Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS ViNtMtUK MIKM 1IONY T..M. k1» Uatioing «luMt CKmlivd Admitting «»counlt MU ba piacad in 'andom ctattilicaliont Ct»l out tha "mw" ad and turn li m ••in rou> ad hKm to tmm «w dtacouni HMtrtUO MlhM tna ms (I ' laattf ad p*> pafton p«< »•** piaaaai To Place. Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 mnm. iSl Congratulation* to the women ot Alpha Ph. on Sunday October 28th TIww brave tad>«» bonded together to dare a magnificent chai*0«ge ,ft **• process they Shattered through a 1000 year 0»d R'les o* Passage Having been there to irltnMI the t4 Story )«*(>» the *i*!ertvxxj toofc I *M *.th their style end class You have my respect * Casey A 0»i© (BUNGEE MASTER) ~~ AT The parly «m great thanks to you From a '■(&*' ROBIN 14407S9 30th YEAR! GRAD SCHOOL APPROVED Edit«nuh Convcrtm** Iasci hinting,! ittphk a I drtiA&KctunxM CAROLYN CINDY mtmwm WOROPROCESSING ■n C*p*r-'*ntad Qwai*ty 0*1 VP u* JBrfc »nd laga* with i*Mf» printing ~— —-q^,, ny^i, 40 $ Drawer formica __$00/obo 443 SOU __ E tcape 1 ho gloom 2 1 way Itcboft Eugene to Burt>en* tor Tue* Nov 27th $100 apiece «tft adfti996 eve* FOOTBALL T SHIRTS Whole tale prices $8 00 each XL L only 100 Cotton Dave 342 34S« FUTON FRAMES 3 potitton, factory dir act Twin*. $40. full*. $50; Oueent. $40 Delivery Available 209 Mtg 4354471._ Uto mm tloopor couch. $100. micro nova $40 typewriter $10 fOChmg chair $40 ilk a now queen mat treat tat $t2S Mat* offer* Cali 485 3464 Many collectible boar tignt tor tala $S 040 4441 Attar 4 00 am 4pm _ n$4m_ Nihon FA Nihon SO mm Sigma 74 200 mm Perfect cond CaM 4B4 OJ Round trip Ak Eugene to Orlando Florida Laaaat 11pm Noaombar 1), return Noaombar 29. $115 34S 4S4S Round trip Eug to SF Leave* Nov 20 evening return* Nov 24 mom $140 Call 344 1270_ THE BON MARCHE FURNfTURE LIQUIDATION doth* Chart! me* furniture that v mg giatt d»*p mirror* tract light* piu* much more1 THE BON MARCHE 175W Broadway Eugene OR 10 00 a m 0pm daily Including Sal and Sun___ Unttad Airiina Tlchat 1 way Eugana to Oenver on 12/13/90 $100 1 454 4004 t6h 5ALI MW HO FOB MU ~ WiOOlNO DRESS Worn once ift Sept 90 S»l«S-S(HS- mo GORGEOUS’ 343 4004 mart metaage [■IU'I'I.liJ.T'I: THE BUY A 5111 CENTER Buy * Sell * Tr»*» Muxeal tnttrumenta Stereo* Photographic C Quipm^n? 361 W. 5th SEIZED CARS. truck* boat* 4 thtoi or* motor bom** by FB» IRS. OEA Available your am* now Call i ««W fffl.ttl Ot2fO_ IBB 7 Pouooot 606 auto an sunroof factory warranty f«c*uont Cali 4ft4 4733or687A7Q2__ tMl Toyota truck erceHehl condition Canopy and lota of *•«»*» $6800 brm _Cm 747S7H_ ’71 Toyota Corona ninn gmat tingle owner we« maintained 1700 or offer Call 344 ’896 weekendveeening* ’78 VW Van: Lot* than 75 000 miiet on# o«f*' a*fcmg SlOOOobo C*l‘ 343A245 or 3432B22_ 76 VW Rabbit ’ r . 0** pood mpy run* great If000 M9M43 Si DIM Turbo poctot Tot 55 body interior great ta*t 25 30 mpQ 82*60 6834240 Honda INI# 80 P#H#ct Condition Lott than 600 mitot Call 485 8588 1M limit Biancht Strada 10 speed Excellent condition, mutt ton All «»tre* »nciud id I’QOobo Call Barb 741 8486 Blue Peugeot H> ".»• * good condition ft00 obo Can Eton*. 687 SIM Epton Egutty I ♦ «» utr- I 500 printer Mtcroaoff Work* toMwe/e Only utod one term tOOOrcbc Call Angola at 686 2935__ BEST PRICES ON 3S*SX. 286 18 COMPUTERS ANO MULTI LINGUAL SOFTWARE OSSOD FD 107S4 MODEM BBS. 2400 BD INT’L COMPUTER CENTER 430 Olhrt 342-6479 MUST SELL Mac • and imagewnter II L»ka now. 1750 00__ Than* t tor reading out Cletalhedaf The tirtt 3 people to bring a UO Bookstore receipt dated 1 U6 to the ODE office room 300 EMU will receive t FREE 3 line ad mmmt 164 W Broadway Eugene, Oregon 97401 (S03) 343 3622 L / V / N G its MIWKM/tmtSiiEf WANTED TO BUY! ftattvif po»fl»d typvwitx «tlti comput*i intcrtac* pox Coll Mr*m* al M3 064J ovoflin^t KL'JiiliO: Sony lap# dMk Auto rav Dolby B 4 C ll prasats 2 pra amp OUt« AMS $125 Sony Paatnr* 11 barn) aguahrar w/suthcross. $75 Concord HO Wall ampitfiar $125 All tftr— tor S300 Jaft 404 08*7 . TachrUquas rack systam 110 watts par charm. fuH ramote part cond $600 48 S 6148 2 Boston Acou»t>c 8 woofers mount ad in custom bo*. NEVER BEEN USED" Saa to batiava* 1300 Call Dava at 687 5698 TODAY1 iinii Apply tor a FREE VISA or Amancan E« prass card and taka off with a TWA $99 flight anywhara in tha USA' Call now 4658838 CHRISTMAS, Spring Brea* tummei traval FREE Air counars naadad and cnj«sa ship >obs Call t 805682 7555 ail F 1451 __ Sava $400 On« way Eugana to $iou« City. Iowa Nov 7th Dap Eugana 2 30 pm Amvas Stout City 9 56 pm Fa mala only $120 997 21601997 3144 TRAVEL ANYWHERE 2 R/T t<« (i mala 1 tamalal anywhara in iha US A Caribbean Good til 1/31*91 Pnca nog Matt. 465-3046 aves •liiaiciiiii WMktnd in LA 2 round trips from Eu gene Nov 8. return Nov 11 $125 each Gad 342 3744 or 345 2800 1 way ticket *rom Eugene to Denver leave* Nov 21, 2 30 p m Amvtl in D*nv#r54?pm $150 tmda68t>ll34 REPOSSESSED VA A MUD HOMES •vWiabt* from government from $1 without credit check You repair Also la* delinquent foreclosure* Cell 1 80*4827555. ext M 1454 for repo list your area GET INVOLVED! Positions for Constitution Court and Student Health Insurance Committee are open Deadline for Constitution Court Nov 7 SHIC deadline is Nov 9 Applications available in ASUO Exec office. Suite 4 EMU The ASUO IS an Affirmative Acfion/Equal Opportunity Employer HELP~ PRESERVE BASIC MUMAN MIGHTS IN THE USA' Offering reward of up to $100 (depending on pertinence A quantity of facts given) for information concerning individuals A organisation responsible for violation of basic human rights, organized harassment, slanders. A character assassination of mala individual living on Hilyard between ISfh A t€!h Be aware that these individuals operate on the principle of "disinformation” concerning both themselves A me, the 'target” of their operations. Must be willing to have all information provided notarized i will pay for notary Write JO, P O boa 1841, Eugene $7440. ['lii-UiOiil*. i Make a difference! ◄ POSITION AVAILABLE ► on the OREGON DAILY EMERALD BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Oregon Daily Emerald is searching for a person lo serve on the Board of Directors. term and is available to any member of the community, a student or a faculty member or an employee of the Uni versity of Oregon, but may not be an employee or mem ber of the staff of the Oregon Daily Emerald newspaper The primary purpose of the Oregon Daily Emerald is to publish a newspaper that will provide education and training for students in all aspects of newspaper opera tion by serving a campus audience with news, editorial and advertising content Board members act in nutters of finance, policy and per sonnel Members arc required to attend monthly meet ings and in some cases participate in committees requir ing additional meetings The applications will he reviewed by members of the Board of Directors and they will select applicants for a personal interview-. Please submit your letter of applica tion and resume to: Applications will be taken until 5:00 p m Thursday. November 15th : This volunteer position is for a 3-yr Board Application Oregon Daily Emerald P O Bos 315V Eugene. OR V7403 Oregon DAILY EMERALD mWwwTg: Righteous b«u player needed tot post modern band The D*wn Please contact Mark at 346-631 t SECONDARY SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAM Tuition waiver plus monthly Stipend for qualified persons interested in earning a master s degree and special education certification For more details write to Sandi Davis. 175 Education. University of Oregon _ WINTER INTERNSHIPS!!! These are just a few of the sites thai are available tor winter internships You must be a Jr/Sr with a majoriminor m the College of Arts and Sciences in order to participate You need to sign up this week in order to participate 5th Street Market place Xeroa Oregon Mo/art Players KVAl T V Eugene Family YMCA KHNN Radio Mutual of Omaha KSNO Radio Birth to Three Eugene Symphony Kaufman's BRING Recycling City of Eugene Business Assistance Team Eugene/Spfd Convention & Visitors Bu'eau State of Oregon Dept ot Corrections Read position descriptions in 221 Hendricks Halt between 8 am A 5 pm dad? For more information call 3463235 CARTE BLANCHE To Independence HOOK 1200K Annually Placing credit card displays Commission on applicants Override on monthly payments Call tor interview <713» 468-6440 _9 a m to 5 p m CST Dancers wanted. Great Alaskan Bush Company Excellent money 1030 Hwy 99 North 668 9027_ HELP WANTED: WORKSTUOV CARPENTER Work with Art Museum s traveling exhibit program Prefer student in art related field Flexible work schedule, 15 45/hr To build wooden crates for shipping artwork, and related duties Must be experienced with power shop tools For informa non and appointment call Visual Arts Resources. 346 3029_ HOME TYPISTS, PC users needed 135 000 potential Details (1) 805-687 8000, Ext B 964? It's easier then you think to pay for your college education working at Jiggles Excellent money flexible hours Call Nancee or Brook for per sonal interview 344 8—7_ Janitors, immediate openings, full time positions Must have janitorial experience One week paid vacation after t full year of employment Send resume to SWEEP Janitorial. 2145 Centennial Plata. Eugene Or 97401 AA/EOE Need 42 students each night for a survey involving environmental risks Racetve 1500 tor about 45 minutes work Monday November 5 thru Wednesday Nov 7. Come to QMfeert 330 at 0:30 pm sharp__ SUMMER JOSS OUTDOORS Over 5 000 openings' National Parks Forests. Fire Crews Send stamp for tree details 113 E Wyoming, KaHspeii. MT 59901 SUN VALLEY SKI RESORT Sun Valley Co is hiring for the winter season Hiring all restaurant and food department positions Discount skiing excellent benefits and some housing available Interviews at EMU Century A on Tues Nov 6 For information Stu dent Employment 12 Hendricks Hall ALOERWOOD MANOR MM Aides Street Accepting application, tor t Odrm & Studio tuts in arcellem campus com piaa Can Mika. M 5W 'or details Jenotoga a Co _MWI Condo 2 Pdim S Eugene Pool deck old rent tSSO. 1 al/laa lie leaning Buy *39 900 4A44S20T 34547S0 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU AND IN CALIFORNIA, A RtMARKAUS tucnONOffy etmcphtNT: \ / U> A it LACFf CWZNPORT, TM &PU0WAN CON&1&, MOHAN MHO PB&6NEPIAST SUHM&CMUmSSL casts, has Been sutpr BJkX/NTOOmet/H A HJK1TI INCAWMN... BOTH UNANNOUNCW MP UNOPPOSED, MRS. peuivbp 138,000 VOTES, AN OCTKAOWNAW FEAT THAT HAS STUNNED KY REACTION* TOUJhAT, PEAR3 I Will IN TIGHT! IN TIGHT! SHESSVU A VIRGIN1 \ in =7\= IV1 IStAfc \*H RtXKf HO*** PKTVfK im \MIC IPUIO> IS 0\ I K!