LETTERS Noon 10 We urge all pro-choice voters to vote oo on Measure 10. which requires doctors to no tify one parent of girls aged 15 to 17 stroking abortions Moder ate voters on the abortion may be swayed by misinformation from the "Yes on 10” cam paign Here are some facts For girls to qualify for the no tification exceptions the rape or incest must in; reported within 10 days of its occurrence. Since only one in 10 rapes is report ed. and even less frequently for incest, most girls will not qual ify for the exceptions. Measure 10 does not address the needs of pregnant girls in less-than-ideal family situa tions. All similar laws nation wide allow pregnant teenagers to request a notification excep tion from a judge Measure 10. however, does not. If passed, it will Ik; the most restrictive pa rental notification law in the country. Measure 10 will suspend the license of doctors who lail to comply with its notification re quirements. Also, doctors will face stiff fines which cannot L>e insured against. Without access to safe, confidential medical (.are, Oregon teens will face dangerous and deadly options abusive adults or illegal abortions The Oregon Medical Association strongly opposes Measure 10. Communication between par ents and teens is an important goal Most pregnant girls vol untarily tell their parents How ever. Measure 10 does not fur ther this goal for those who cannot. The informed pro-choice is a no vote on Measure 10 lackie Corduv Six co-signers Women's l.aw Forum Not far enough 1 like Measure 11. the one that increases educational choice 1 think that many of those who oppose it are more interested in education,il bu reaucracy than in individual children There is. however, one thing wrong with Measure 1 I It lets parents have ta\ breaks for sending their children to sc hools like be c lesiastic :a, the one in California where an H year-old girl was beaten to death and many other students were regularly beaten The Oregon legislature has recently banned corporal pun ishment from the public schools. And maybe psvc holog ical abuse will also be seriouslv addressed soon But what about the private schools? Measure 11 is lacking a clause that the non-public schools that benefit must have at least the same standards for protecting children from abuse as the public schools. The cur rent standards for ensuring a child's physical and psycholog ical safety in the public sc hools may lie Improved to further protect children Measure 1 1 needs to require non public schooling to be involved to match or better any improve ments. Children are hurt enough as it is Let's not vote for a imsis ure that increases parents abil ity to gamble with the*ir c lul dren's lives without any safe guards. lad s hold out for a [let ter Measure 1 1 one that in eludes the- provisions I men tinned As an adult having parents with high degrees and an ob session with academic superi ority. I know from experience that a beaten spirit is much harder to salvage than anv missing knowledge or skill. Alice Berry Eugene Off the field On the evening of Saturday Oct 27. a member of the Uni versity football team harassed my roommate and I as we waited at the check-out line at DOCTORS OF OPTOMETRY next to LENSCRAFTERS DR. RON V. CUEVAS OPTOMETRIST Of Ron V. Cue»ai A Associates 400 Valley River Center Eugene Oregon 97401 1503)667 4666 Am#f*c«n Oplom#«MC At»ocon Anorexia Nervosa & Bulimia Binge Eating Crash Dieting Vomiting Laxative Abuse Compulsive Exercise Compulsive Dieting When you're ready to quit we're ready to help. Just call M4-7372. The Eating Disorders Program at Sacred Heart 7-11 After Irvin# to bullv his way m front of us in line he talked itboul not having to think twice about hitting girls, and how he had hit plinth As ive tried to leave he and .1 friend blocked our wav When we went around they said. "That's right. you need to learn to go around." I retorted something Ikk k and they followed us out One of the group said "White girls don't understand blac k guvs as he reached in mv room mate's open car window and slapped iu*r Then he told tis everyone from Southern Ore gon is prejudiced 1 called ‘ill from the pay phone with the football player standing liehind me telling me it didn't matter who I called When they found out I was calling ‘11 1 they left Some of my reac lions to their harassment may have been in appropriate, lull at 110 time did mv roommate or I say or do anything that could have been construed as racist I was rude because I felt they were being sexist demeaning and because I felt we were being unduly ha r.issed I also assumed (wrongly) th.it a University football player who is in the public eye would try a little harder to lie a posi live role model rather than lie involved in and on itc inci dents that not only make him hut the whole football team look had I am not a rai ist I don't like von and it's not bee atise ol your c olor It's because of your sex ist harassment and the fear. Im initiation and hurt you c ausecl us to feel If this sort of incident is your idea of a black thing, then you're right, we wouldn't un derstand And a note to those who wit nessecl the incident: thanks for nothing. lenniter I.. Hoyd Kugene r Oregon DAILY EMERALD p o Bu* .11 Ml. t'egvev. s operated mdeperulently of the University with offices on the thud floor of the Eft) Memorial Union and i* a member of the Ass. *aled Press The Emerald .s private property The unlawful removal or use of papers i» pros eculahte by law Managing Editor Editorial Editor Politics Editor Graphics Editor In Touch Editor Associate Editors Community C> f Peters Student GovewmenUAclivtties Catherine Hawley Higher Education/Administration Peter Cogswell Features Slav y hue Reporters Tammy Raley Bnan Bloch. Ren*. D« Can Came Dennett Paul Mor gan Cathy Peter nm Ming Rodrigues. 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Lmda Kloastad Sheila Lorenzo Jim Mason Anna Rembocki Don Ross Jean Senechal Jennifer Smith Anne Stephenson Jennifer Thomas, Hon Walker fngrnj While Todd Williams General Slaft General Manager Judy Riedi Advertising Director Susan Theten Classified Manager Peggy McGinn Production Manager Michele Ross Advertising Coordinator Sandra Oaller Accounts Receivable Circulation Newsroom 346 $511 Classified Advertising 346 4343 Display Advertising 346 3712 Production. Graphic Services 346 4 361 Christopher Blair Rob Ward Joe KwJd Sean Poston Anna Rembecki Editor Abce Wheeler News Editor Editorial Editor Sports Editor Entertainment Editor Night Editor Chns Bouneff Pat Mat.iv h Ashley Conklin Layne l afcettsh Don Peters THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON r 1 Far away, on a hillside, a very specialized breed of dog heard the cry of distress. 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