Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS K&saxusss'o-m. —, ~— - placed hi random claaalficeitona Cid owl Itw laaaar ad and turn ll In ■ritti four ad form Is racaias iha diacownl daaenbed mtMn Mia ad (I 'laaaar' ad par paraon par araak piaaaal To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 'ini'im 3l non The Mailowoon co*lumo* woro t«# from plain Thank* lot Reggae Dancing m tho ram* Lo*# 000 AAA AAA jratwiiNofti lo I KIM on your ponftollonic office* You guy* c1 Bui I m glad you r» my Ml •<». trust m« I'm tn bitaa! Lova SaraM naUWAIWI* Loaf gold bracalat «rttt» inmata Wat my yrandmoltwr'i. mo ana a lot torn* Ralum to JawoHor Taylor. MIS S€ Raymond Portland ON I77M TUUTt Make a difference! POSITION AVAILABLE ► on the OREGON DAILY EMERALD BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Oregon Daily Emerald is searching for a person to serve on the Board of Directors. At-Large Director This volunteer position is for a 3-yr term and is available to any member of the community. a student or a (acuity member or an employee of the Uni versus of Oregon, but may not be an employee or mem ber of the staff of the Oregon Daily Emerald newspaper The primary purpose of the Oregon Daily Emerald is to publish a newspaper that will provide education and training lor students in all aspects of newspaper opera lion by serving a campus audience with news, editorial and advertising content Board members act in matters of finance, policy ami per sonncl Members are required to attend monthly meet mgs ami in some cases participate in committees requir mg additional meetings The applications will be reviewed by members of the Board of Directors and they will select applicants for a personal interview Please submit your letter of applica lion and resume to Board Application Oregon Daily Emerald P O Bov 3159 Eugene. OR 97403 Applications will he taken until 5:00 pm Thursday, November 15th Oregon DULY EMERALD Mill'll: STUDENTS FOR BARBARA ROBERTS URGES YOU TO VOTE! Ann Koetlmg Ryan DeOart Ashley Teague Manon W'Ctt l ance L Pal A nolle Ma».am » Cam Ward Marfa Ato»anda Carey Tombufl BARBARA ROBERTS FOR GOVERNOR! Vote NO on 5 Student*. Faculty. Classified A Management Employee* Beware • Devastating to Higher Education • Significant Tuition Increase* • Reduction of Staff Gary Walker An Old Prof ISS ODE CLASSIFIEDS 1-STOP SHOPPING iTinwixmi ROBIN. J44 07Sf 20th YEAR! GRAD SCHOOL APPROVED Ed«tmg/dr**er tat ton aapan>»e Full resume *«r vice la*e# printing ON CAMPUS! WORDPROCESSING Experienced quality add mgrtyping ,CK academic buk Land legal with laser printing CeH Myrrh or Roy at 4AS4410 PLYING FINGERS typing service Fa*t, accurate professional It QCVpage up 4M-IO PAPERS DUE? NEEO Mf LP? Your Research Assistant Professional word processing, typtngredding etc Virginia 341 3306 (24 hr* ) ... Eapenanced typist Offering services on IBM computer system and laser printer Reasonable rates CaM Peggy at W4 PROP!*SK>NAL TYPING Also word processing editing Free pickups delivery Ronda 936 1692 Printed tent to computer files BBDnxsaan 7j 7 JStfO ' ' .u •... . " . I » TOtaa 344*4510 Mi I UthAve The WORD SPECIALISTS A, < ► (rfadualr School Approved ^\. • DlsseiUttoAA/TVvcVFspcn • IBM ( 'ompitihld)iik CosYcnwu • Iawi PriaUng/X »»*phH» • Idttin&Kr tumn CAROLYN CINDY DIAL A TYPIST MJ 7777 170 TUTflRIRft MATH-BIOLOGY- CHEM Tutoring at y©u» home or school One on one or group by credent MS tear nor Call Joe at AM 6307 fOR SAIE MISC r iffTwiwr" MATH • STRUCTURES • PHYSICS Can if you nMO tutoring Individual* Of group* Emily 464 5-406 mrnmm TEACH ME Hm drumiUcki, ytarn lo know how lo mm thorn Roll of pay nagottabla Call 4*5 Iff 7. m Io» Camtaft L'LHI! Bat* guitar with amp $i?0 464 2287 tfOiringt Desk 30 > 60 5 Drawer Formica SBOfobo 663 5017 _ FOOTBALL T SHIRTS Wholesale prices 16 JO each XL L only 100 ' < Co Mon _ Dave 342 3456 FUTON FRAMES 3 position factory direct Tartns, M0 Fulls. *50. Oueens. $60 Delivery Available /eg Mfg. 935 4476 Lika nawr • l' *av« M0 typewriter 110. rocking Chair M0. like-new queen mattress mi *125 Maaaoffat% Call 4BS3464 Round trip Lug lo SF Leaves Nov 20 waning, returns Nov 26 mom *160 Call 344 1270-_ Snowboard Burton 165 Crui/es extra ankle aliaps included *150 00 _ 663 3450___ THE BON MARCHE FURNITURE LtOUIOATlON (tasks c naira fiias fumltura •halving glass disp Mack lights plus much more' THE BON MARCHE 175 W Broadway Eugana OR 1000 am 6pm daily Including Sal and Sun United Amine Ticket t way lugm lo Oanvar on 12/13/60 S*00 1 456 4000_ WF DOING DRESS *V r 90 Si/«5 9iH5 130 lbs) *250 GORGEOUS* 343 4604 leave mas saga I'il'LlLU'i THE BUY A SiU CENTER Buy * Sail * Trada Musical Instrumants Stereos Photographic Equipment 361 W. 5th '*m ~ SEIZED CARS, Muck*. boats 4 «he«i am motor homaft by FBI IRS DEA Available your are# now Cali ’ rti;M «. 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OS/DD FD KV64 MODEM $90. 2400 BD INT’l COMPUTER CENTER 630 Olive 342-6479 MACINTOSH MEMORY 1 mb $89. 2 mb $130 4 mb $256 Free installation Memory DIrsd _34S-2S41 MS Word S O Student Edition Brand note; $88 Can coded. 8716075 nniiiQittm Sony Poaalvo tape dock: Auto rev Dolby B A C, 18 presets, 2 pre amp ouls. AMS. $125 Sony Passive 11 band equalizer w/sub-cross $75 Concord 110 Wall amplifier. $125 All three for $300 Jeff 4840887 Technique# rack system 110 walls per chann. full remote pert cond. $600 _8B66MB_ 2 Boston Acoustic 8 woofers mounted in custom bo«. NEVER BEEN USED'1 See to believe1 $300 Call Dave a! 687 5896 TOOAY1 m MIAli fcLflTHWft So. you're a tail student* Bmg Cherry Paiac# is a favonta any season 62 Wr 13th mil Apply lor a FREE VISA or American E« press card and taka off with a TWA $99 flight anywhere in the USA1 Call nowIBMB8I CHRISTMAS Spring Break, summer trevet FREE Air couriers needed and cruise ship fobs Call 1 805 682 7655 e«t f 1451 Save $400 i «• a .. . City Iowa Nov 7lh Dop fugene 2 30 pm Arrives Sioui City 9 56 pm F# mate only $120 997 2180*997 3144 TRAVEL ANYWHERE 2 R/T tin (1 mai» 1 female! anywhere in the US A Caribbean Good til 131/91 Puce neg Mall 485 3046 eves 1 way ticket from Eugene to Denver Leaves Nov 21 ? 30 pm Arrives in Denver 5 42 p m $150 Linda 686 1134 mbwiiyiiiiiyiE* REPOSSESSED VA A HUD HOMES available from government from $1 without credit check You repair Also ta> delinquent foreclosures Call 1 805682 7555 eit H 1454 tor r#po list your area_ If you have an accum GPA of 3.5 or belter, have al least 38 credits and were a freshman spring term 90 you're eligible to torn Phi Etc Sigma and/or Alpha Lambda Delta honor societies Come by 346 Oregon Hell for info and application Deadline for membership ia Nov B. 90 INTERNSHIP YOUR PATHWAY TO SUCCESS ORIENTATION MEETING TODAY" 3 30 EMU WALNUT ROOM Esetting Winter Internships in a wide variety of fields are available to Jr/Sr wilh major/mi nor in me College of Ads and Sciences Gam upper division c redit and practical e»p«rience gffiUflJimii Righteous bait play er needed for post modern band The Dawn Please contact Mark at 346 €311 AMAZING JOBS AVAILABLE The U of 0 Tatafund needs you Earn S6/hr while working flexible day and evening hours Stop by 2001 Franklin Blvd today or call 346 3433_ BO KNOW PHONES and so could you by working at tha University of Oregon Telefund •Earn $6 par hour plus bonus •Schedule vary flexible hours • Receive excellent sales experience •Work closely with the public •Raise money for U of O educational programs Stop by and apply 2001 Franklin Blvd 346 3433 _ CARTE BLANCHE To Independence S100K 3200K Annually Placing credit card displays Commission on applicants Override on monthly payments Call for interview (713) 4686440 9_am toSpm CST Easy Work I Excellent Pay* Assemble products at horn# Call tor Information 504-641 -6003 Ext. W2 _ HELP WANTED: W0RKSTU0Y CARPENTER Work with Art Museum's traveling exhibit program Prefer student in aM related field Flexible work schedule $5 45/hr To build wooden crates tor shipping artwork, and related duties Must be experienced with power shop tods For informa tion and appointment, call Visual AMs Resources 346 3029 "home TYPISTS, PC usersneeded 535.000 potential Details (1)8056876000 Ext B 9642 it s easier than you think to pay for your college education working at Jiggles Excellent money flexible hours Call Nancee or Brook for per sonal interview. 344 6887- _ Need 42 students each night for a survey involving environmental risks Receive 15.00 for about 45 minutes work Monday November 5 thru Wednesday Nov 7. Come to Gilbert 336 at 0:30 pm sharp Residential akilte trainer: weekend position available Apply Mon Fn 9 4 CNET 99 W 10th (Atrium Bldg) # 203 EOE SUMMER JOBS OUTDOORS Over 5 000 openings' National Parks Forests Fire Crews Send stamp for free details 113 E Wyoming Kalispeil MT 59901 SUN VALLEY SKI RESORT Sun Valley Co is hiring for the winter season Hiring eii restaurant and food department positions Discount skiing excellent benefits and some housing available interviews at EMU Century A on Tues Nov 6 For information Stu dent Employment 12 Hendricks Hall 235 ALDERWOOD MANOR I860 Alder Street Accepting applications for t A 2 bdrm flats m excellent campus complex Call Mike 344 5695 for details Jennings ♦ Co._M3 4219 large clean 2 bdrm ’ r * ' diswasher disposal lots of parking new carpet, vine! 663 8919 Irg 1 Bdrm Close to Campus Sep ba/vanity, large walk in cioael. ; bd/tvgrm/util closet Spacious : kitchen In a clean, quiet compiex Call 484-4103 Millrace Apts 1805 Garden Ave 2 bdrm flat just 2 blocks from campus 3525 Murry' Only t left' Call Gary at 345 7275 or Janmngs • Co 663 2271_ 1 bedroom water/garbage paid, see at 608 N 4th in Springfield 3265 plus 3250 deposit 6694479 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU hi. LAepy, /rs jcme H£UOr have you aw ANYMORE THOUGHT TOBEJNGAMtm INCANPtCma* 1 i pose TOPUie \ (TOUT... PND IP aeom wu sexve* imr I MIGHT HAVE TORE&GN AGAIN, mjd OVER TAXEG ENOUGH' Movie Thootor & onjviRY DOLLAR DAYS tvery Monday & Tuesday 342-4972 19th & Agate Monday, November 5. 1990