GRID PROFILE Kaanapu paves way for productive Duck attack By Paul Morgan Emerald Sports Reporter Offensive tackle Todd kaanapu is an easygoing char acter lie's quick to give an opinion and expresses his feel ings with an easy smile If it weren't for his ti-foot- 1. 271-pound hody. it would lie hard to imagine kaanapu open ing a hole in the Stanford de fense by plowing over one de fender. then watt lung tailbai k Sean Hurwell run 75 yards for a touchdown while pinning down a second one on the same play Hut he did just that last weekend kaanapu has seen a consider able amount ol playing time as a starter for the Ducks this year, and has been a factor in an of fensive line that's been a spear head for the Oregon offense With four experienced players graduating from the offensive line after last year, many saw this year's line crew as a week link in the Oregon offense Hut kuaiiepti and his mates have proved they are .1 fon e that defenses must rei kon w ith The Oregon offense has pounded out 1.2H7 yards on the ground this season, the filth ranked rushing offense in the Pacifit 10 Conference The line has also allowed only 17 sacks this year while helping Oregon hold the set mill best passing offense in the conference, and only one of those sat ks has linen attributed direr tlv to kaanapu "Since I came here I've no ticed how tile level of play has changed.” Kaanapu said. "We play (letter la-cause we believe we should, anti we do it in a business-like fashion. Kach year the big focus is on the of fensive line: Are we going to produce? Hut it has to do with our own confidence, and not what people say.” Of the 12 players on the of fensive line depth chart. Senior tackle’s easy-going nature deceptive on gridiron Photo b> Amlrr Ktfiurn Offensive tackle Todd Kaanapu has paved the way for tailback Sean Hum ell this season as well as the rest of the Oregon attack. kaanapu. Scot Boatright, Andy Sunia. and Collin Mall an; se niors kaanapu and Boatright are the only senior starters on this year's line, and last spring the coaches called upon them to take leadership roles. kaanapu. in his fifth year as a Duck, takes the responsibility seriously. "I have tried to lead by ex ample." he said. "A lot of peo pie talk h lot about what they an1 going to do on the field, hut unless they do it it means noth ing. I try to go out and domi nate in a quiet manner." Steve Greatwood, Oregon's tackles tight ends coach, said kaanapu's leadership will Im felt in the years to come. "Mis leadership has been in valuable, ” he said "Last spring I wanted him to assert Dairy Queen Kick-Off Special I brazier WETKUJYOUMGHT 45$ OFF Dairy Queen s Homestyle Ultimate before every home football game Regular $2 74 NOW ONLY $2.29 706 E. 13th 343-7512 Otter good at Camput DQ and before kick-off only. himself more with the younger players, and he has set good ex amples." At left tackle, kaanapu is as signed to protect quarterback Hill Musgrave's blind side. Many times the defense pits its Itest lineman against Raanapu in an attempt to get at Mus grave from behind. "lie is an excellent pass blocker on the left side." (.rentwood said. "It s nice not to have? to worry about that side of the line. He has performed day in and day out, even with all of the little injuries players have to deal with this time of year. "Hut there is always room for improvement." he said. "He realizes what we need to do and remains focused." kaanapu agreed that there is room for improvement. "We have confidence in all aspects of our game." he said "We have the potential, but we have yet to play a full fit) min utes. I want to be as dominant in fourth quarter as we are in the first." Consistency is the greatest measure of a lineman, and kaanapu has performed consis tently well this season The Oregon coaches use a system to rate a lineman's per formance for every game, with a .750 percentage being an av erage outing, kaanapu has graded over .000 four times this season, including the last two games, and only has one game under the .750 mark. For all of his intensity, kaanapu is seen as somewhat of a joker by his teammates and coaches. "I like to joke around a lot but I know when to be seri ous." kaanapu said. "I like to have a good time, smile, and laugh." kaanapu will bid farewell to Autzen Stadium when the Ducks play their last home game of the season against UCLA Saturday. He said In will miss the intense atmos phere he has seen develop there over the last few years. "The first game 1 ever saw there was against Colorado, and we beat them in the last three seconds (32-30 in 1!J8(>|," he said. "And since then I’ve seen the team grow into one of the dominant teams in the I’ac 10. Autzen has really changed our view of how we play." ,o FREE Miles Student Weekend Rental Special! Don’t miss DOCK ACTION because your hair’s in your eyes! Our haircuts are only $8.00! We cut any length of hair to any style. Come in today to Kampus Barber Shop 851 East 13th Phone:343-7654 Men & Women WE HAVE 3 BARBERS TO SERVE YOU! NO APPOINTMENTS NECESSARY