I C/flivs / Contacts / E .ram* complete lab on premise* for fast service. Students! $15.00 off Eye Exam with Student I.D. Card rainbow optics 17hh I 1 lih Ave . one block from l otO Frw parking in Kick 343*33331 Monrv M l H,im • 7pm Kit Ham Spin_OHi.K KXIMK1-.S 11 Ml *Ui | Prusfi for UO undrrgraduatt and graduate iludmt* Humanities Center Essay Prizes 1991 Theme: Art/Censorship/Obscenity The University of Oregon l lumanitics C enter announces the annual essay prizes for UO undergraduates and graduate students. All students arc invited to submit an original essay or other piece of work on the annual theme', rhe 11 umanitics Center expects to award one prize for the best essay bv an undergraduateand one prize for the best essay by a graduate student. The prizes each will provide S.25QiQiL and die awards will be announced in the University Spring Awards Ceremony program and the’ Humanities Center Newsletter. In addition, the I lumanitics Center will assist prize recipi ents who want to pursue publication of their essays. Further information about theannual theme.and guidelines and a required cover sheet for submissions are available now in the I lumanitics Center, interested students should pick up this information as soon as possible. The deadline for the 1991 Humanities Center Fssay Prizes is 11 January 1991 1 inal de cisions will be announced by 2S March 1991. ENTERTAINMENT Continued from Page 7 from Exile" by Keogh and "Af ternoon lamdscapes" by Pe terson The exhibits will run through Nov 30. An opening reception will take place from 5:30 to 7:30 p m in the gallery, and the public is welcome to attend. SUNDAY. NOV 4 "Contact: Photojournalism Since Vietnam", a critically ac claimed photography exhibi tion. will open with a reception in the University's Museum of Art from 3 p m to 5 p m A talk and slide presentation giv en by Contact photographer Prank Fournier will precede the reception at 2 p m in Room 1H0 PIjC. The exhibit itself will run through the month of De cember. "Selected Watercolor* by IJona Boa*", a one-person art exhibit, will open at the Lane County Historical Museum. 740 W. 13th Ave. The show will run through Dec. 16. and ad mission into the museum is $1 adults. $ 75 seniors and $.50 under 1H. MONDAY. NOV 5 "Photography and the Envi ronment". an exhibit spon sored by the Society for Photo graphic Excellence, will open in the l.aVerne Krause Callery on the University campus. The exhibit will run through Nov. 16 and will feature an exhibit entitled "Water in the West Project," as well as the individ ual works of Robert Dawson and Peter Coin. Frank Fournier, a Contact Press Images photographer, • A On Our Entire Collection Of HERFF JONES College Ring Styles HERFF JONES College Rings ORDER YOUR RING AT THE UP BOOKSTORE THURS • FRI • SAT NOVEMBER 1 *2*3 i Herff Jones representatives will be at the UO Bookstore Thursday and Friday 10-3, Saturday 10-12 $.30.00 Deposit required Special savings for UO Alumni (Mpvrighl 1990 (•anfratuo (.orj/mifoatsil tram image* Paktia Province, Afghanistan, January 1980 - Mojahadim freedom fighter. will meet with interested jour nalism and fine arts students at 9 a m. in the EMU’s Ben hinder Room to discuss his work. Fournier traveled to Eugene to help with the opening of the University's Museum of Art ex hibit entitled "Contact: Photo journalism Since Vietnam." and will stay on campus through Monday to speak with students. REPAIRS S CYCLES WELCOME TO FALL SALE I I SAVE 30 % On All Riding Shorts! I CLEARANCE PRICES On '90 Mongoose & Fisher Mountain Bikes. SAVE from $30 to $50 NOW ONLY $299 to $619 "Meticulously Assembled By The People Who Ride Them." *new locationl 1340 Willamette St. Eugene 687-0288 wanted Students who want to develop their leadership and communication skills while helping their fellow students, APPLY NOW TO BE A PEER ADVISER! * Credit Available * The following departments are recruiting peer advisers for Winter 1991: Academic Advising College of liusiness economics education e.nglish History Human Services Journalism Leisure Studies Math Physical education Psychology RHCM Sociology TCP 164 Oregon Hull 271 Hilbert 431 PLC 112 education 1IX PLC 345 PLC 111 Hendricks 211A Allen 1K7A Psslinger 333 Penton 231 (ierlinger 141 Straub 211 Villard 709 PLC 211 Villard