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MVpg EMU »m B2I 34A4739_ JO THE TYPING PRO" MMOM IBM WORD PROCESSING EDITING PAPERS THESES DISSERTATIONS P«90V » Typing S#nrtCA f i(>«'i*<\ced !ypi*l ottering «*rv»BM compute tyM«w Af*l !•»«* printer Reasonable rates _ Cell Peggy M M2 4MI _ PROFESSIONAL TYPING Also wort processing editing f'iw» pickuprtPl«HHY RontU VV> tlWtf ROBIN M407S* 20th YEAR* GRAO SCHOOL APPROVE0 I W B'0*0* Ay Eugene OR 10 00 a m 6pm d*«»y (ftClwdtflfl Sal and Sun mm*™ Apply lot FBff VISA Amartcan l, prat* card A taka w*th a TWA $99 HigM anywhe*e in tha USA' Murry a*P ' ••• * 46*M19 Orak»a« 4 drmit, good conditio* $20 obo Call liana. M/ VtSt._ Ottk 10 .AO 5 Dr a war Formica _$60 M3 SOI T_ Eacapa fha gloom . i * f uganr* to Burbank for Tu«* No* . J- • ‘ K, ' r* FOB SAlf N ler d * NES ad* MO Silver fi 20 I jet typewriter $26 Both pertact cckvj 346 6226 On* Queen Waterbed with bookcase headboard Cai» 669 44S2 attar 6pm Make title* . Ticket SF Thank agmng leaves Thwrs am Coal or obo _WMWwi_ Two ona way ttckatt t A to Eugmt «ta Portland Nov 26 pm & Jan 3 am S'.1' •--* ' Call 344 2224 _____ Unifad A if It na Ticket 1 way Eugene to Danvar on 12/13/60 tfOO 1 4*.9 4009 WEDOING DRESS A' " 90 S.;« 6 9H16 110 ibsi $260 GORGEOUS* 343 4604 leave manage 12* bowling ball w>th tw*Q Um*0 only i*w t»me» Columbia XO wdt kail halt price $f>*> Pt>oo« 6&3 11N0 eves 1M3 Toyota Cabca ST ‘ am stereo cassette sun root 126 000 mde* 12 600 J42 4291 Two Conaontant location* I 7U E 131* 524 Wlltamatta | j ictmput) (downtown) j MS *51 M3 4717 BUYING HOURS »S MF I1.2S.MF 1 9 2 Sat Smith Family Bookstore Cat* tot i'CHji u*«0 lavi * 501 Too ow ift o* t>ul no b*g ho»*» ot paint 15 par l«*n» Kay 344^0 THE BUY ft SEU CENTER Buy * Satt * Ttada MuJ»ca) Infttrumant* Stereo* Prolog* *pn 150 motowcycles/scoSTFr? Honda Cm* BO Pf »*c f Condition Loti ttion COO mil** Coil 4BS B5B9 155J mm Blu* P*ug*ot I0tp**d 17 frornu $ood condition liQO ot>0 Coil f »*na M7 »«* ill SmUEHUHiEIinH; Computer Systems West 1/49 00 f 1949 00 I XT ;>ae M»SX 11199 00 J System* mcKid* 005 1M8 RAM /0MB HD monoctuom* monitor j Sfod*nt ID *rill r*c#iv* 5% ditCOont j 342-4153 Epson Equity I ♦ compute Cpton LO 500 printer Microsoft Work* toft war* Only used on* f*rm 11 30G*obo C*H Angela at M6 ?935 HP 71 5 Calculator • •.»■* i • • *J. >;* 4>*.4 4 . ft IBM Personal Computer - - ► monitor ton* of software ISOfVotX) Cali MB 2915 or MB 9453 BEST PRICES ON 3S6 SX. 2BB 16 COMPUTERS ANO MULTI LINGUAL SOFTWARE OS/OO FO IO/S4 MODEM 199. 2400 BO INT I COMPUTER CENTER 830 Olive 342-6479 MACINTOSH MEMORY 1 mb |M 2 mb |130 4 mb 12*M> Free installation Memory Direct M3 2S41 MAC PIUS to* i«>« WOO _ Lin 4*4 Mfl MUST S€LL M*. ■ and (m|Q0wrtl«f II lihene* f 7*0 00 343 3101 WANTED TO BUY! Battery powe'ed typewriter *•!*» compute* interfere port Call Je»emy At 6H30542 evenings H'EJHHICE Ktrwood loner and double c asset te lepe dec k High speed dubbing ddby WOO Cell Outttn al 34*994? 2 Boston A. uualu H woofers mounted »n custom bo* NCVER BE IN USEO" See lo 5e4*eve‘ 1300 Cell Dev* el M7 SWK TODAY* ^WftQTIW,. Gentlemen’s Encore We pay TOP dollar lot Men's end Women's clottkng 1111 Willamette 3436179 NOW BUYING no mm Plan* Ticket from Pud to ST leave 117?0. return 11 ?* 2t9 OCVobo Cell Dawnn MS 1430 Freedom Bowl el*fere 199 4*S M3tt TRAVEL ANYWHERE ? R«'T h» il male- 1 female) an ye her* in lb* U S A Caribbean Good t*i 131 m Prtceneg Malt 4B5 3046eve» 2 round trip Aitlme* Leave Dm. 20 return Dec ?H *3*6 both 6B3 1 /B?j ?15 OPPORTUNITIES POSITION AVAILABLE on the Oregon Oaily Emerald Board ol Director* Vol unleef position tor a 3 yr lerm Apply lo Board Application Oregon Oaily Emerald PO Bo* 31S9 Eugene On 97403 Application* taken until 5 00 p m Thursday November tSth GET INVOLVED! ! Positions for Constitution Court and Student Health Insurance | Constitution Court Nov 7 SHtC 1 deadline it Nov 9 Application* | .naiiabm m ASUO f. *ec office Su fe ' 4 EMU the ASUO is an Affirmative | Action. E quel Opportunity Employer Olk'IMMi: IT S NOT TOO LATEfft WINTER INTERNSHIPS Available tor JrrS» eith major/minor in the College of A»1* and Sc***k«*s M*r* are fu*i • *#w of io* participation S*«pwor1h Mom* Wildlife S*‘*n Oegs>n Mo/*r1 Pt»v*'» March of D*m#s KSNQ Rad.o KI.C* Red*o KMNN Rad.o Western River* Girl Scout Council Regional Informatron System* Read position description* m 221 Mendnc* Hall b«( *«M>n 10 00 am A S 00 p m daily and *»gn up th«* wee* AMIGOS 0E LAS AMERICAS Gain first hand experience in social development work in Latin America Information Moating 7 30 pm. Thur* 11/1 Gum wood Rrn EMU HEIR PRESERVE BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE USA1 Ottering reward of up to ttOO Idoponding on poftinonc# A quantity of tact* given) tor information concerning individual* A organization responsible for violation of basic human right* organized harassment slender* A char actor a*»a**mation of mala individual living on Htlyard batwoon iSth A tAth B* awar* that thooa individual* opera (a on the principle of disinformation ' concerning both themsatve* A me. tha larger of their operation* Must be willing to have all information provided notarized I will pay lor notary Writ# J G P O Boa 1S41. Eugen# 97440 OPPOBTUHITIIS ??o HELP WMTED Recycle this paper. HOME TYPISTS. PC users neec • • . knowledge of Ians ethernet tcp ip Sun NFS and lastly eiecironics design Salary is $16 000 $18 OOO'yr plus benefits tor this halt time position Send resume by November 15 1990 to Prof Stephen Flickas. Department of Computer Science, U of O Eugene OR 97403 1202 ECVAA employer_ ■liZ'Eiraff To All Faculty, Staff, Students, and Mem bers of the Eugene-Springfield Community The Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Committee (MLKOC) is soliciting proposals for es’ents and programs to mark the celebration Specifically, we arc seeking educa tional session proposals for tlse UO MLK Conference on January 21,1991.1 hts conference is the major element o. tlic “recess from regular activities” on this federal holiday. \X'c would especially welcome proposals focussing on the theme: "To rededicatc commitment to civil rights, cultural diversity, racial equality, and economic equity.” Proposals must I* received by November 16, 1990, to be considered for implementation by the MLKCC. The MLKOC may lx- able to provide some limited assistance in obtaining space, publicity, or audio s isual equipment. It your department is already planning an activity or an event during the week of January 15-21, 1991,or intends todoso, please let the MLKCC know so that it can lx- incorporated into the overall celebration week calendar. Proposals should lx- submitted to: MLKCC, Office of the President. Proposal forms are available in the Sridcnt Activities IV •urcc Office (telephone 556-4000). Suite 2, EMU, or f:oi , the President’s Office in Johnson I loll. Martin Luther King, Jr., Celebration January 15-2 I, 1991 University of Oregon \Ai\m [ Janitor* imm#dnt# opening* full ’ »»; Kalist<«"i V’ Work study instructional Asst at elementary school 2 positions 11 45 am 3 45 p.m MF S7 60'hr Will work with at risk students In small groups or t to 1 Assist students with class assignments and homework pro vide positive modeling for social skills in all school settings Wo encourage people of color to apply Call Wendy Janks or Ted Calhoun at Willard Elementary School. 687 3375 _ YMCA needs > uih Basketball a< ' es and Gym Supervisors Paid positions or membership trade Escape credits available also For more into call Scott Lively at 686-9622 2~5~iFTs/buPLEXES ALDERWOOD MANOR 1660 Alder Street Accepting applications for 1 bdrm A Studio flats m encellent campus com pie* Call Mike 344 5695 for details Jennings ♦ Co 683 4219 Hideaway 715 Vr E 16th Great 3 bdrm apt close to campus Fully appltanced private parking covered waikway Call Tim for appt. 663 2271. or Choe. 465 6236 Move in bonus! Londontown 601 Coburg Rd Quiet surroundings at great location 2 bdrm apt with private patio-'balcony 1495 Call Chris eves 6 wkde 66X4645 715 E. 16th Single room in large house |ust one block from campus Call Chee for more info/showings 4656236 Student Plaza 645 E 16th Nice 1 bdrm apt Less than 1 blk from UO Com-op laundry on Site OH street parking Only $345 66X4216 or Mike. 344 4216 GREYSTONE TOWNHOUSES 211 BriarcMtf Newly remodeled two bedroom townhouses Close fo buslines' 1395 Cali 666 3650 553 E. 18th Quad available now in small compie* Parking laundry 1260 1156 Patterson Newly remodeled 1 bdrm units Available now' 4 blocks from campus ONLY 1345' Jennings Co 488 E 11th A«s, J 6*3 2271 large clean 2 bdf m 1 blk to UO Furrt <])•>* lots of poking new arpet »tn«l 683 8919 LOOKING HIGH AND LOW Pic* 1331 High Street Campus living at • !* best 0*iu»e studios starting at S28Q Call 485 6991 tof details Bennett Management Co . 915 Oak 200 LfQ 1 Bdi m Close to Campus Sep bi umty large walk m closet bd/lvgrm/util closet Spacious kitchen in a clean quiet compiei Call 484 4103 Millrace Apts 1605 Cardan Ave 2 txJrm Hat just 2 blocks Iron, cert'pus i525 Hurry! Only t left1 Oaf Gary at J45 7275 or Jenmngs * Co 68J 2271 N| 8CDROOM APARTMENT t *o blocks to campus oft street . ■ • « Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU HMVtMS! WHAT A RUCKUS' I I DON'T KNOW HOUJ MANY TIMES IN OUR HISTORY A WRITE-IN CANDIDATE: HAS BEEN SENT TO CONGRESS, Sin TM OUST THR1UEP iI FtyuNVMXix? ruse cnf 'i| TUt-M 1 MUST HAVE THE MOST LOYAL WENDS ON EARTH' DO YOU KNOU/ WHAT ALL Of YOU ARE* DOW* O' / M\ 6MCJ0US.. CXP YOU JUL THEM, PEAR? JIM l M M \ll l( (IOWT HOMlM mctwbc 5i*if THE ANTICIPATION IS OV,£R! ^?ommgNov^th 1888 Franklin Blvd. 344-2691