall. Bahai Campus Association will meet at 5:30 p.m. at the Bahai Center, 1458 Alder St. International Students Asso ciation subgroup leaders' meet ing will be from 5 to ti:3t> p.m in EMU Room 206 OSPIRG's recycling group meeting will Ik; at 5:30 p.m. in Room 107 Esslinger Hall. Women’s Support Group, sponsored by Women In Tran sition. will Ik; from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in EMU Century Room E. Registration is not required. Campus Identity/Young Wo men's Support Group, spon sored by Women In Transition, will meet from 0 to 7:30 p m in EMU Century Room I). New Directions, a support group sponsored by Women In Transition for women 35 years old and up. will meet from 7 to H: 30 p in in EMU Century Room B Registration is re quired. Call 340-4095 or 340-4099 for more information Saferide drivers meeting will be at 0 p m in the EMU Oak Continued from Page 1 off." brand told one professor brand said he might have a (witter sense of spending limits at the first of the year or in late spring "You may have to get back to search candidates at some later date." he said Sean lies forCTEs will be fro zen for at least 30 days brand told math professor Charles Wright The cuts will not make ten ure trai k and non tenured pro fessors more vulnerable to lav offs. brand said Oregon Daily Emerald Recycle This paper Gregory Daily Emerald Room The meeting is manda tory, and new women interest ed in driving .ire welcome AIESEC informational meet ing will tie at H pm in Room 3 10 Gilbert I lull SPEAkERS AN'l) LECTURERS Stephen Durrani, associate professor of East Asian lan guages and literature, will speak on "Iking Zhongshu and Sima Qian and the formation of the Confucian Canon" at 3:30 p.m. in Room 360 Condon Hall Representatives from Oregon Health Sciences will discuss pre-dental curriculum and ad missions at 7 p m in the EMU Cedar Room The event is spon sored by the University Pre dental Club. 1-ost Valley public forum on forestry and reforestation will he from 7 to 10 p m in Room 100 Willamette Hall. The event is sponsored by the Survival Center. Marta Benavides, director of Ecumenical Ministries for De velopment and Peace and for mer adviser to Archbishop Ro mero on humanitarian con cerns. will speak at 5 p in in Room 110 Willamette Hall CD-ROM tutorial on PAIS (public affairs and current events) will be at 10 a m in the reference department of the knight Library. A Humanities Index tutorial will be at -t p.m in the same area. In the Science Library, a tutorial on Medline (medicine) will he at 2:30 p m lewish Bible study will lie at 5 pm in EMU Suite 5 The event is sponsored by the Jew ish Student I Inion. lewish perspectives on cur rent issues discussion group at Ilillel will he at 4 p m in (he Koinonia Center. 1414 Kincaid St Personal Transformation Through Sound a workshop, will lie at 7'40 p m in Room 2ti0 Corulon Hall The event is sponsored buv Kugene KCkANKAR Center Kind out how to study in tail in America at an informational meeting at 1 :tl) pm in KMU ('edar Room K Deadline (or submitting Et ills to tho Kmerald front desk. I'Ml1 Suite MM). is noon the day Ix'forv publication Ft als run tlw day of the event unless the event takes p/are before noon Notices of events with a do nation or admission charye will not he accepted Campus events and those scheduled nearest the puhlii atioil date will he ftiven priorit\ The Km erald reserves the riylit to edit notices for grammar and style CORRECTION In Monday's issue of the Emerald, an article on a Congressional grant received by the University faileil to acknowledge the Universi ty's appreciation of the ef forts of Congressman lais AuCoin in getting the grant Also, in Wednesday's is sue, an editorial mistakenly identified the location of the 1‘tH‘l Independence Howl as Baton Rouge. lai. The cor rect location was Shreve port, Ci The Emerald re grets these errors and any confusion they may have i aused EVER SEE ONE OF THESE IN A HAYSTACK? ^ Shopping: tor financial services can he as difficult .is finding a needle in a haystack With all tlie hvpc and celebration in advertisements and claims, it's eass to become contused At l I ane (). we can help you make hay out of all the jargon with straight talk and services with an affordable bottom line It you are interested in doing business with an in solution that won't give you a pitch, come home to your Credit Union. We will help you get straight to the point Serving L of'O students and employees. Credit l nion 11th & Kerr> Kiiuenc, OR 6K7-2347 NCUA CIRRUS MONDAYS THROUGH IRIDAYS Luncheon Specials Nee Siam $425 Upstjus next to U ot (> Hookxtore CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT H7‘) ( nth 141-28 12 ,, We can process your E-G slides In Just 1 hour! " 18th & Willamette 484-6116 TNK FAR SIDC By GARY LARSON »• W* *>4*l ■ The class was quietly doing its lesson when Russell, suffering from problems at home, prepared to employ an attention-getting device. Oregon DAILY EMERALD I'll K<>« *14*. tugrmr Uvrfu*tT«M The Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday through Friday e*t ept during i?*«m Af»*i and vae Eft Memorial Union and is a member of the Associated Pres*. The Emerald is private property The unlawful removal or use of papers is pros editable by law Editor Alice Wheeler Managing Editor t ditonal Editor POWCI Editor Graphics Editor in Touch Editor Christopher Blair Rod Ward Joe Kidd Sean Poston Anna Rembecki Newt Editor Editorial Editor Sport* Editor Entartainmant Editor Ntghl Editor Chris Bound'* Pal Mdisch Ashley Conklm l .tyn© L4kpli»h Peter Cotiv*<’U Associate tailors Community Don Peters Student Government/Activilles Catherine Hawioy Higher Education/Administration P© I Of Cogs we M Feature* Sticy Ivio Reporter* Tammy Batey Brian Bloch Ron© 0© Ce»f Cam*- Dennett Paul Mor , i' ( athy Peterson Ming Rodrigues. Juno Russell. Daralyn Trapp© Bob Wait© Robed Weber Photograph©! Er Evans Andre Raman Advertising Mark 6'undag© Elam© Dei tor Kathy Endicoft Mu hao‘ Gray Becky M< " M-- ho - Knapp. Jennifer Kosta Nicole Leahy Kirsten Lucas Ken M Bride '.fophor Mosley MaMa Newman. Lisa Richman Mafy Sanderson Kathy Smith Kristi Strother Classified *• MeMichue Adrienne Radotiffe Janet Schot»ef Business Gorman Chapman Judy Connolly Production iter A', her Kathryn Barton Mia Bert©M»n Tom Bosworth Alice ..jnr.c n Lofu*> Child Carol Dopp Jim Finch Conn© Frier Yvette Gill. Susan Mr.r! • Huey Linda Klaasted Sheila loren/o Jim Mason Anna R« rr {;**' ki Don Ross Jean Senechal Jennifer Smith Anne Stephenson Jennifer T> " r, H. > vVa'kor Ingrid White Todd Williams General Staff General Manager Judy Riedi Advertising Director Susan The’**' Classified Manager P< ggy M ;Cinn Production Manager Mu:h©;** R<>«,• Advertising Coordinator -i- !«a Daner Accounts Receivable. Circulation Newsroom 346 5511 Classified Advertising 346 4343 Display Advertising 346 3712 Production Graphic Services 346 4361