Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS \Q\iMHiK M1MU IIO\s «j« •••lunng «aiu»t>ia ClmilM Ad**ni*#ng dttcounu will b# pt»cad »n random c U»*i treat io«* Cut out tt%m »d aftd t«,n ** ,n with your *d l©rm to tb# diacount d#*Cf*b#d within th# *d <1 !••»•« ad par paraon par «raa* ptaaaa* To Place. Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 mr TEACH ME Hm dfumtltcki y« am to know how lo usa thorn Roto of poy negotiable Coll 445 11*7. Mk kK Cormon Guitar Lessons from e>penanced performer and lOOChOf Private »tu0»O ree*0n*t»O rates Co»» Stove «t m 7*42 545*2*9 Boot Quito* with amp |t20 444 ??«/ o#*k M* mr 5 Drawer Formica _590/obo 443 5017_ I aerciling mochtrvo .. . S twin COt with matl'ess 545 Evenings 2H9 Gor» ^ 2719 UM now tioopor couch ft00 micro *«v« 540 typewriter |10 rocking chan 540 tike now Queen mettress SOt ft?4) Make Otters Col* 4*53464 NttfM K 1000 tOO. 10 2 n 999 V.vitof TO?t0 Lon* $75 Flesh 5*0 T«kum*r 2B-B0 ten* ft 25 Sot 5450 Col«W*t>twn9tt Mm 344 0210 S now boor d ft t on kilo strop* inciudM 1150 00 M3 5450 Vitemestaf ?0 fThydfOuliC ROWING MACHINE 525 405 0452 WE DOING ORE SS W " #* • 90 Sire 5 9(1*5 * JO »tr») 1250 GORGEOUS* 545 4604 ie*v« mossoQO 27 M l bike. 25mm Pentea Camara flosh. lenses Kodak slide protector 3434*44 usluy'bBTRAbT THE BUY 4 SELL CENTER Buy * Soil * Trad# Mu nee* Instruments Stereot Photographic Equipment 361 W. 5th Wo II pay cash lor your usod SOI levil Bong thorn to tho EMU Imam dosk areal on your way to tho gamo Sat Noe 3. t0 am to 3 pm Up lo 55 00 a pair tor adult liras (no holoi) uVTO.. 85 GlH Turbo »ei ket tKKlynntortor groat tail ?5 30 mpg 5-1250 6434240 iMBldYffi'S Bianchi Strada 10 speed En eiienl condition must soil Ail eat res mclud 4”5 *100t>lx) <•*** uy t*4** _ L- T wiring BHk« 89 f ujt Ace Portoe i”l condition t? speed asking 5350 ; Can 485 ?33t 1990 Gt * JMdfcorom K? j6 frame Ooore OX Ridden ?0 mi 554)0 444 540) 'ssMPUTERS/MfKs BEST PRICE S ON 3B6 SX 284 IB COMPUTERS ANO MULTI LINGUAL SOFTWARE DS/OO FO 10/54 MODEM 599. 2400 BO INT’L COMPUTER CENTER 830 Olive 342 6479 FOR SALE MISC 1.5 fcbM^liYtRS/EL-E’CTROWlgS Computer Systems West XT $749 00: j ?m 19*9 00 I i386SX »U9SOO* I System* include DOS 1MB RAM 20MB MO monochfomt mon«io* . Student 10 wd* race're dracouW i 3424153 Greel tn»t compute* Kaypro 2 gr am WOO 00 >44 8049 MS Wcxd SO SfixMrni iddton Brand new 199 Call coltaci 873007S mm Sony Pmiit Up* deck Auto it* Oof by B & C ’8 2 p#e amp ovti AMS $t?S Sony P**w*« II hand tquaiure* w>*ut>c*o%* S?*> Concord 110 Waif ampiifra* $1?S Ai‘ !h»tt «r>* %JO0 J*»» 484 088? Techniques rack »y*lem Charm full remote perl coo• \t. '' - I'•■ -s'1 fo C'UOfZeppefm Guitar *e»tK>ard tiaa* ifiionn AH lemi* and ftlyie* John Sharkey >44 44S2/34S SJ12 Twits*! TfWY ’hTmc Gentlemen’s Encore Wt pay TOP dollar lo* Man % and Women « clothing 1111 Willamette 343 6179 NOW BUYING Fithion treasure* are -'i **♦ unity Bing Cherry Paface 82 VY 13th ?QQ TRAVEL American Airline* n.yht from. I u (;«">» to l A N(i.e«'k' 7th StOO 747 0909 Apply to* i FREC . press c. a*d and lake off *!h a TWA $99 flight anywhere in trw? USA* t all oun 48S 6839 Save $400 '>><• way { ugo^e to S*c»u« CHv Iona No* 7lh Dap Eugene 2 30 pm Arrival Sfoua City 9 *«6 pm fa ma»a only $1*0 997 2180-99? >144 TRAVEL ANYWHERE 2 fVT u« if male 1 famalai anywhere in fha US A Caribbean Good til !/>t/9t Pnt a nag Waii 48SJ046e*e5 Two on# way plana ucfcet* to l A X on Doc 19th $90 eac h >44 ?2?S 2is OPPORTUNltlES It you have an accum GPA ol 3 S o» bat tar have at taa»t 38 credit* and were a tre*hman spring tarm 90 you re altgibla to fo*n Phi Etc Sigma and/or Alpha lambda Datta honor •odallai Coma by 348 Or agon Hall lot into and application Oaadltna lor memberthtp it No* 9. 90 164 W Broadway Eugene. Oregon 97401 (S03) i43 it>22 LIVING FUTONS & FRAMES l urmshings # I ightmg * I’osurv * I'lolhim; * Jcwdf) mbWBfumftES - Earn 17000 •««»• V#’ 'rw,.>nfh *• home C*J* 687 0935 ft pin Adylim# o*' INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Ava»i*bt* for jtiSr W'th majorfmmor »n the Cotiege of Aft* 4 St rent#* Her# a»* just a few of th* participating City of Eugen*. Of* Dtp! Kaufman » Wrt’em R-vent Gr** Scow* Counem xemt R*g»0«ai !nft> Sr*!**** Sk'pWOM* Hpm* tan* Reg»o->* Any Count •' Nee Stan Rmgiarr »Canve*f rt*w uxamg Gnu $fWr Read position dest options in 23t H*ntji»cfc* Mail and attend an orient* lion meeting Monday November 5 3 JO pm, EMU Watnul Rm for first chance at sign up* 220 HELP W/lR t ED AMA/IN(j JOBS AVAILABLE j The U of O Tetefund need* you Earn ; Mvhr while «Otktng fie ruble day «kv5 j evening hour* Stop by 2001 ftmkUv ! f Bfvd today or cafi 346 3433 BO KNOW PHONES and SO could you by woftitng at the UfMvtrilly of Onegon Telefund •Earn Sift par hour plus bonus •Sc.bedu«e very Mftitbkl boors • Receive enteiient sates evpenenc * •Work ttose'y aith ttve public •Raisa money for U of O educational programs Stop by ®n44 6*97 Need 4? students ••.» ' - ghl b-* a Reoatve 8640 for wo*# Monday November 5 thn Wednesday Nov 7 Com* 1 Gilbert 336 -V S JO pm sharp RESEARCH tAB MANAGER DEPARTMENT Of COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON The opening «* a halt time systems stall position to work with faculty members to manage research tab equipment assist with research problems install and troubleshoot hardware and software Qualification* require a minimum o! one year expert ence as Unix system administrator Desirable additional qualifications include experience with different a per aling systems especially Macintosh programming in ItspfcJC • • knowledge ol Ians ethernet tcpxp Sun NFS and lastly electronics design Salary is lift 000 Jtft OOCVyr plus benefits for this half time position Send resume by November 15 1990 to Prof Stephen FhcSas Department of Computer Science U of O Eugene OR 97403 1202 EO AA employer Residential skills trainer weekend position available Apply Mon Fn 9 4 CNET 99 VV 10th {Atrium B«g> r 203 EJOE __ SUN VALLEY SKI RESORT Sun Valley Co <* hiring for the winter season Hinng ait restaurant and food department position* Discount skiing, excellent benefits and some housing available Interviews at t MU Century A on Tuet Nov 6 For information Stu dent Employment 12 Hendricks Hell The Oregon Daily f meraid j one sport* reporter position i Requirement* roughly include a j 20 25 hour commitment per week > ( Applications are available in the Emerald office Suite 300 f mu i between 8 am and 5 pm daily Application deadline • * Nov [ pm A A f Of 2 at 5 ?35 APTS/DUPLEXES ALOERWOOD MANOR 1660 Aider Sir*#! Accepting *ppl«C alK>n% tpf ! A ? Cxlrm 1i#ts m eaceiient campus com pie» Can Mike 344 5695 <*!<■ ony 1465 CeM Chris #v*% 6 wide 663 4645 715 E. 16!h i Smgi« room *n ta«g« house |uSt on© j block from campui Cell Che# tor more mtothowmgs 465 6736 Student Plaza 945 E 19th Nice 1 bdrm *pt l#** than 1 t>u j | from UO Com op laundry on »iat>i0 »k>w m emeu j tom plea Parking ieu'wJ'y 1760 Millrace Apts 1605 Garden A»e i 7 bdrm ii#1 just 2 blocks ftom campus 1575 leave required | through 7f31/9t Horry1 Only 1 fell1 Call Gary at 345 7275 1156 Patterson } Newly remodeled 1 hdrm units | 1 Available ■*'>#' 4 blocks trom empus ONLY 1345' t Jennings t Co V 488 E. 11th Ave, £J 688-2271 laig# 1 bdrm apt t. ■ «* ■ 1 Clean qu642 or 345 0991 f urn rm m private home Util included 1250?mo All amenities cable TV In 100m friendly atmosphere 465 6747 ?so DORM CONTRACTS Dorm Contract for Sale* free case ol beverage Chris 346 5793 Dorm contract lor anywhere >ri UO housing Available winter te*m 91 Can Heather at 346 9 749 ?so DORM CONTRACTS Ul Dom* Contract fo» saie C**' K»n at 343 «MM 255 ROOMMATES WANTED^ Furnished 1 Mock from campus ■ ROOMMATE NEE Df D t house 156/mo WJ dap near campus av*«i immediately 342 22112 Roommata to share 2 BR 1 BA in Qu»ol comple* Nor*smoker drugs l?'2 50/mo * ’? util 27tn K Chambers VO t6?ft Wanted | ?2nd A Adams Rant • utilities 464 0692 (leave message > MdcarT 270 On Campus child care program tor toddler* Full and pa/t time PACE Program Center on Human Develop mant Jana Wagner 3*6 356ft _ Opanings avail lor 3 mo 36 mo Educational environments Call lor information 4H4 695ft ml mure The Studant Health Insuranca Committee will meat at 2 30 November 6 *n Cedar Room C lo discuss 1990 91 studant insurance issues For more information can 346 3702 2»o EVENTS , NOMINATIONS WANTED FOR OUTSTANDING WRITING GTF Did your GTF «n English Composition help you become a belter writer^ Hera is your chance lo say thanks If you *s*h to nominate your writing 12V 122 o» 123 teacher for fhe English Oepanmerit s annual OUTSTANDING GRADUATE STUDENT TEACHER OF EXPOSITORY WRITING award please write a latter of nomination and send it to the director ol Composition English Department 118 PuC Nomination* will be solicited throughout the year Workshop ’ >r • v*\tigator* conduct mg trseari h with human sub|#cls Monday Nov 5. 3 30 pm EMU Gum wood loom Call ORSP 346 5131 sat.rov 3 YOU’RE INVITED RECEPTION/OPEN HOUSE Oaf Sun Nov 4 1990 j Tuna 2 00 p m j location Mi t 1 ft h (YWCA HouM) y+mkmub W •Study lOung* •Maetmg focwns j •Appnancad Kile nan ‘Bathrooms • Pa«* Mantor prog •Schotarstaps •VcHuniaai Options »Ha»pfut Sta** • Nat YWCA Mfmt>a<»hips •Koma ! ka at"i: \pn«)f* imputar vT>pav»fii#fs •Paranii/^ CJat,r»rn We Have A Lot To Otter 215 JtBTS & ENTERTAINMENT BUNGEE JUMP 683 0857 S55 S95 2«5 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 0»5C OUWT »HOW» SuUoH TwWM tcr^T'i?00 »iVf* Sat 10 T>» Mr#i *f Vm» lyrlt M«Wf .BERKELEY IN THE ‘60S,, Tor.^t 7 15 • TO-*' Sa 7 00 "A mmm «ond«U drama atorx* kara and <*a*m« and raae<*'«M*«t * [|K3 daaaa «M- mm Saturday, November 3 7:00 and 9:30 150 GEO S2 Students S2.50 public Doonesbury BY GARRV TRUDEAU YOU SHOUOHAVE SUN THE VismcToma.dOss'. n*> PACKET?MTU YOU* fVWU 4 CONSTITUENTS XHf&WBH/jm REFUSING TO LEAVE UNTIL. / _ YOU AGUE TO RUN / \\ AGAIN! , \ '• -"J OH. PEAR. SUCOttK7 LAEEY, THAT WORK yOU PORT HAVE A po.ieentR successors esporse an her MYSOCEES- PARTY', SORScAN PlQACYAT ONCE' iOUROLDFKl VENTURA AmXJNCW, BUT HE WAE> BURNED iN EERI6Y PURJMO THE LABOR CAY PARADE A\NP i HAD TO WITHDRAW l MEAH YOUR SUPPORTERS ARE FANA1KAL ! THANK YOU LACSY, THEY OMR.. YOU LOVE YOU! MAKS MS LSI THEM SOUNPUKB VOTE-FOR MUS&OUW- YOU'