EDITORIAL MacDonald, Tollenaar for the city council Eugene needs a city council dial is responsive to ihe community. We endorse Randv MacDonald for War*! I. and Ken Tollenaar for Ward 5. MacDonald is bring dial longed by Dick Briggs for the seal lasing vacated by Emily Schue MacDonald is a progres sivo with the ability to listen to all sides of an issue He is the former president of the Eugene (.ity Commission on Minority Rights and a recent graduate in political sci ence. with honors, from the University. Briggs is the governmental coordinator for the Eu gene Chamber of Commerce. He wasn't planning on running until MacDonald went to the Chamber of Com merce explaining his positions and his willingness to work with them. The Chamber of Commerce was worried. They did not have their token candidate picked yet. so Briggs bravely stepped in. Ken Tolienaar is our pick for Ward 5. We believe he is more focused on local issues because of his back ground in community involvement. He currently serves on the Eugene Planning Commission and was president of the Cal Young Neighborhood Association twice. Tolienaar supports community oriented police policies and wants to protect the Willamette Greenway against "conflicting land uses.” His opponent, Kaye Robinette, served on the 4J School District Budget Committee from 1981 to 1983. The voter pamphlet statement says that "Robinette is a fiscal conservative and a moderate on all Other issues.” The recent elections of Bobby Green and Paul Nicholson to the city council show that Eugene is tired of the ol' boy network. The Eugene City Council can continue its progressive turn for the better with the elections of MacDonald and Tolienaar. We don't need a city council that refects citizen referendums such as the Nuclear Free Zone. Nor do we need a city council that unilaterally wants to open Wil lamette Street. They are spending $60,000 on designs that exclude the option of keeping it closed, even though many citizens support keeping Willamette Street closed. We need a city council that listens to the commu nity. and accepts the community’s needs and wants. Vote for MacDonald and Tolienaar for a responsible city council. tAMMiMfc ft*?.__ County CormssicNER l**£ cojhti (Vt>rT(On n0.4 . Kfilh&JufrJe MKn.rim' Jtefc SCEEJCTS NcNffKfl^N occuP^f'cr^ . i*mc ’ Dapp uccuWnoN . kjw* of Mock Kl' Sou. QuMnttnws: "l’* TheKlHa* MoNB Op THE }&*& Lighten up and appreciate Stanford’s band Be forewarned, a band banning epidem ic seems to l>e sweeping the Northwest. First it was the Grateful Dead getting barred from Autzen Stadium. Now the Stan ford Marching Band has been suspended for at least a week because of their half-time performance at last Saturday’s Duck Cardi nal game. The band, in a well thought out and en tertaining presentation, poked fun at the current timber owl controversy raging in the state. It was a non-partisan satirical presen tation and should have been received by the audience in the spirit in which it was meant. But apparently some insecure Oregoni ans can't stomach the idea of those "Califor nia kids making fun of us." Oregon’s band director said the half time show offended a lot of people. But there were also a number of fans who appre ciated the humorous tone of the the show. Face the facts. The environmental and tim ber groups have been engaged in a name calling. no-middle-ground, chaotic battle that has made very little progress toward a solution. The Hand didn't create the prob lem, they simply made light of the contro versy — something cartoonists do to enter tain us everyday. While the band's shows are not the ac cepted format for half-time entertainment, they are more attention grabbing and enter taining than the traditional march-in-forma tion variety that drive most fans to tailgate parties or the Alumni Tent. The Stanford band should be congratu lated for their attempts to revolutionize half time entertainment. The band should not be punished simply because the message of their show was unpopular. That is censor ship. They did nothing obscene during the performance, and it did not breach national security. So, maybe Oregonians should suck it up a little bit and laugh at themselves. If censorship advocate. Jesse Helms, loses his re-election bid in North Carolina he might want to look into the college adminis tration field. There seems to be a new trend there that would accommodate him well. LETTERS Ad prey ll would appear that the km erald staff has fallen prey to ad vertising In the Oct. 30 issue, an editorial ran with the head line "Roberts refreshing change in politics." This comes direct ly from her slogan. "Change will do us good." I agree with that slogan, however. liarlsira Roberts is nothing more than Neil Cold schmidt plus ten percent. The editorial called Roberts a “doer" and not a "thinker." I believe this statement when I look at her programs. She would have to raise $201 mil lion to fund her programs. This means higher taxes Furthermore, the editorial hammers Dave Frohninayer on he grounds that he will not be ible to make "the strong and ■introversial steps necessary to form public school and high er education funding " I'm not sun1 that controversial is a pre requisite for effnt live reform I do know that Frohnmaver fa vors $!>() million program to improve higher edu< at ion sala ries in order to attr.u t lietter professors to this state. Roberts favors only $-tf> million for the same plan which she forgot to include in her budget sum mary It makes you wonder if she really supports higher edu cation improvement. This is s a very big election for Oregon The Register-Guard endorses Frohnmayer, and 1 ask you to, also. Everyone is asking for a change. Frohnmayer is the only candidate with the knowl edge and experience to begin the change in politics that this state so desperately needs. Walt Postlewait II Political science louraalism Logical Measure 10 stops all abor lions except in the case of in test. rape and threat to the mother's life Strong points have been made Abortion is the murder of an innocent life. I’m t hoice for the mother is no choice for the abortion. Abor tion is cruel torture and the tie strut lion of human life A question to consider In the case of incest, rape or threat to the mother s life is the unborn that is aborted any more re sponsible for the one who was aborted in in the accidental pregnancy? If you follow the same logic, incest and rape vic tims should lie forced to keep their unwanted children also It is hypocritical to say "save the babies" on one hand and then allow their "destruction" on the other. A proposal: Instead of letting anti-abortion activists decide who can have an abortion and who can't, why don’t we let ev eryone individually decide? Remain pro-choice. Aaron l)eas Political science For choice We've all heard a lot of rheto ri< over the last few months fnun the supporters ot ballot Measure Id. the so-called "pa rental notification" initiative. We've been told Measure 10 is a > ompassionate measure that would improve family commu n (cation. The proponents of Measure 10 say they don’t want to re strict abortion, "they just feel parents should be involved in their minor children's lives" — an ideal we can all support. I think it is important that we examine the real motives before we vote. Measure 10 is spon sored by Kight-to-Life, an or ganization whose agenda is not to make families more function al, but to make abortion illegal. If parental notification laws really helped families commu nicate. they would be support ed by — even sponsored by — organizations of teachers, so cial workers, family therapists, doctors, psychologists and psy chiatrists. They are not! All of these organizations in Oregon oppose Measure 10. this measure is a first step to ward restricting abortion com pletely in Oregon by making it unavailable to the most vulner able women in our society — those who cannot vote. This measure is so punitive to doctors that they will stop performing abortions for mi nors, and Right-to-Life is well aware of that. It is up to those of us who can vote to preserve the right to choose for those who cannot vote. Vote no on Measures B and 10. Sara Stankey Student LETTERS POLICY I hi* Oregon Daily Emerald will attempt to print all It tiers containing comments on topics of interest to the I 'diversity community. Comments must be factually accurate and refrain from personal attacks on the char acter of others.