Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 06, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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Friendly Dead
I am writing to voire my ex
treme displeasure with the re
cent University ruling to ban
Grateful Dead concerts from
Autzen Stadium I attended the
most recent concert and found
the atmosphere to be refresh
ingly open and friendly. Kven
the police were friendly
Vice President Dan Williams
was quoted [ODE, Oct 2 it) as
saying, "Times may change,
but right now the environment
is a little hostile for this type of
Well. I'm feeling hostile, too
As a Deadhead I suppose I am
automatically put into the
“hippie" category, labeled as
peaceful and loving (both bad
words in our society), and duly
Fine. Categorize me to your
heart's content. For the record.
I am also feeling powerless I
suppose "hippies" are just
supposed to "take it" since
we’re so peaceful and all. I
didn’t say I was one; that's
your categorization. Personally,
I'm just going to have to prac
tice this hostility "trip" a little
more and maybe I can perfect it
to the point that I can contrib
ute to a reversal on this matter.
Certainly that's what lb*; real
world is all about, anyway:
(on Organ
High failure
For people who think that
women choose not to become
pregnant by using birth con
trol. I suggest a visit to the
health center
The most effective, reversible
method of birth control is the
combined pill. Out of 1(M)
women, three will gel pregnant
in the first year of use (Science.
Feb. 23. 1990. p 909).
Other contraceptive methods
have a higher failure rate
Twelve women out of 100 who
use condoms become pregnant
within the first year of use.
These women have not had a
choice. Those who believe that
birth control prevents uninten
tional pregnancies are danger
ously uninformed
Andrea Novicki
No monopoly
I am writing in response to
Todd Hausman's letter [DDE
Od. 24)
You in SFiTA do not have a
monopoly on animal welfare.
You are not the only people
who. as you say, are ''con
cerned about the treatment of
animals on this campus."
There is another group on
campus that is just as con
cerned as you. CFAAR. the Co
alition for Animals and Animal
Research, is a moderate pro
biomodical research group. Our
goals are the following:
To educate the public about
Open M-F
same day
before 1:00pm
• 1337 Hilyard •
the true nature of animal re
search and animal researc hers
To support the responsible
and humane use of animals in
biomedical research
To promote the development
and use of alternatives to ani
mals in research.
Animal rights and animal
welfare arc* not synonyms
Those who believe in animal
"rights" believe that animals
have the same rights as hu
mans. Animal "welfare" is be
ing concerned about the
"health and well-being" of ani
Kveryone should be con
earned about animal welfare
belief in animal research and
its benefits (vaccines for polio,
feline leukemia, organ traus
plants, chemotherapy) doesn't
preclude concern for animal
Tracie Kork
Bos 3431
Eugene 97403
Out the window
It’s all about images, isn't it?
We here at the University are
not hippies. We never do
drugs. I’.od forbid, we have
long hair and smell
If the Dead go away. maybe
the image problem will go
away. too. We're not a poor
university, are we? $200,000
out the window flying away
on a happy spring day.
I'm beginning to wonder if
this administration of ours can
relate to the students on this
campus. This administration
has no right to define what cul
ture should and should not be
Bring back the Dead.
Monica Patnaik
Cultural Forum
For those of you who did not
attend tin- forum with President
Myles Brand on Oct 24. it was
an embarrassment for me to
hear him state that he will not
take any "legal" action against
the selling of ( !ih a ( a da on this
Coca-Cola has given $125
million to South Afrit a a conn
try with legalized apartheid
Cola we drink here today is
helping to prolong laws that
•ire based on race rather than
Interestingly enough. the
University has invited l)r Fati
nui Meer a v isiting South Afri
< an scholar, to tear h us about
peace and world unity against
apartheid Is there a contradit
tinn here?
I sini erelv believe that part of
being educated means to lie
able to stand up lor humanity
and the environment We must
strive to understand humanity
ail around the world above
and beyond the skin colors and
cultural different es
Hut 1 am curious why
Brand's vision of education
contradicts his action on this
issue? What is the use of lieing
educated when our everyday
action provides exploitation of
blac ks m South Africa?
I am frustrated and disap
pointed that Brand will not lie
taking any legal actions to help
stop human exploitation And
to our guest teacher. Meer. I am
embarrassed and sorrv that this
university’s leaders, even with
the interest of international
peace, have no real passion for
making it happen here.
Hobby Im
The Oregon Daily Emerald will attempt to print all
letters containing comments on topics of interest to the
University community. Comments must be factually
accurate and refrain from personal attacks on the char
acter of others.
P O Hu* »l<*. tu«*nr. tHrgwn V?4ei
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As the small band of huntar-gatbarers sat
around cleaning their weapons, one made the
mistake of looking at his club straight on.
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that (Frohnniayer] clearly has
the greater feeling for and
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system of higher education"
-Register Guard (10/30/90)
• Supports higher salaries for U of O faculty.
•Asa former U of O professor. Dave
understands students’ needs and concerns.
• Endorsed by the Eugene Register Guard for
his management skills and integrity, ability to
fight crime and support of higher education.
Authorized by Oregonians for Frohnniayer
P.O. Box 8904, Portland, Or. 97207