UNIVERSITY Photo b* l.m Kviih About 100 students and community members turneii out at the Oregon football game Saturday to protest the University's ban of the Grateful Dead from playing in Autzen Stadium. Group boycotts Grateful Dead ban By Daralyn Trappe Emerald Reporter About 100 students and community members boycotted the Homecoming football game and ral lied outside Autzen Stadium Saturday as part of an ongoing effort to persuade the University ad ministration to reverse their decision to ban the Grateful Dead from performing next summer. The band was banned because the University administration was concerned about the public perception of drug use at the concerts. Several protesters said they believe the decision is hypo critical. "Are they going to ban U of O football games because they have drugs, booze and obnoxious behavior?" asked John Vance of the Environmen tal Party. "It's unfair that they can ban one band and say others can come.” said University senior |odi Kami.ill "So some people can enjoy their enter tainment but we can't enjoy ours. Kich Gold of Eugene Peaceworks said he was concerned about the way the decision was reached. "It was just an arbitrary decision.” he said. "We need a sound policy for making decisions. Who's next? Who are they going to ban next tor what reason? ‘‘This decision is like the tip of the iceberg," he said. "Right now, it's only the Grateful Dead, but what happens in the future if someone in the administration thinks someone shouldn’t come here University graduate students 1’hil Nebergatl and Ho Adan said they think the protests will per suade the administration to reverse its decision "We think it will make a difference because we know we're right," Nebergatl said. "It was out of line with the established policy of decision mak ing." Hoth plan to attend a talk by Dan Williams, vice president for administration, who will dis cuss the issue Monday at noon in Room 100. Hendricks Hall. Adan and Nebergatl said they will continue to protest and gather signatures on a petition in hopes of resolving the matter in a mutually ac ceptable way But they said if the decision is not reversed soon, they will consider legal action. "We want to solve it as amicably as possible," Adan said. "There is talk of legal action, but we want to exhaust all other possibilities first lajgal action would la* a last resort." For Mar “I have viewed the University of Ore gon from many perspectives; as a student, a faculty member, a coach and as an Ore gon taxpayer. To maintain a proper balance, every facet of a university must receive adequate atten tion; students, faculty and specialized de partments. Marie Bell understands the need for balanced support within the uni versity community rather than focusing on “pet projects.” She knows tuition, class size, faculty salaries and accreditation must receive their fair share of the attention and funding. I encourage you to vote for MARIE BELL, State Representative. District 41.” Bill Bowerman Former U of O Track Coach Co-Founder, NIKE Former U.S. Olympic Track Coach Life-long Oregonian Leadership we can trust...For a change. Audtaimrd h The l uawMirv *> Un i Msnr Hr*. I l "ha| IU »2 M, I ugrftr. OR •TROI '27 years of Quality Service’ GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagon Audi • Datsun • Toyota 10% discount to U of O students on all repairs. 342-2912 OH®' good Ihiough 12/31/90 2025 Franklin Bhrd. Eugana, Oragon >7403 r “OREGON""! | PHOTO LAB I r Serving Lane County for 38 years. I Develop « rrmi C-41 135mm only 12 Exp. ...$2.98 24 Exp. ...$4.85 36 Exp. ...$6.53 Reprint.5/$1 1 HR. E-6 SLIDES Overnight Service 5 cards.$8.99 50 cards ...$26.99 10 cards ...$11.99 75 cards ...$39.99 15 cards ...$13.99 100 cards .$51.99 25 cards ...$15.99 Envelopes Included | Coupon must be presented when film is brought in. ■ Optn M F ,,1'MR | In Eugene • 883-2500 Robo-student? no. out she s a wah i student navmg her eye exam at Rainbow Optics' Muscle-balance and focusing tests m a Phoropter determine problems with two eye teamwork Our Automated F ield Analyzer tests peripheral vision to detect early stages ot glaucoma and Other sight threatening diseases The Slit Lamp Biomicroscope and Ophthal- 0 moscope enables the Doctor to detect V\ both outer and inner eye diseases In \ fact, our Doctors use 21 different tests _«rrna and state-oftfie-art diagnostic equipment to evaluate your eyes and determine your precise prescription Our stall ol three Doctors and 31 trained professionals enables us to oiler evening and Saturday appointments' When you have your eyes checked, get the whole picture, from rainbow optics ■■■ 766 E 13th . one block trow campus ■■■IBB Hours Bamto7pmMon-Fri, 8 am to 5pm Sat