ELECTIONS Incumbent state senators keep seats By Cathy Peterson Emerald Reporter Contrary to the recent spate of national "incumbent-bashing." lane County voters sent three incumbent state senators back to their jobs Tuesday for another four years According to election returns late Tues day night, incumbents Grattan Kerans. tar ry Hill and Peg Jolin. all Democrats, defeat ed Republican challengers Peter Swan. Half Walters and Paul Holbo, respectively. In the race for Senate District 20, which covers south Eugene, five-time state repre sentative Kerens said Swan hurt his own campaign by making personal attacks on Kerens. "People voted for me as a progressive voice in the legislation," Kerens said. The state senator said he will focus on the envi ronment, senior citizens, consumers and students during his upcoming term. Swan, a University law professor, said he was supported on campus, but that the par ty lines were "pretty well followed" when people voted in the predominantly Demo cratic district. "We've got to learn to make progress and not lx- paralyzed by party divisions." Swan said. In the District 21 election, one-term Sen. Hill said alxirtion was a major issue in his race with music industry representative Walters. “Springfield and Eugene are pro choice." Hill said. "They don't want gov ernment butting into their business." He added that district voters, who live in southeast Eugene, the University area and all of Springfield, were voting for "experi ence and trust." "I’ve done a lot of hard work in my dis trict." he said. "My opponent didn’t offer experience. Most voters felt they were in for a tough ride." Walters, a Springfield resident new to state politics, said he was disappointed in voters' reluctance to "take a new direc tion." "The answer to our government is not a bigger government," Walters said. (In the issue of abortion, he said the rights of a fe lus art! protected by the 14th Amendment, which forbids states to deny any person life, liberty or property rights. In the District 22 race. University Provost Holbo said education funding will be an important issue for four-term Mouse legisla tor |olin. "The main reason I ran was that students at the University have such difficulty get ting into classes." he said. "Stable <»luca tion funding has got to be the Imsis for our future." Holbo characterized the district, which stretches south of Eugene from Oakridge to Raedsj>ort. as primarily rural, making cam paigning difficult "I think we got our message out as well as we could. I happen to think for the farm ers and working people across the district, education is important," be said Min. who was not available for comment Tuesday night, said in October that she wouldn't specify a cure for the education funding. However, she did propose sales and income taxes to reduce property taxes Edmunson, Hosticka retain state positions By Christopher Blair Emerald Managing Editor Democrats Jim Edmunson and Carl Hosticka easily held on to their seats in the stale Legislature, and both expressed worry over the effect Ballot Measure 5 will have on educa tion funding. Late Tuesday night, Hosticka, representing District 40, was defeating Republican challenger 1’aula Walsh with 70 percent of the vote. District 40 covers south Eu gene. Hosticka expressed concern over the apparent passage of the property tax measure, say ing it will adversely affect stu dents at the state's colleges and universities. He said he will work in the Legislature to try and repair damage the measure will cause. "You’re going to see a freeze in services, and you'll see some selective cutting, hopefully in areas that can be restored." he said. liosticka spoke against the tuition increases that may be in the future for the state's college students. "I don't think that access to higher education is facilitated by a rise in tuition." he said. Walsh. Hosticka's GO!’ oppo nent. said she was proud of her "door-to-door" campaign and the 23 percent of the votes she earned. "It was a really good cam paign. and the response I got during the campaign was really positive.” she said. Edmunson. representing Dis trict 3!i (nortliwest Eugene), was defeating Libertarian can didate Bob Fauvre. winning 75 percent of the vote Neither Edmunson nor Fauvre ex pressed much surprise over the final tally. "It was a token campaign hv the Libertarian candidate.” Edmunson said, "lie didn't run much of a campaign: I didn't run much of one either.” Edmunson said he did not differ much with Fauvre on is sues, and that he worked most ly on Barbara Koberts' success ful gubernatorial campaign and on ballot measures before the election. Fauvre agreed his candidacy was mostly symbolic, but lie said tin* 11 percent of the vote he was Hotting encouraged him. "Libertarians will continue the fight," he said. "The race was worth the effort I don't think that any candidate should run unopposed." l-auvre said the focus of his candidacy and that of other Libertarians was the "evils of taxes " "Taxation is legalized theft,” he said "I got that concept out during the campaign." hdmunson said he was "very, very1 disappointed" with the apparent passage of Meas ure 5. which would cut proper ty tax rates, and in turn hurt funding for education in the state. 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