UNIVERSITY First King celebration to take place in January By Peter Cogswell Emeiald Associate Editor University President Myles Brand's appointed Mar tin Luther King |r. Celebration Committee is well on its way to organizing the first annual Martin Luther King |r. Conference, scheduled for |an. 21 Frank Geltner, chairman of tint committee, has con firmed that Attallah Shaha/.z. oldest daughter of Mal colm X and l)r Betty Shabazz, will give the keynote address at the conference, which is being held on the national holiday set aside to recognize King's birth date. The conference is scheduled to ire held as part of Martin Luther King |r. Celebration Week, which spans from )an. 15. King's real birthday, to the 21st. While this is the first year University students will not be required to attend class. Brand warned that this is not necessarily a holiday from learning "This is not a holiday." hi? said. "It is a celebration of cultural diversity for all peoples." ilrartd said that when he first came to the University he was surprised to find that nothing was done to hon or King's work on t ivil rights in the United States To change this, he worked toward, and eventually succeeded in. getting King's hirthdate declared a holi day for students so that they could concentrate on is sues of race and cultural diversity at the University So far. the committee has raised S.t.tiOO to fund the conference and Geltner believes the committee will have no trouble making it to $r>.noo "We re doing very well (raising money)." he said "We shouldn't have any problems." The committee is in the process of sending out let ters to students, faculty and staff members asking for proposals for presentations to lie included in either the conference or during the week. Geltner said. brand praised Geltner and the rest of the committee members for their work, saying he is pleased with their progress, brand has agreed to match money raised by tJie committee to fund tin* celebration tip to $5,000. Geltner said Proposals should focus on the conference’s theme “To rededicate commitment to civil rights, cultural di versity. rat nil equality, and economic equity University sponsored events for the week will corn* sjMind with community events sponsored by groups like the Eugene Minority Commission and its Martin Luther king Jr Task Force. University events for the week include a presenta tion bv the African Amerit an Drama Company entitled "Sister. Can I speak for You'", and a Him k Student Union sponsored t andlelight vigil Community events include a Martin Luther king. Jr memorial march and a Human Kights Fair The committee is currently made up of 15 members, hut Celtner encourages all who are interested in tin* committee's work to come to its meetings, field at < it) p m every Thursday in the EMU. The room numlier can lie found on the EMU's daily si hedule University’s OPS obtains new director The University has hired a new director of the Office of Public Safety, Vice President for administration Dan Wil liams announced last week. Carey Drayton, if Washington D C. campus police officer with 10 years of experience in colle giate law enforcement and se curity, was selected by a 12 member search panel headed by Williams. I Carey Drayton Drayton replaces Oakley Glenn, who retired Sept. 20 af ter serving the University for 20 years. Tom Hicks had been serving as interim director. Drayton had served as a po lice officer at George Washing ton University since March. He previously served as director of university police at the Univer sity of Southwestern Louisiana. He will assume his position at the University Dec. 15. Williams said Drayton, who visited with various University groups during the interview process, was highly recom mended to the search commit tee by a large number of indi viduals and groups across cam pus. Drayton said he is prepared to deal with a number of cam pus security issues facing the University and other higher ed ucation institutions across the United States. He added that as an immedi ate priority, he will work to re build the student confidence in the office of public safety from the reduced level that is evi dent in the recently released re port of the campus task force on lesbian and gav concerns. HERE'S WHY THE SMART MONEY AT UNIVERSITY OF OREGON IS GOING WITH TIAA-CREF AS IF THE FUTURE DEPENDED ON IT. Because it does. Smart investors know that your future depends on how well your retirement system performs. 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