OREGON BUNGEE MASTERS WANTED Looking for ENTHUSIASTIC STUDENTS to bring high spirit and creativity to an already FUN and EXCITING organization. If your time is limited. but you want to be a pro-DUCK-tive part of a successful UNIVERSITY OF OREGON WRESTLING TEAM!! Call Mary at 346-4492 or Jackie at 345-1472 I Offer good only with | Gina and Sheila i ILLUSIONS 1511 Lincoln Willamette Towers Bldg PERMS customized for your nan type tmduOM condMoren cut & vtv^* SffCSSOOO NO* 52795 LOOP RODS SPIRALS anduOio.condit»n«>*\cut settle w • ■ • ,-.i ■. jy.yt> HAIRCUTS imrh**-, UidmpOG & oonoatow ercsnoo a s7.00 Staff ■ILLUSIONS • 345-1810 De*‘‘ 0r»99af\ -41 #«'< ihfriid fkttp* ('*■■<<»&&#* Mary ' Good through December 6,1990 / / / / / ////////// Glasscs/Contacts/Exams Complete lab on premises for fast service rainbow optics 343-3333 7hh I 1 “>th Avo., l-ugeni* l >ru- hliK k Iron) l of O I riv parking; in hat k Hours Mon In Ham 7pm Sit Ham Spm / / UNIVERSITY Amnesty International to organize MEETINGS MEChA. the Chicano I .at i no student union, meets at 5::ttl pm in the EMU Ben Kinder Room. Call 346-3508 for more information Amnesty International orga nizational meeting is set for 7::i() p m in Douglas Mali of the Walton Complex For more information < all 346-9735 Pre-law general meeting will la* at 7:30 p m in EMU Century Room H (Jail 485-6962 for more information. Et als Campus Crusade for Christ weekly meeting will lie at 7:30 p in in Room 150 Columbia Hall Call 485-4375 for details Student Campaign for Disar mament meets at 6 p m III the EMU Board Room. Call 340 4348 for more information OSPIRG's hunger and home lessness group meets at 5:30 p.m. in EMU Suite 1 Call 146-4377 for information. Men Against Rape weekly meeting will be at 7 p in in EMU Century Room I) Call 346-4206 for more information The Student Senate meets at 6 p m in EMU Cedar Room A Survival Center office meet ing will lie held from 7 to 9:30 p m in EMU Cedar Room I) 8tj-()ti93 for informa tion. “New Voices: Graduate Fic tion and Poetry Reading" will Im* at 7:30 p m in the I-aVerne Krause Gallery. Room 101 lam renee Hall The event is spon sored by the University Literary Society. "Casting of Creek Bronzes: Variation and Repetition" is the title of a lecture being given by Carol Mattusch of George Mason University at 8 p.m. in Room 115 Lawrence Hall. MISCELLANEOUS The Summer Employment Program is sponsoring a work shop from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. in Room 12 Hendricks Hall. Also. Sun Valley Co. interviews to day for winter employment. For details call 346-3214. Rap with the Rabbi open hour discussion group, spon sored by Hillel. will be at 4 p m in the koinonia Center. 1414 Kincaid St. Call 343-8920 for more information. PS/2 orientation featuring windows for beginners will be from 2 to 4 p.m. in Room 119 Volcanology. The orientation is sponsored by the Computing Center. Call 346-4394 for more information Meet with CLIP Fund, Inc. representative Scott McArdle to discuss environmental career opportunities from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m in the EMU. and at 4 p.m. in EMU Cedar rooms B and C. Deadline for submilling Et nls to I ho Emerald front desk. EMI' Suite .100. is noon the day before publication Et als run the day of the event unless the event takes place before noon. Notices of events with a do nation or admission charge will not be accepted Campus events and those scheduled nearest the publication date will be given priority. The Em erald reserves the right to edit notices for grammar anil style PROGRAM Continued from Page 1 thing of yourself." Campos said She said she wants to lx* a paralegal when she gets out. a goal she has set with the help of the HEP staff "The teachers care about you here; it's a nice feeling," ()ampos said. The program's nine staff members use a multicultural curriculum, stressing toleranc e, sensitivity and students' own life? experiences. Marks-Fife said. Almost 40 percent of the stu dents have gone on to universi ties or colleges, he said, ac cording to lvtKH-Hvi statistics. An additional 40 percent have gone hai k to the job market. but not back to work in the fields. With a graduation rate of more than 85 percent. Marks rife said the students them selves make the program suc cessful. "I've found people waiting for me here at 8 a m who know the value of education, hut just haven't had tin* opportunity. They are very motivated." In said. Oscar Hernandez, a recruiter and promoter for the University HEP program, said he travels all over the state seeking candi dates for the program "It's my mission to talk about the program To me it's not just a job I believe in it," Hernandez said Hernandez himself is a grad uate of the program, and has al most completed a hat helor's degree in political science and psychology at the University. “The only limitation is how much desire people have to commit to school," Hernandez said. The program will be receiv ing some well-deserved atten tion, Hernandez said, when University President Myles Brand visits Nov. 13 Hernan dez said he hopes Brand will see the buildings and realize the need for better facilities for the program. “Our presence has been ig nored." he said. "I think that will change in the future." What Can You Buy For 50C? Come to Original Joe’s Lounge and Find Out! Also.... • Student Night Specials • Food Specials • Free chips & salsa 485-2909 We’re Celebrating All Night 7-close. Original |or s • 21 Wrst titli Stnwt • Kugont? • At ross front the Hilton