I- ___ --r:%+"J&Z.m Throwing your body off a bridge in a bungee jump < ombines terror with an incredible rush of adrenalin. As suicidal as it t'hofu In l.fr* Sntiict appear.v bungee jumping in Oregon bus resulted in only a tew minor injuries Bungee jumpers take a ‘ticket to terror’ At least 300 University students have plunged off a bridge, and lived By James Vlahos Emerald Contnbulor "Today is a great day to die." the Cherokee Indians would say to greet each new day. Init I doubt they had bungee jumping in mind when they said it. I was perched on a tiny plat form 140 feet above the omi nous river, preparing to leap and trying hard to think like a Cherokee. Reporter’s Notebook Ninety percent of facing your first "leap of faith" is panic:, and the other 10 percent is sheer terror. I had faith no more. I did have four bungee cords, or glorified rubber bands, strapped to my chest, which would let me fall 100 feet la fore bouncing me out of death's clutches, but that didn't seem to help Fear strangled any sense of logic as the people on the bridge shouted my countdown. "Five, four, three ..." In the fi nal moments. 1 felt strangely alone. "One." My legs pushed mo off the platform. The next two seconds were a blinding explosion of terror and si>eed. The air thundered by me and my body hurtled downward, as if being sucked through the hose of a gargan tuan vacuum cleaner. A long scream was ripping THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE We've got your tan when you want It! SunShower on campus •na-rnin IIIIUW >1 mt» pgr Recycle m paper out of my chest (lasev Dale ot Kugene, who runs the only iaiiniiirru.il hunger jump operation Hi the state. drs< rilx-d the si ream as "a primal, guttural sound The sound of bungee Then lining' the bungees snapped me bat k upward tor the first of four giant bounces No longer did I fear an early day oi reckoning with the big guy upstairs, he was dribbling me like a human basketball in stead I cursed and flailed through the air with eat h Ixiunce, feel ing like a foolish mortal who defied the eternal laws in an ancient Greek myth My first bungee jump was ex actly as jump emt.ee Dale had warned: "a tit ket to terror " I loved it The bungee fad - at least the best fad since streaking traces its roots to the Pentecostal Is landers in the South Pacifit Males of the liunlap tribe prac ticed "land diving' from 90- to 150-foot bamboo towers as a rite of passage Springy vines (low-tech bungees) attached at their an kles stopped their plunge just short of the ground. In 1970 the "Dangerous Sports Club" of Oxford. Eng land substituted bungee cords for vines, and any high struc ture for bamlxio towers, thus creating a free-falling rite of passage for the modern man or woman: bungee jumping Dale, who leads jump expe ditions at various sites every weekend, believes there is more to bungee jumping than attaching yourself to a giant l*hot<> b% tir*| Sn»d»r lames Vlahos says 90 portent of facing the first ' 'leap of faith' * is panic; the other 10 percent is sheer terror. rubber band and leaping from .1 bridge. (Conquering your fears lo make the jump is what Dale calls an “empowering activi ty."and an experience which gives you inner power to face other challenges in daily life Assuming you walk away from your jump intact The basic nature of the sport — leaping from a bridge — im plies substantial danger, yet it can lie quite safe with proper equipment and set-up proce dures. Bungees have been indicted for causing a variety of minor injuries, from the common "bungee burn” to the short term trauma of ''bungee groin." No one has been seriously in jured in Dale's oper.ilion. how ever. The key piece of equipment, of course, is the bungee cord Bungees, those oh-so-usefui c ords dad used to sec ure lug gage to the- roof-rack when the family drove to Disneyland, are now on the forefront ol human Turn to BUNGEE. Page 12 BISTRO DINNERS • |350-*695* 5-6:30 MON-FRl • OPEN FOR LUNCH & DINNER DAILY 1130-MIDNIGHT • 75-1 E 13th. 142-6963 '* MJNOOKMID *' am. AT T OR PART If S ANO BIRTHDAYS 5£ VIDEO GAMES ALL GAMES woak WITH NICKELS ADMISSION * 1 SO STN STRUT PWR4IC MARI IT IMIRI • Ml-MM V NO BULL! You can’t afford to pay less if you’re concerned about the quality of your photographs! Save { $5.00 1 36 Exp. | dev. & print f Save | $3.00 I 24 Exp. | dev. & print I Save I $2.oo ; 12 Exp. i dev. & Print 1 C41 Films only pleasej Expires 11/12/90 | Bring this coupon to | Gorlach’s i Don't be “Cowed” by better fertilized claims. We offer an honest, profes sional photo lab with a full range of color, B&W and slide services. CAMPUS STORE 849 E 13th SPRINGFIELD 565 W. Centennial gerlach’s L oolong for a good dear ~ Check the Emerald ADS