ARTS Yuppie play offers 1930s humor By Ming Rodrigues Ertcon? Revorter__ t 'niversity Theatre continues its mainstage season with a witty, romantic, yuppie comedy opening this Friday in Robinson Theatre Playwright Richard Greenbergs Eastern Standanl. set in New York City, mixes and matches couples and classes in a comic summary of the 1980s but is similar to the comedies of the 1930s and 1940s Greenberg is a drama graduate from Yale and last year his play Eastern Standard was the first of his four plays to go to Broadway. “I believe Eastern Standard is more than an apology for yuppie lifestyles," said director John Schmor. a graduate student in theatre arts "It is a play about slightly damaged people trying to make a better life, one with social re sponsibility and commitment to those they love. It's about four people who are nearing thirty and finally learning to grow up." The characters include a Wall Street broker whose lover is in jail for insider trading, a televi sion producer learning to live with AIDS, an ar chitect who hates his work, a Soho artist and a waitress-would-be-actress. Schmor pointed out that the play's appeal particularly lies in the honest portrayal of its two gay characters, the television producer and the Soho artist, who are lovers and whose sexuality is not an issue in the play. "There is no painful stereotyping in this play and that's important," Schmor said. Eastern Standard plays in repertory with Un ford Wilson's Horn This, another contemporary play about life and love which opened last Fri day. Tickets are $8.50 for the general public and $4.50 for students and senior citizens. All seats are reserved. Tickets can be picked up at the Rob inson Theatre box office from 12:30 to 4 Monday through Saturday and from 6:30 to 8:15 p in. on performance nights, or by calling 346-4191. Additional performances are set for Nov 3. 8. 16. 17 and 29. All performances start at 8 p in. BY 6p.m. MONDAY U WILL BE TOO LATE... AtachnotoglcalbiaaldhrouBha«cfcafUBV»urnBoaa‘!ftdBn0' quanta**. 1 UO BOOKSTORE AUPP/V1PEO MAIN FLOOR OF BOOKSTORE 13TH AND KINCAID M-F 7:30-6 SAT 10-6 PH. 346-031 MONDAYS THROUGH fRIOAYS Luncheon Specials Sop Kambing lamb and vegetable soup $475 CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT Upstairs next to U ot O Bookstore 879 t. Uth iAS-XUl MR. MIKE'S Has Moved! Eugene’s Largest Selection Of USED CD’s & Tapes is \ Now Closer to Campus 120% off I entire s purchase . I ! 195 E 17th WHNiED: Students who want to develop their leadership and communication skills while helping their fellow students. «* APPLY NOW TO BE a PEER ADVISER! * Credit Available * •» The following departments are recruiting peer advisers for Winter 1991: Academic Advising College of IIusiness Economics Education English History Human Services Journalism Leisure Studies Math Physical Education Psychology RHCM Sociology TCF i 164 Oregon Hall 271 Gilbert 431 PLC 112 Education 11* PLC 345 PLC lit Hendricks 211A Allen 1X7A Ksslinger 333 Kenton 231 Gerlinger 141 Straub 211 Villard 709 PLC 211 Villard