ARTS Art students enroll in ‘Real Life KM’ Their art galleries will open tonight By Layne Lakefish Emerald Entertainment Editor They say that out-of-class ex periences top all. So, how does opening two art galleries sound? It sounded great to two Uni versity students, who went ahead with the project. Now they're businessmen — the pro prietors of two downtown con temporary art galleries. On campus they're known as seniors William White and Shan Anderson. White is clas sified as an arts major and An derson is a bachelor of fine arts student. Hut in town, call them own ers and curators. Tonight is the big night, the debut. Tonight Metro Arts and the Win. White Gallery will cel ebrate their grand openings from 6 to 9 p.m. at -t-l W. Broadway. The galleries, said the own ers. are very contemporary and w ill fill a niche currently miss ing in Eugene “We’re doing stuff a lot dif ferent." White said. “These are different from most galleries because there are more origi nals. paintings and one-of-a kinds. “We have a range of art work as well as style and affordabili ty." he said. “Most of our works are origi nals, and they're more fun and livelier." Anderson said. “I think there's a lot more aware PHoto bv S*«n Pmlon University students Shan Anderson and William White are owners and curators of two new naileries. ness of this stuff in Eugene now." The businessmen involved in these endeavors can't wait for the grand opening, but the stu dents behind the businessmen have another story to tell "This is accelerated grad school," White said. Anderson called the business venture "Real l.ife 101." "It ended up being less ex pensive than I thought through the process of doing it our selves." White said “When we started with the gallery spaces, the colors were orange and avo cado." Needless to say. White and Anderson strived to make the galleries’ atmospheres more pleasing. "It was a lot of hard work." Anderson said. "But the nice thing is realizing that I might be able to create something here in Eugene for myself " On the other hand. Anderson has gotten something different out of the project "For me, it was being able to set out on a venture that was risky "It’s also important to me to be able to do non-profit shows," he said, referring to non-profit shows the two gal leries are planning to exhibit after the first of the year Hut for now. White anil An derson are focusing all their en ergy on tonight and the galler ies’ opening exhibits. Metro Arts' inaugural exhibi tion will feature the works of Suzanne k 1 o t z . Mark Hulwinkle and Hill Berchou Next door, the Wm White Gallery will be displaying the contemporary lighting fixtures of University bachelor of fine arts student John Thompson After opening night, the two galleries will he open daily from 114 p m. On Our Entire Collection Of HERFF JONES College Ring Styles HERFF JONES College Rings ORDER YOUR RING AT THE UP BOOKSTORE THURS • FRI * SAT NOVEMBER 1 >2*3 i Herff Jones representatives will be at the UO Bookstore ^ Thursday 10 - 3, Friday and Saturday 10 -12 ^ 530.00 ldeposit required. Special savings for UO Alumni —Alpine Import Service— VOLVO Owners FREE SAFETY INSPECTION we^Byour ■VOLVO 12th & Main, Springfield — 726-1808 *1095 Oil Change includes oil and filter 4 cylinders only U of O FIpa^p Headquarters i Hoods...... *15,5-‘24“1 Cram ...... ,13"-,19" Pants.‘192 10% STUDENT DISCOUNT WITH CURRENT I.D.* •on non ulf Homs only Largest selection in the Northwest: • Patagonia • Northface • Woolrich • Moonstone JVTKENZIE I O U T F I T T E R s | 79 W. BROADWAY VALLEY RIVER CENTER Uor tf-j } *5 I i 10 j 9 30 6 W ' (R»g Ct»n|r' hours) WE’LL GIVE YOU FIRMER, LONGER-LASTING CURLS! Let us design your very own super sol! Matrix perm and experience full-bodied waves filled with life1 Enjoy long-lasting curls with a heallhy looking silky shine Call Our Style Experts Today For An Appointment. juAtmur (J 686-1435 50 West 13th, Eugene FREE PARKING Evening Appts. 20% OFF all retail products 1 l 1 $15 OFF Perms and Color Weaves* 1 ® /Doth ran CanH nn\ 1 (Both reg. $45 and up) $3 OFF haircuts Oiler expires December 31, 1990 Oiler good with Ricia. Penny, Nanci & Edna only ‘New clients only Not valid with any olher oiler I I I I L. located at i^ f^r d686-1435 i i i i .j