Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 Hello Rhounda R Ploate call m# I'll com* to the tiah bowl at 11 30 1? 20 747 3504 \4 \* ALPHA PHI TAU CHAPTER would like to welcome if* alumni and paranta to calabrata it* 75tb yaar on thla campua" - Congratulations to everyone who is a part ot it! Il'a going to bo a groat timo for all" AOA4. A4» A4> CONGRATULATIONS TO SHANTI L. tho boat P R Chair Panhollonlc could have gotton Wo know you'd bo greatl! Love. your aialora \ X A Thank you lor Ihe Halloweenor last Saturday' It was super What great decorations Love. Gamma Phi Bela 105 PERSONALS - PRIVATE HELP FROM FRIENDS Free Pregnancy Testing BIRTHRIGHT 6*7 MSI ; Christine L CONGRATULATIONS From All of ut Thor* was never a doubt* Love. your sisters HEY SCHROEDER iMI than 4« hour* And counting1 Hava a grAAt day man' BART Honeybear Congratulation* on being picked j You re the one that can t be Hcked Soon the weekend will soon be here When you re near me. never leer' j __ I LOVE YOU* K A<» AMY F. The retreat was a treat! You did an awesome H>t> love, your Tbela sisters' K RE NOE LII BIRTHDAY NOOOIES’ __ Love. Pack _ Alumnus Babe, Welcome back to Eugene. I'm so glad you're here! Love U- Mookie 105 PERSONALS A NO The Caretakers Ball was a bash! Can't wait until next year! P S. Buy the t shirts. ex 0X Congratulations Andy on you* pmmng lo lema The brother* of Theta Cht wish the both ol you the be*I ol luck Keep it up you two make a great couple' t»\_X\l> CONGRATULATIONS Misty Monroe on bemg the first person to correctly { Ml out yesterday s crossword puzzle Be the brat person to bring ’ the solved crossword puzzle to the i Oregon Daily Emerald Office Room too EMU alter Bam & win a FREE | ODE T shirt A a 15 credit tor classified advertising1 1 r. . *e#k pte—t) 1 FIJIS Thanks guys tor your willingness to help with our incredible Homecoming banner especially lo those who helped get it up on the house m the pouring ram Monday mght Thanks also lo Deanna* 105 PERSONALS CALVIN O Kelly 8 »* looking tor you Call 34a 664* ELECTIONS Vote NO on 5 Student* Faculty Cla*«tfted A Management Employee* Beware • Devattafing to MiqImm Education • Significant Tuition Increete* • Reduction of Stall Gary Walker An Old Pro! ISS Who Decide*1 You or Right to Lite”? Vote Pro choice Vote NO on 8 and 10 Student* lor Choice. 346 4431 . Lo*t gold bracelet with initial* Wa* my grandmother *, mean* a lot to me Return to Jennifer Taylor. 6315 SE Raymond Portland OR t/a06 71* 04-’* Hnnjrr'iWiTiHt FOOTNOTES TYPING SVC. IWint » nn impu» LASER PRINTING ftm 21 f MU ground floor U6 3/29 115 TYPIWG SERVICES P*ggy ' TYP,mO S#fVIC# Fe=J typist offetmg *#'»<. ^ • iHM . mpplr- •->»!*?» »-*tJ py>Al«f R*)«i ' Call P*W)y «t 142 4«ft« PROHSSlONAl TYPING Also p»©i-«'i,vr»g m-W^g Pro* i‘*Cfcwp"‘»N*t’*n#*Of'.P St OtVpoo* uf 484 9038 ROBIN 344 0759 20tfi YfAR' ORAO SCMOOl APPROVI D t HI t4l>on Full -m* v*< « IA*«» printing ON CAMPUS! 344 4510 905 1 1)1* Av« The WORD SPECIALISTS] • (»t*du4if S»h**»»l Approved * \_^ • DiuciUIkxiv'1 Kc« x« On« <>n &n» 0i group f>Y >"r«Kl«nt M \ t*.* »>*■' Call Jm •! w* 6307 i?5 INSTRUCTION FREE MAC ORIENTATION Friday, November 2 1:00 pm-3:00 pm Room i75 Computing Center Basic MKlntosh Operations lor beginners _ LEARN td°*NcE m Swing* Ballroom‘Latin Join that* fun uptoil claim1 Saturday* 12 30 2. Mon ava* S4SI 15 pm 14 par coupta/f v* hr clan Location: Pacific Nautilus 189 W 8th f or more into t«ur>« 34? 3090 r DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE WITH N A BIRTHDAY THIS MONTH? j Cx. you do. come to the ODE Classified Department and wish them HAPPY BIRTHDAY for only 50C per line! V. J PASTA NIGHT-ALL YOU CAN EAT! SUNDAY NIGHT PASTA FEAST Every Sunday from 4|>m to 10pm Includes: • a variety of pastas & sauces • salad & french bread Bring student nr faculty 1.0. £ Original foe’s • 21 West Oth St. • Eugene • Across from the Hilton • 485-2W09 R UP FOR THE GAME! DUCKS VS. UCLA THIS SATURDAY - LAST HOME GAME OF THE SEASON! OMIUKUMT IUUU U LJJ MUINUAY - N