REITZUG Continued from Page 3 ways this season liesides mak mg the incredible catch The Ducks were expected to have probably the Iwst trio of wide receivers in the confer ence with Reilzug and seniors Tony Hargain and Michael Mi Clellan. Hut the plan hasn’t worked Hargain was lost for the year in the second game of the season with yards in the season opener McClellan then look over tIn* starting flanker sjmiI but hurt a knee at Washington and rein jured the knee a week later lie has since had surgery and may 1m* lost for the season Through it all. Reitzug has continued playing, but even he hasn't escajred injuries lie is suffering from cartilage damage Feast For Four Buy a 16” 3 Item Pizza and 4 16oz Pops for ONLY s11.60 (Reg. $14.60) Call Today - 687-8600 Name__ Address_ One coupon per pizza * Expiree 11-9-90 Pizza Answer starts serving at 4pm N-F. 1 lam S A S ill his right knee Keit/.ug will undergo surgery once the season is over, and »f the wide receiver position wasn't a concern In-lore, con sider what it would he like without Keit/ug's 2