WESSELL Continued from Page 8 sell ,md Wilson have claimed (he lop two spots tins season. Neither Wessell or Wilson have been defeated by an opposing runner this year Wilson claimed top honors in the Minne sola CHS and Emerald City lnvitationals, in addition to last weekend’s Hat IPs. with Wessell coming in second each time At the Jeff Drenth Memorial in Eugene, the two switched spots with Wessell as the top collegiate finisher with Wilson second "Em relatively pleased with niv perfor mance this year." Wessell said "1 think that I'm performing consistently this year Cist year and the year before I couldn't be sure of how well I was going to run lleinonen credits Wessell's improvement this year to her maturity as a runner "Stephanie has really matured over the last year as both a runner and a leader." lleinonen said "Last year, she was unex pectedly thrust into a leadership role when Liz got hurt and that placed a lot of pres sure on her." That fact was never more evident than in last year's N’t AAs The N'CAAs were a dis appointing finish to a disappointing year for the Ducks Wessell was the Ducks' only representa live in the nationals last year as Oregon failed to qualify for the N'CAAs for the first time in Heinonen's fifteen years at Oregon "last year was hard because we didn't make it to nationals." Wessell said "It was herd on Tom not to go Individually. I think that I really choked at nationals last year anil that was a really trad note to end the year on." Heinonen believes that Wessell'* perfor mani e at nationals last year had something to do with the fact that she was there as an individual “It absolutely played a role in her perfor mance," Heinonen said "It was the first time ever that we ended up with a single individual at the N’CAAs I've seen the same thing happen to other individual run ners year after year. " Wessell says th.it although she missed having her teammates at the meet last year, it isn't an excuse for her poor performance there "I went back there with Tom and the men's team," Wessali said. "but I didn't have the rest of my team to warm up y m dividual voters A correct response is < redded each time the favored team aims by at least the predicted margin The numbers following each person s name represent that indivtdu al H overall record These ptedK tions are mien-led tor entertainment purposes utxly UCLA OSU UA WSU Cal Colo al at at at at at UO ASU UW Stan USC Neb * .Conklin (21-14) UO ♦ 10 ASU ♦ 1 UW ♦ 10 WSU* I USC .t Colo ♦ 1 P Morgan (IS-lt) UO*11 ASU. 1 UW*10 Sian*] Cal*] Neb*S R Weber i nisi U0*t ASU * I UW*!0 WSU *2 USC*] Colo * 1 M Rosa (11-17) UO *2 ASU *2 UW*2 Sian ♦ 2 USC*2 Nab*2 C Blair (21-12) U0*1D ASU*] UW*!0 Stan*] USC*7 Neb*7 C Bounetl (1A-I7) UO«7 ASU*] UW*10 WSU*] USC«7 Colo * 1 STAFF K.ditor: Ashlev (ionklin Cunlribttlon: lasori Mi Allislrr Paul Morgan Robert Welter Copy editors: Chris Bounefl. IVler Cogswell Craphit s editor: Scan Poston Photographers: Andre Kantori Mark '> Ion Ad Sales: Michat'l (Irnv Production: Saudi Duller. |im Finch )tin Mason Don Kos\ Michele Ross jennifer Smith. Ingrid While and Fodd Wil hams timer photo: Fodd kaanapu (In Andre Ranieri) THE BOX LUNCH CRUNCH. Order vour lunch before the g»me by calling us. We'll nuke it just how you want it anil all you have to do is pick it up on your way to the game. The new Club Wash. And you the night all we did was laundry. 13th ♦ Patterson «• 342-1727 L ookmg tor a good deaf?. ~ Check the Emerald ADS j EUGENE ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES SHOW & SALE NOV. 2, 3, 4 Lane C ounty Eju^iuuiuK t utroc'i Uifftl «nJ niutl lutirulul Nu*» over ftS Antujur IWtlcrt Admission - s2‘°° « All I H»*r l>*». 0«k. I’m* N W ilnul Ulliiluir, fust \ l ulUtliMt ( ilju. Silu i. Oncnult, Vjuilit. jr«*rlr>. [)olli luyi, tk*>ki, l if scut. I *> r, l Uki. l'»Mt «fdt. KlJiil. 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