UNIVERSITY University Alternative Transportation Preference Survey i 67 % 60% 33% £333 ■ U-i— Nor t h of St ad Iuh r\ Hifht U»f oth«r »:r am I t Mus IroiIo* Mould consider Autzon StsdluM Pirk-ftnd-Uds r Source: UO Commuruty PUnntru? WorP.'top Survey results are based on about 1.200 responses from faculty, staff and students PPPM conducts traffic survey By Bob Waite Emerald Reporter Would the University's parking snarl, the pro posed parking garage on Alder Street, and the Kerry Street Bridge? traffic jam problems be solved if campus commuters used the Autzen stadium parking lot? The University Planning, Public Policy and Management Department sought to answer those questions by conducting a survey, and a transpor tation engineering consultant said the survey re suits may indicate some solutions PPPM researchers re< enlly asked campus facul ty. staff and students how they felt about using transportation means other than one person one car to get to campus. ‘The real notion of the survey was to determine if people would get out of their cars and use something else. ’ — David Povey "The whole purpose was to see if there was a market for alternative transportation." said David Povey, the PPPM professor who directed the sur vey. Survey respondents were asked a variety ol questions to see how they felt about alternative transportation methods, such as using the usually vacant 5,500 parking spaces at Autzen Stadium in conjunction with one of several shuttle op tions. The most popular alternatives, linked with the Autzen parking lot, were using city buses to cross the Ferry Street Bridge, or rubber tired trolleys to cross a possible addition to the Autzen Foot Bridge, Povey said. Povey said the University community contrib tiles to traffic snarls on the f erry Street HriclRt*. in addition to parking problems on < ampus Community groups interested in the study re sults were the City of Eugene. Line Transit l)is trie t and the University. I’ovey said “We're going to use the survey results." said Mike Weishar. transportation engineering consul tant and former City of Eugene traftii engineer, who is doing Ferry Street bridge transportation studies for the City of Eugene. Government engineers and planners need to calculate the ac tual impact an Aut/en Stadium park-and-ride system would have on the Ferry Street Bridge. Weishar said A successful park-and-ride program could mean fewer added bridge lanes, and significant construc tion cost savings to taxpayers. Weishar said. The question is how many people who said they would consider using alternative transporta tion actually use it. Weishar said (liven that the community north of the- Wiliam ette River is growing, and the proposed River front Research park will contribute to traffic: and parking congestion. Povey said it is important to begin to calculate the public's preference for al ternative transportation A proposed parking garage on Alder Street would add much needed parking, but alternative transportation use would do the same thing with out the cost. Povey said “The less I hear about a high rise parking struc - ture on Alder Street, the (letter 1 feel,” Povey said, adding PI’PM researchers hope successful alternative transportation use will free proposed parking garage funds for other University needs “The real notion of the survey was to deter mine if people would get out of their c ars and use something else." Povey said 1 Do You Think That Inheriting Money And Having Progressive Values Is a Contradiction? KV don't! Come to the McKenzie River Gathering Foundation's Inherited Wealth Conference on Saturday, NotYtnber 10th in Eusene. Oregon Workshops will explore: — taking control of your resources — how people with inherited wealth have chosen to be activists for social change — money and self-esteem, work and intimate relationships — family dynamics of growing up with wealth — socially responsible investing This is an opportunity for people who have progressive social values and who share the experience of inheriting money to talk about common issues and concerns in a confidential and supportive setting. For more information about the conference or the foundation, call or write McKenzie River Gathering Foundation 3558 S E. Hawthorne, Portland, OR 97214 (503) 233-0271 ( I 1 TINO’S SPAGHETTI HOUSE w /