Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS \hkm nov> mH laaturing valuator CtA»»ng discounts W»« ba pJacad in random clastihcat»on% Cut out tha taasar *<3 and turn il in with fovt ad form to racatva tt»a discount dascrtbad within tha ad #nk ♦<>♦ Tu*t Nov / S'* -.** ' ~r * FOOTBALL T SHIRTS iSOOooch AL.L only 100 Cot I on D«v« 342 3456 FUTON FRAMES 3 position, fKUKy tfwoct T*rm» MB. Fotlt. ISO. Owoofit. MO O^itfy Ava.UbM 2*g Mtg. ®JS 4471 OUITAR 0«rx) m«cto in Mcaico Gf««t IOht b«ginn«f». |20OotX> C*i« 461 4204 Cafttoftn# Many CONkHM b—1 %tgn% lew IS 160 4461 Ail#f 600 ».m • • pm F26S334 Nikon CM camara body and Count lent 24 FOmm S 14S Adjustable driNMg ilool, t)S Guta 20 Schwinn 3 ipood brh# MS Call 444 640*> days 447 4004 •woo Nihon f A. Nihon SO mm Sigma 24 200 mm Porfocicond Call 44«> 4.*43 Round trip Ah (ugana to Orlando. Florida teases tlpm Novambai 13. return November 2t t13S 34S 4S4S TME BON MARCHE FURNITURE LIQUIDATION desks fries furniture thdvmg glass chap mirrors Track T«ght» plus much mor*' THE BON MARCHE 1 Jb W Bmadwtay Eugene OR 10 00 a m Opm daily _ Including Sal andSun Ticket S F Thanh«giv>ng laarai Thurs am Cost or obo Hft 3434 eves i wo on* way itctatt la to i vi* Portland Nov 26 pm 6 Jan 3 am Jt?5*acn CaM 344 2224 UMltd Atfltne TtCktl 1 way Eugan* to D*nv*f on 12IIW0 I tOO 1 4S9 4009 WEDDING DRISS /* 90 $«.** 5 911IS ! 30 lbs>. S2S0 GORGEOUS' 343^4604 >«av« me««i^e IS1 lbs bowtmg ball -■ »Mu» »** i«m$* Columbia 300 will **i« naif prt€* S6*> Pbona 683 USD e«& <903 Toyota Cal*ca ST , »t*r*o cassette sun roof 126 000 m.i*» $2 500 342 479! mmmm THE SUV 4 SELL CENTER Buy * S*l! * Trad* Musical Instruments Stereos Photographic Equipment 361 W. 5th mW"—.. T947 Peugeot S0& auto am sunroof factory warranty Excellent Call 464 4733 or 667 8702 1944 Toyota truck Canopy and lots of extras S6800 turn Call 747 4731 fob jail WI40 uEM== ‘T1 \fW Sue new p*«nt 're* I*rtr4 txxfy in *ic«Moni of»op« *t»na pot*! $' 600 _ Coll *4* 0460 75 VW Von Lot* " •« " »* on# «»*mg HOOOobo Call 34*«45jWjdjajKW '7$ VW Rabbit «-.*• g*« good mpg runt Qf»«t ft000 IHM4) • 7 YugO Ei cond. 40 ♦ mpg 11750 5451131 mi 1X) M0T0HCTCU5/SCOOT tHS Honda CMI« 40 MnI Condition Loo* titan 000 mMti CoN 415 «5H 12J mm Blu# PouQiOt 10*p** ft ?Q c«fl M4M4 *ft»f 4 pot IBM Compute * M >* monitor too* Of toftWPte fVXVotx) C*M 6«ft 29t5 X. 266 T6 COMPUTERS AND MULTI LINGUAL SOFTWARE DS/OO FO 10*4 MODEM $00. 2400 BD j INT’t COMPUTER CENTER 830 Olive 342 6479 MACINTOSH MEMORY 1 mb UW 7 mb IU0 4 mb 1^6 Fim intiAiiiiitin M*m«y Duact M3 2S41 must sell Mac « and • ■ * S •* M 4 1 .1101 WANTED TO BUY! Baliary powatari typewriter artlh GOfflpulP port Cab Jaramy di 6A3 064? Sony ca* tfatao tap* dack Auto Dolby B & C 18 presets 2 p*«> amp Outs. AMS St?S Sony tt band equai 3046 eve* WMkMd M LA 2 round tups from £u gene No* 8 f»lum No* tl JIT^est* Ge»l 347 3744 or MS7B00 1 wty IKUI from I lo Denver leave* Now 71. 7 30 pm Arrives in Denver 5 47 p m |150 ImdeftabtlM rut MMIMi AMIGOS DE LAS AMERICAS Gain first hand axparience in social development work in Latin America Information Mooting 7.30 pm. Thun lift Gum wood Pm. EMU HELP PRESERVE BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE USAf Offering reward of up lo IMO (depending on portlnonco A quantity of facts gluon) tor information concerning ndtviduali A orgemration r*sponsible for notation of basic human rights, orgemred harassment slanders A character assassination of mafa individual living on Hftyard between tSth A Mth Be •were that these individuals operats on the principle of disinformation concerning both themselves A me. the ' target' of their operations Must b# wilting to have ad information provided not art red I wifi pay for notary Write JG.PO Bos 1S41. Eugene §7440 HitfLiOfla gM I GET INVOLVED! Positions tor Constitution Court and j Sludant Haallh insurance Commute ar* opan Deaden* for Constitution Court Nov 7 SHIC deadline i» Nov 9 Application* avartAbta in ASUO E**C off»ca Sort* 4 fc'MU Th# ASUO it An Affirm*!iv* Actton Cqu*i Opportunity Employ#! IT S NOT TOO LATE!!! WINTER INTERNSHIPS Available lor JrtSr with mafortminoi m th* College of Arts and Science* Haf* are fust • few of fh* participating *»!*» Ofy Of f ug*n* Or. D*|# Kaufman % Westam Ri**n Gi*f Scout Council **»©• Arqww#! tnlo System* Sktpwodft Horn# l an* Reg*c*« Ant Council Nr* Start Program VatoftftfW » Campus T -err- ux*a$ Cast SNftr Head position descriptions rn 221 Htndftckt Hall between 1000 am A 5 00 pm daily and sign up this weak Righteous Pass pUypi needed for pOBt modern band The Dewn Pt**** contact Mark af 346-S3i t _ SECONDARY SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAM Tuition waiver plus monthly stipand tor qualified parsons interested in earning a master's dagraa and special education cartification For mora dataiis writ# to Sandi Oav«s 175 Education. University of Oragon mmwm-: AMAZING JOBS AVAILABLE Tn« U Of O Talafund needs you Earn J6‘hf while arorfcmg fiatibi# day and evening hours Slop by 2001 Franklin Bird today or call 346 >433 _ Dane arm wan tad Greet Alaskan Bush Company Eiceftent money 1030 Hwy 99 North 666 9027 SEE .'LliOiili: To All Faculty, Staff, Students, and Mem bers of the Eu^ene-Springfield Community The Martm Luther king, Jr. Celebration Committee (MLKCC) is soils irmg proposal* for events and programs ro mark the celebration. Specifically, we arc recking educa tional session proposals for the UO MLK Conference on January 21,1991 .T ho conference is tire major element of the "recess from regular activities" on this federal holiday. We would especially welcome proposals focussing on the theme: “To rcdcdicatc commitment to civil rights, cultural diversity, racial equality, and economic equity.” Proposals must be received try November 16, 1990, to be considered for implement at ton by the MLKCC. The MLKCC may be able to provide some limned assistance in obtaining space, publicity, ot audio-visual equipment. If your department is already planning an activity or an event duiing the week of January 15-21, 1991, or intends to do so, please let the MLKCC know so that it can be incorporated into the overall celebration week calendar. Proposals should be submitted to: MLKCC, Office of the President. Proposal forms arc available in the Student Activities Re source Office (telephone 346-4000), Suite 2, EMU, or from the President’s Office in Johnson i lall. Martin Luther King, Jr., Celebration January 15-21, 1991 University of Oregon ??0 HELP WANTED ~ ROME TYPISTS. PC users needed 135 OOO potential Detail* (1)»0568?«000 E*t B 9M2 It's Mit*r than you think to pay to* jrout college education working at jiggle* EsceHent money flexible hour* Call Nance# o» Brook tor per sonad interview >444—7 Janitors, immediate openings full time positions Must have janitorial •■penance On# woe* paid vacation attar 1 lu» year of employment Send resume to SWEEP janitorial 2145 Centennial Pta/a, Eugene Or 97401 A A/E OS_ Need 42 students each night for a survey involving environmental risks Receive 1500 tor about 45 minutes work Monday November $ thru Wednesday Nov 7 Come to Gilbert 339 at 6 30 pm sharp_ Need 42 students tor a survey mvolv mg environment at risks Receive 112 00 tor iust over 2 hours work Thursday November 6. Come to Gilbert 336 at 6 30 p m sharp Refreshments will be provided_ Share nice home very near U with senior and male grad Must be handy. older with car 464 5423 __ SUMMER JOBS OUTDOORS Over 5,OCX) openings' National Parks Forests Fire Crews Send stamp tor tree details 113 E Wyoming KaLspeTl. MT 59001 Work study ln\tru- dona; Asm .»» elementary school 2 positions 11 45 Ml 145 pm MF %7Wht Will work with at risk students in small groups or 1 to 1 Assist students with class assignments and homework pro vide positive modeling for social skills •n all school settings We encourage people of color to apply Call Wendy Janks or Ted Calhoun at Willard Elementary School 687 3375 _ * Mi A needs v-utn B.#*.».*»it * ' es and Gym Supervisors Pant positions or membership trade Escape credits available arso For more mfo can Scoff lively at 666 9622 ALDERWOOD MANOR 1660 Alder Street Accepting applications tor i bdrm & Studio Hats m eacellent campus com pl«i Cali Mihc* 344 5696 for details Jennings ♦ Co M3 4219 Hideaway r*sv» i i6ih | Great 3 barm apt close to campus , f uliy applianced private parking ; ( overtN.1 walkway Call Tim lor appl. M3 2211. or ChM. 4»i UM Move to bonus' Londontown 601 Coburg Rd Ouiet surroundings at great location j 2 bdrm apt with private • patiorbatcony M65 Call Chris eves A wfcdv M3 4645 715 E. 16th Single room in targe house tusi one i block Horn campus Call Chee tor more intorshowings 4654236 Student Plaza 945 C 19th Nice t bdrm apt Less than 1 bik from UO Comop laundry on site Oft street parking Only 1345 M3 4219 or Mike. 344 4219 GREYSTONE T0WNH0USES 211 Briar cliff Newly remodeied two bedroom townhouses Close lo buslines' 1395 Can 666 3650 553 E. 16th Quad available now in small comple* Parking laundry. 1260 1156 Pattaraon Needy remodeled 1 bdrm units Available now! 4 blocks from campus ONLY 1345! ^ WE. lift At*. 9 M3-2271 Larga. Claan 2 Mm, 1 W* to UO Furn iOU Of parking naw carpat, vfnaf 6&VAP19 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT Two OJocka to campur off afraat partunp >360 par month Calf 34V415S LULMIiffii: 23$. LOOKING HIGH ANO LOW Pick t331 High Street Campus living a! its best D*iu»e studios starting at $280 Cali 48'> 6991 for details Benneit Management Co . 9tS Oa>» 200 Lrg 1 Bdrm Close lo Campus Sap barvamty large walk in closet, bd/tvgrm/utii closet Spacious kitchen In a clean, quiet compiei Call 484 4103 Millrace Apts 1805 Garden Are 2 bdrm flat |ust 2 blocks from campus $525 Hurry' Only t left' Call Gary at 345 7275 or Jennings * Co 683-2271 1923 Garden Design your own space with moveable dividers Accommodates up to 3 people Fully apphanced Spacious On Mill Race $445/mo Lease required Call Jennings ♦ Co.. 663 2271 1 bedroom water/garbage paid see at 606 N 4th in Springfield 1285 plus $250 deposit 689 04 79 jILLLI: CEDARWOOO QUADS 441 E 17th Single rooms with shared common areas ALL UTILITIES PAID CLOSE TO CAMPUS1 $250 Call 344 8290_ Furn Quad avail Dei 1 or later Single rm w'shared common area Lease thru June 15 $225/mo util pd. female only Great location 14th A Alder 344 8997 TYLER PARK QUADS 528 Tyler St Large furnished quads with private bathes All utilities paid' $245 Call ___343-8236_ Willowtree 1560 Lincoln St Quad living at its best' Private bath Shared common area Biking distance to campus $245/$255 Call 343 5087 2.5 ROOMS CHELSEA HOUSE CO-OP 1851 Onyx St Winter. Spring terms 343 2674 Fum rm in private Home Util Included S2S