“25 Years of Qualify Sen/ice’' GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Dalsun • Toyota 2025 Franklin Bhrd. 342-2912 Eogana, Oregon 97403 nil OFFICIAL ////// SHOP < I For Authentic, Official Duekwear, Real Duck Fans Have Been Coming To Us For 70 Years When you want the real thing, come to the Official Duck I Jill and Kincaid l*li. 346-4331 M-K 7:30-6 Sal. 10-6 CROSS COUNTRY PROFILE File photo Stephanie Wessell is hoping to improve upon last year's 58th place finish at the NCAA cross country championships on Nov. 19. Wessell out for better NCAA finish By Robert Weber Emerald Sports Reporter Fifty-eight. It's a number that is on Stephanie Wes sell's mind as she and Oregon's women's cross country team head into their stretch of championship meets. YVessell. a senior from Coos Hay. is dead set on improving upon her 58th place finish in last year's NC.AA Championships. "Now that we re heading into the regionals and nationals. I've started thinking about 58th last year," Wessell said "It's kind of a big num ber. I've been thinking about how much better I can do this year." Wessell is well on her way to doing better this year as she and the Ihu ks look to sweep through the Pacific-10 and Region VIII championships on their way to a top-five finish in the NC.AAs. The Ducks completed the first phase of their plan last weekend by capturing the Pac-10 title at Stanford. Wessell finished second behind team mate Liz Wilson as the Ducks scored 56 points and held off second place Washington, who fin ished second with 61 points. The league title is the Ducks' fourth in five years. Wessell was happy the Ducks won the meet but felt the team could have run better. "We didn't run the race as well as we could have." Wessell said."If we run like we can we could have won by 20 points.” It was the fourth time in four meets that Wes Turn to WESSELL, Page 9 RESTAURANT Students of All Ages Drop-In Anytime and Enjoy Our SNACKS • LUNCH • DINNER Nightly Specials Mon hisll A l >II|IS $3.25 Tues u" IV/ii w 4 1»»|»|miu;\ $9.75 wed ( .ll/OIK $4.25 Touts •A Hi. (I.iihIhii^u $2.75 FT* Miriinp & $3.75 Opm ** 4 rn ttatlv Sat HflflH'l )»nu htutntf Hi•»■«■'niter DANCING at WFIINKSIIAY. FRIDAY & SATI RDAV NKJHT Jg ID IHt HI S I ( OMI’U I DIM SOI \/> >t Sit tI IS f l (it SI ' III I'M In I InMIlfc I »lh \ Vllll l nil I JinpilA • I Irtkrv In go .V4.'-IK»*iI L-..I