POLITICS Campaigns move to Christian radio Frohnmayer pulling out all stops to get vote from Mobley supporters By Joe Kidd Emerald Politics Editor A firestorm of negative ad vertising on Christian radio sta tions throughout Oregon mas be Republican Dave Krohnmay er’s last crucial maneuver against Independent Al Mobley for the governorship. Despite the fact that Demo crat Barbara Roberts holds a slight lead over Krohnmayer in the polls, third-party candidate Mobley oddly appears to have become Frohnmayer's primary challenger by becoming his biggest stumbling block A barrage of ads aired over Christian airwaves the last two weeks attests to that. The ads — potshots ex changed by Krohnmayer and Mobley — have become both the focus of Frohnmayer’s at tempts to pull voters from Mob ley’s camp and a subject of de bate among Christians around the state. Campaign spokesman Dave Henderson admitted that Krohnmayer's campaign has targeted Christian radio ste tions in an effort to win support for Krohnmayer. who is trailing Roberts by (i percent (42 to ;tti percent) in the polls. "There certainly is .1 segment of voters who listen to Chris tian radio, and Dave is trying to reach out to those people.’’ Henderson said. "There are some folks who recognize that Mobley is not going to win. and w e want to pul I them in Mobley has about 14 percent of the vote, according to the most recent poll, with the ma jority of his support being vot ers that Krohnmayer might have gotten it Mobley were not in the race. The question both candi dates' ads direct to (Christians is "Do you vote for the candidate who most closely shares your own values, or do you vote for the ’lesser of two evils.’ if that lesser evil is more likely to win?” One of Mobley's most recent ails tries to answer that ques tion for Christians by exhorting them to vote their conscience by supporting Mobley, the only anti-abortion candidate on the ballot. It also labels Krohnmay er as “the lesser of two evils" Dave Frohnmayer when compared to Roberts. "Professional politicians are worried because hundreds of thousands of Christian voters have forever denounced the practice of voting for the lesser of two evils." the radio ad says "Forty years of watching our society degenerate has shown us clearly that the lesser evil doesn't help.'' Frohnmayer's ads. however, are telling Christians that Mot) lev is a lost cause, and instead of a lesser evil. "Dave Frohn mayer is a true fist al conserva tive." ”A1 Mobley cannot win this election," says Rep. Robert Smith. K-Ore. in one ol the ra dio ads for Fruhnmayer "He's not running to win He's run ning to send a conservative message to Salem. If you sup port Al Mobley, you could help elect the most liberal candi date. Barbara Roberts, ” Smith's congressional dis trict of Kastern and Southern Oregon has given the highest levels of support to Mobley up to in percent in the most re cent poll Smith's pitch for Frohnmay er. a similar ad narrated by lor mer Gov. Victor Ativeh and a plea by Frohnmayer himself be gen airing on both set ular and Christian radio stations over the last two weeks. Moreover, as the dispute among Christians has heated up over whether to support anti-abortion Mobley or morn likeiy-to-win Frohnmayer. oth er conservative groups have come out with their own ails AI Mobley And tliti onslaught of »ds. often times airing within minutes of oat h other, has raised concerns about division in the Christian community. A group called Christians for Responsible Politic a I Involve ment has emerged this fall, re centlv airing atls on Christian stations in support of Frohn maver Th«» group's most recent ad, released last week harshly denounces Mobley as decop live “A! Mobley would have vou believe that he has the experi ence net essarv to manage the state of (tregon But a review of Mobley's background tells a different story.” the ad says, claiming th.it Mobley's resume of having managed large budg ets as an engineer with the Army Corps of Kngineers is false Hut Mobley's campaign sees the group as nothing more than "a branch of the Frohnmayer campaign” with the "veil” ot a Christian name said campaign spokesman Darrel Fuller. Henderson denied those charges and said Frohiimaver's campaign has had nothing to do w ith the ( liristian group Hut despite the Frohnmayer • ampaign's let k of involvement with the group, the Oregon Re publican Party did handle the investigation into Mobley's bai kgrnund that resulted in the Christian group's radio ad And members ol the Republican Par ty were responsible last week for publicizing the Christian group's press conferences held in larger ( ities around the state * WUNMRUIND * SWEAT 90* PAMTlf s AMO OlMTNOAVS ’*VI0E0 AIL GAMCS WOftft WITH MlCKf IS 6AMES admission m so STM STRUT rVRUC RMRIfT f U(f Ri • M1-S4A4 THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE We ve gol your tan when you want It! SunShower on campua wmi'i'tv « u—h >«•< ■ EASTSIDE LAUNDROMAT • coin op 7um-llpm • drop offs 1430 Orchard Si. • drs cleaning 345-6133 DOCTORS OF OPTOMETRY next toLENSCRAFTERS DR. RON V. 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