Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 05, 1990, Page 9, Image 9

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Pi Kappa Alpha house
returning after six years
By Stacy Ivie
Emerald Associate Editor
Responding to a desire for
more greek houses on campus,
the I’i Kappa Alpha fraternity is
returning to the University.
The University chapter was
last on campus in 1084 but fi
nancial difficulty and an extor
tion incident prompted the
house to close, said Ken
Jaycox. national chapter con
sultant for Pi Kappa Alpha.
Now. however, lavcox and
Doug Ray. national expansion
associate, see a bright future for
a new colony on campus.
Interviews of possible mem
bers began last Monday in the
Century K Room of the EMU.
Ray said many people have
expressed interest in the frater
"We are really excited to he
back on campus,” In* said.
"The school has a good rapport
vv 11 h administration a n d
grecks, there is a strong group
of alumni, and the housing is
competitive. U of () is some
place we'd like to Ihi."
Ray and |aycox don't antici
pate the new fraternity will
have the membership success
the two newest sororities are
boasting However, they do ex
pei t membership will grove to
over 100 within a year
"We will be happy if we get
25 guys who fit the hill this
time around.” said Ray
During the first year on cam
pus. Pi Kappa Alpha does not
plan on purchasing a house.
Hut an alumni group has start
ed a fund-raiser to alleviate the
cost of buying a house for the
( hapter in the future
Greek interest falling,
but not at University
By Stacy Ivie
f merald Associate fiditor
While the greek system na
tionally is showing a decrease
in enrollment and interest, the
University's greek system is
The overflow is such that two
new sororities and a new frater
nity have started up in the last
This term. University frater
nities took in 2t>J fall pledges,
while sororities tallied 387
pledges compared to 301 fe
males and 7<)r> males pledging
during the same period in
i *m«>
Hut other universities aren't
seeing such an increase
The University of Arizona
lost dot) women and 300 men
during fall rush this year
"The numbers are really go
ing down." said Kerwin
Kroschik. president of the Pan
hellenic Council at University
of Arizona. "We had 1,100
women rush houses last year,
and only H00 this year."
Evelyn Bennett, executive di
rector of the Panhellenic Coun
cil at the University of Texas,
confirms the decrease in Texas'
greek system.
"We have had 150 less fe
males for the past two years,
but I hear that its common
across the country," Bennett
said "We are told to expect
this for about another five
The University greek system
has experienced the opposite.
"Interest on this campus has
been up so much that we had to
look at adding new sororities
and fraternities,” said Joe Law
son. University interfraternity
public relations chairman.
Kappa Delta, which solicited
its first University pledges dur
ing Spring 1900, and r.gma
Kappa, which began excepting
members this term, ure the new
sororities on camr.us.
Both are substantial in size,
with more than 100 members
"It is unusual that a new so
rority can draw so many mem
bers." said Deanna Jergens.
president of the University's
Panhellenic Council.
"We arc getting riii of our
negative image by rutting out
hazing and enforcing a stric t al
cohol program," Lawson said,
adding the new guidelines are
a big reason interest has in
( reased on a campus that is 20
percent greet
"The University has made gi
ant steps to make the greek sys
tem more than just the party at
mosphere." I .aw son said.
Jergens said she believes that
since the greek system took the
initiative to implement lint
stricter guidelines, students are
reacting to the policies favor
"Even though its a hard task
to take on. we want the policies
to work." Jergens said.
However, these reasons are
what other universities are cit
ing as a deterrent to students
"We're turning some people
off for a good reason." said Jon
athan Brant, executive director
of the National Interfraternity
Council based in Indianapolis
Brant speculated the anti
hazing and alcohol regulations
adopted hy many fraternities
may be responsible for helping
to weed out troublemakers.
"Sororities an; really work
ing on (their campus images),
especially as far as hazing and
alcohol go," said Becky Mitch
ell of the National Panhellenic
Society, also based in Indianap
Jergens said a changing stu
dent population plays a role in
the changing make-up of the
greek system.
"It seems that the people
coming into the greek system
and the University are more ac
ademically oriented and have
goals other than partying." Jer
gens said.
Tom Oberhue. Interfraternity
Council president, said another
mason for the higher figures is
that morn students are staying
involved in the house after rush
week is over.
The decrease in interest na
tionally is also attributed to the
Turn to GREEK, Page 10
University student Jason Karls (left) Has interviewed for membership into Hi Kappa Alpha by
National Expansion Associate Dotty Kay (center) and National Chapter Consultant Ken laycox.
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