LETTERS Enlightenment I would like to respond to some of the recent unenlight ened letters regarding National Coming Out Day. To begin with, the reason for celebrating is not to make any one feel sorry for lesbians and gay men. It is to show every one. queer or otherwise, that we are people who are proud of who we are and that life really is better outside of the closet. The letters written by Ron Williams and Brendan Briggs (ODE. Oct. 23 and 24) actually spoke quite eloquently in favor of coming out day because if ei ther of them had had a good friend, or a sister, or a father come out to them, then they would have a personality and a face to which they could attach the word gay or lesbian. We would no longer be anon ymous homosexuals or fags or dykes and they would realize that there is no reason to fear, dislike or avoid people who don’t happen to bo heterosexu al. lust to remove any doubt. Briggs, if you were It) have an "anti-coming out day" you would indeed be an insensitive homophobe. 1 would also like to thank Briggs for deciding that (were he able) he would not drive "homosexuals" from the community; that’s very big of him. Finally, as a queer, normal person. 1 would like to address Williams' fear that a gay man might "try something" on him: If you really don't find yourself interested. Ron. just say no: it's as simple as that. Women had to learn that one long ago. and this is a great chance to see things from the other side of the fence; with luck, it might build some character Michael Peeler Knglish/Philosophy Support for 6 The League of Woman Voters of Oregon support Ballot Meas ure ti because it is responsible environmental policy In a sim ple and straightforward way. Measure ti promotes increased recycling by requiring industry to use more recycled materials in packaging Like other effective environ mental laws already in place. Measure ti sets clear standards for manufacturers to meet over a reasonable time line. The re cycling goals are attainable and will result in serious reduction of waste going to our landfills. Oregonians know that recycl ing needs a boost Measure ti is the best way to make that hap pen. Colleen Bennett, President League of Women Voters of Oregon Waste ethic The Oregon recycling act. Ballot Measure (i. is a conserva tive initiative that will put an end to a wasteful, throwaway ethic. Measure (> is a workable solution to curbing the most rapidly growing p.irt of our waste stream, packaging mate rials like glass, paper, plastic and metal, by requiring them to lie reusable, recyclable or made of recycled materials Oregonians know that reduc - ing and recyc ling solid waste protects valuable wildlife habi tat. conserves our natural re sourc es and saves energy. In creased recycling will improve the quality of our lives and the lives of future generations The Audubon Society of Portland, the Oregon Audubon Council, and virtually every major environmental group in Oregon urges Oregon voters to pass ballot Measure t> The first state' to pass the bottle bill, in 1971, Oregon has Ic'd the na tion in innovative, workable so lutions to solid waste prob lems ballot Measure t> puts Oregon in the forefront once again. Marc l.iverman, Ph. D. Conservation Director Audubon Society of Portland Elect Nathan Your endorsement of Peter DeFazio |l)DF. Nov. 1) over looks a very important aspect of his performance. DeFazio mis represents himself to his con stituents First. DeFazio brags of voting for a Balanced budget Amend ment The truth is DeFazio has voted against a balanc ed budg et Amendment As the' Wall Street Journal reported (|uly 20), DeFazio was “trying to have it l>oth wavs " Two bal anced tin duel amendments were proposed in Congress. De Fazio voted for the amendment that would have encouraged tax hikes rather than spending cuts. DeFazio is no friend of fiscal responsibility Second, he has the lowest ranking (27 percent) of the Ore gon delegation with the Nation al Federation of Independent businessmen the nation's largest organization of small businesses. Most jobs are cre ated in small businesses, yet DeFazio usually votes against legislation that small business es support DeFazio Is no friend of job seekers Third, he is rated in the up per third of big spenders in Congress according to the pres tigious National lax Payers Union Such spending results in higher taxes and huge defi cits. DeFazio is no friend of the tax payer. How far can voters trust a Congressman who votes both ways on the Balanced Budget Amendment then hides one of the votes from us, who votes against job creation and who spends more of our money than two-thirds of his colleagues? This incumbent doesn't de serve another term. Send a message by electing a Libertarian. Tonie Nathan Libertarian candidate for Congress having a garage sale? Get the word out with an ODE classified | •6 Engine Service 1000 S. Bertelsen Rd. II Eugene OR 97*02 One Block North ot W llth Nolan lad flaia Specializing in Volkswagon Service For 32 years 342-3952 Student and Faculty Discounts Ml B»n 'IW. ^«|riw. (htpid I he Oregon Oaity Emerald is published Monday through Friday except during exam week and vacations by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co . at the University ot Oregon, Eugene. Oregon The Emerald is operated independently ol the University with oltices on the third floor ol the Erb Memorial Union and is a member ol the Associated Press The Emerald is private property The unlawful removal or use ol papers is pros ecutabie by law Associate Editors Community: Don Peters Student GovemmenUActtvtties: Catherine Hawley Higher Education/Administration Peter Cogswell Features: Stacy Ivie Reporters: Tammy Batey. Brian Bloch. 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