UNIVERSITY Korean church group to meet this afternoon MKKTINGS Korean (Christian Fellowship will hold a meeting today .it 4 p in at the Wesley ('enter. 1230 Kinc aid St Call 746 4209 for more information Et als Marijuana/Hemp Ke-I.egal i/ation meeting will tie held Sunday at 4 p.m. in EMU Cedar Room I). For more information, call 485-3579. PT/OT Club meets Sunday at 3:30 p.m. in EMU Century Room A. For more information, call 346-3211. Oregon Voice will hold its weekly meeting Sunday at 5:30 p.m. in EMU Century Room I). information about the magazine and the meeting can la; found in EMI I Suite 5. Active Christians Taking a Stand meets tonight from 7 to 9 in Room 146 Straub. For more information, call 088-4121. SPEAKERS Margaret l.eherman. deputy chief of the Washington. D.C. bureau of NBC News, will speak today at 2:30 p.m. in Room 307 Allen. For more in formation. call the Society of Professional Journalists at 485-4721. MISCELLANEOUS Free Mac Orientation will lie held today from 1 to 3 p.m. in Room 175 of the Computing Center. The orientation will cover basic operations for lie ginners For more information, call 346-4394 Service of Holy Communion for Christians of all denomina tions will lie held today from noon to 12:30 at the Wesley Fun at tf* Market, NwemSet 3rd I I ii n (iiilhri I inn lhnr\ (BiYrulntuw IIJu I I iigtHt' lli^hlniuln \ Hi# Infill in Sin Center. 12 it> Kim .ud Si for more information. call 340-4094 A CD-ROM tutorial on the Science Citation Index will lie held today at 10:30 a m in the reference area of the Science la brarv. for more information, call 340-2308 International Coffee Hour will he held today from 4 to 0:30 p m in the KMC Interna tional Lounge All students are welcome, for more informa tion, call 340-4387 Catholic Masse* will Ih- cele hrated at the following times: Saturday .it fi pm; Sunday at (l and 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.. at the Newman Center, 1850 Em erald St. Charismatic Mass and Praise Service will begin to night at 7. for more informa tion, call 343-7021 lapanese Exchange and Teaching Program application deadline is Dec 20 for August 1991 starting date. Applica tions and information are avail able in the Career Information Center. Room 221 Hendricks The center is open Monday through Friday. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Unitarian Church 477 E. 40th Ave.. will have a ser mon on the effects of the sugar industry on modern culture and society at 10:30 a.m Sun day. Deadline fur submitting hit als to the Emerald front desk. EMI' Suite 300. is noon the da v before publication, lit als run the day of the event unless the event takes place before noon Notices of events with a do nation or admission charge will not be accepted. Campus events and those scheduled nearest the publication date u ill be given priorit\ The Em erald reserves the right to edit notices for grammar and style Arnolds HIDEAWAY QP( MON WED FRi fc. ^P S-7pm BEVERAGES WED & ERI STAN & FAUL THURS „ ■*’3 BILL WALTERS & MIKE FLYNN W 'All shows start at 9pm 1495 E 19th 484-7599 “27 years of Quality Service” GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagon Audi • Datsun • Toyota 10% discount to U of O students on all repairs. 342-2912 Ottei goot) IhfOugn l2f3t/90 2025 Franklin Blvd. Eugene. Oregon 97403 For Marie Bell. "I have viewed the University ot Ore gon from many perspectives; as a student, a faculty member, a coach and as an Ore gon taxpayer. To maintain a proper balance, every facet of a university must receive adequate alien tion; students, faculty and specialized de partments. Muric Bell understands the need for balanced support within the uni versity community rather than focusing on "pet projects.” She knows tuition, class si/e. faculty salaries and accreditation must receive their fair share of the attention and funding. I encourage you to vote for MARIK BKKL, State Representative. District 41 " Bill Bowcrntan Former U of O Track Coach Co-Founder, NIKE Former U S. Olympic Track Coach Life-long Oregonian 1 Leadership we can trust...For a change. \ulh<>o:rd h\ I Hr t ••ntnullrt I W» I Vtarwr H« II 11. t l ohny MJ I. I up ik t*N**.40l lieu • • »r N.ih llrjinH iii,HMr > > > > > ► » w w w w ww •m w w w m w m BIB OVERALLS Stonewashed Denim GET READY FOR FALL WEEKENDS: • Bamdances • Football Games Hours: M-F 11-5:30 Sat. 10-5:30 Sun. 12-500 —LTD Stops in front of store 820 Cdamelton • Downtown Eugene • Across from old Bon a. EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS MOULD BAND FEATURING ANTON FIER AND TONY MAIMONE WITH SPECIAL GUESTS ultra vivid scene EMU BALLROOM 8 PM NOV. 11 $12 Gen’I. Public $9 UofO Tickets available at EMU Mam Desk, Record Garden, Face the Music, CD World, House of Records