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University Democrats — now officially known as Progressive Students Action Committee has stagnated for lack of leadership, said The rese DuBravac. former University Democrats co chairwoman. "(PSAC) does exist; it's waiting for people to see it,” DuBravac said “It needs leadership." Meanwhile, another student is attempting to re vive a c ampus group to serve the purpose of the former U Dems to work within the Democratic Party on local, state and national issues Don Stull, a senior majoring in rhetoric and communic ation, said he is in the process of re registering I 'diversity Democ rats with the ASl '<) Hnwcvet neither group has l>een organized in time to pattic ipate in elec turn c ampaigns this fall, a fat t that DuBravac: said she finds disappointing There are some close races; espet tally for gov ernor.” she said Stull agreed it was unfortunate that no Demo cratic student group was active on c ampus during the i ampaign season hut said most students inter ested in party |H>litics have helped out in specific races, either as individuals or as part of groups such as Students for Roberts or Students for Choice. Stull’s University Democrats and the leaderloss PSAC are the result of a split with the county branch of the Democratic Party that started about a year ago. At that time, PSAC' was still known as Univer sity Democrats and was headed by chairman Rob ert Kenneth U Deem members attended monthly planning meetings of the Democratic Party of lame County and also receiver! "matched funds" from the county party — a dollar for every one the student group raised on its own, up to $T*0 a month. DuBravac said trouble arose after the county or ganization loaned $400 to U Denis in September to begin a progressive campus newspaper. How ever. the final product. The Student Insurgent upset many member* of the county Democrats, who called the publication "too radical," DuBravac said At the county party s insistence, tne insurgent separated from the University Democrats — al though both continue to share office space with Catalyst Films in EMU Suite 1 — and Kenneth re signed from University Democrats to devote his time to tile new paper. Hut even after the Insurgent's connection with tiie Democratic Party was removed and freshman Heather Wright was elected to replace Kenneth, many students believed the more moderate coun ty Democrats continued to discount their "activ ist" views on issues such as gay and lesbian rights. Central America and abortion, DuBravac said. The difference in goals between the students and the rest of the party members soon became marked, and arguments became "counterproduc tive.” she said. After disaffiliating with the county party in lune. University Democrats changed its name to PS AC. with the intention of providing an outlet for progressive ideas on campus without regard to party ties. However. Stull said he was "disheartened" to hear of the name change. He worked last year with the party at the county level, although he did attend a few University Democrats meetings, and from his point of view, the students were moving further away from political participation. "In some ways (the disaffiliation) left a void when the party needed organization tin* most." lie said. Stull said he is reviving University Democrats to "take party action rather than engage in philo sophical quarreling over the direction of Univer sity Democrats." He said he still believes he is the target of some bitterness stemming from a failed bid for the posi tion of 1990-91 U Dems chairman made last spring, shortly before disaffiliation. Hut, Stull said he sees no conflict between the revived Uni versity Democrats and PSAC. "No doubt we’ll be addressing some of the same issues," he said. "However, we want to provide the necessary action to implement the in volvement with as many Democratic leaders as possible " DuBravac acknowledged that Stull's run for of fice was resented by some "protective" group members at the time, but she agreed that the two new groups should be able to cooperate, once they're off the ground. It would tie great if they could work together and co-sponsor some events." she said STUDENTS • FACULTY • STAFF Flu Uaauualieu Influenza vaccinations will be given at the Student Health Center every WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY. AND FRIDAY FROM 8:00 a m to 9 00 am beginning October 24th and continuing until the end of Fall term Only one injection is needed Annual flu immunizations ARE RECOMMENDED for the following: 1 Healthy persons 65 years or older 2. Persons with long term heart or lung problems 3 Persons with any of the following: kidney disease, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, anemia, severe asthma, and conditions which compromise immune mechanism Influenza vaccine MAY be given to persons wishing to reduce their chances of catching the flu, persons who provide essential community services, and stu dents or others in schools or colleges Students $3.50 Faculty and Staff $4.00 For more information, call the STUDENT HEALTH CENTER af (346) 4441 OFT Oregon Federation of Teachers AFT, AFL-CIO and the OREGON LEAGUE OF CONSERVATION VOTERS Endorses Senator Grattan Kerans Democrat Senate Dist. 20 I Want a great looking flyer lor an upcoming event? Letter Perfect Graphics can help1 346-4381