Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 01, 1990, Page 5, Image 5

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    Continued from Page 4
Mobley's candidacy, previously just a thorn in
Frohnmayer's side, may have become shackles on
the Republican's feet. Mobley just might cost
Frohnmayer the election.
A poll released Tuesday bv Portland -area TV
station KPTV placed Democrat Barbara Roberts at
42 percent of the support. Frohnmayer at ;tti per
cent. Mobley at 14 percent and Libertarian Fred
Oerther at 2 percent. Because the poll has a 4 per
cent error margin. Roberts is seen as having a
slight lead over Frohnmayer.
Frohnmayer. having admitted that most of
Mobley's conservative support comes from what
could have been votes for him. has bashed Mob
ley as a "spoiler candidate" throughout the cam
paign. But Frohnmayer's dispute with Mobley
over the gubernatorial race is only the visible
forefront of a larger battle being waged over abor
tion within Oregon's Republican Party.
Both sides of the issue point to a series of
meetings this spring that led to Mobley's entering
the race. Frohnmayer claims the Oregon Citizens
Alliance, a conservative group that opposes abor
tion and of which Mobley was vice-chairman, at
tempted to blackmail him by presenting a list of
demands that Frohnmayer would have to meet for
OCA not to run a candidate against him. Mem
bers of Mobley's campaign say that Frohnmayer
initialed the meetings and asked for a list of re
When those negotiations fell through. Mob
ley. formerly a Republican, entered the race as an
independent candidate. And since then, a con
stant tug-of-war over abortion has continued be
tween conservative and moderate Republicans
In September. Republicans in Salem. Eu
gene. Portland and Medford threatened to resign
front their posts within the party to protest GOP
drifting from a strong anti-abortion position Al
though they didn't quit their posts. Republicans
in lane County drew up a resolution stating thev
would not support any candidates who refuse to
adhere to the GOP platform, which offic tallv op
poses abortion.
Nevertheless. Frohnmayer continues to call
Mobley a "one-issue candidate." who is a "divi
sive force" within the campaign Mobley's main
reason for running is to oppose both Frohnmayer
and abortion, Frohnmayer said, and "the rest is
just frills on the cake."
Hut Mobley claims Frohnmayer is one-and
the-same with Roberts, ami that "Frohnmayer fits
with the liberal Democratic platform." Mobley
differs with Frohnmayer on issues ranging from
property tax relief to school-choice.
However, Mobley does continue to vocally
oppose Frohnmayer on abortion. "Frohnmayer
probably can't read the GOP state and national
party platforms." he said with a laugh
Continued from Page 4
itiatives would deny women
the right to make their own pri
vate choices about abortion.
Frohnmayer described his
position on the issue as “long
standing.” saying that he “re
spects the private choice of the
Roberts holds the same con
viction. “1 believe in a wom
an's right to choose and would
not vote to limit that choice."
Roberts said early in her cam
Libertarian candidate Fred
Oerther said he is "pro-choice
on everything." statiriK that
"the woman's right to choose
should be protected."
Mobley, who switched his
party affiliation this spring
from Republican to run as an
independent candidate, has
called Frohnmayer "just anoth
er member of the liberal wing
Frohnmayer. however, has
condemned Mobley, claiming
Mobley and the Oregon Citi
/.(•ns Alliance, a conservative
group backing the indepen
dent, have drawn voters away
from the Republican race This
division, in effect, adds sup
port to Roberts' campaign
The most recent statewide
poll, released Tuesday by Port
land TV station KPTV, pegged
Frohnmayer with 36 percent of
the vote against Roberts' 42
percent. Mobley received 14
percent and (Jerther drew 2
percent support of the poll,
which had a 4 percent error
Continued from Page 1
Adan has personally collect
ed 1.500 signatures on his own
statewide petition drive, and
said he expects to have 10.000
when the petitions are returned
to him
He is encouraging everybody
who is concerned about the
Dead ban to write to Williams.
He said he has seen flyers on
campus that read "Make Dan
William's office the Dead letter
A few people expressed con
cern that they don't want to
cause a rift between the Athlet
ic Department and Dead fans,
and some even hope the Athlet
ic Department will support
them "Many sports fans are
also Dead fans," Vance said.
There was disagreement
about whether the ban is a free
speech issue Vance said it is,
"They don't want the Dead to
play because they say they edu
cate the public about drugs
through their music.”
Adan said it is difficult to de
termine if this is really a First
Amendment violation "When
you talk about censorship and
free speech, you gel into the is
sue of public property vs. pri
vate property."
Another protest is planned .it
Autzen Stadium before this Sat
urday's homecoming game
against UCLA.
Oregon Faculties
Political Action Committee
Senator Grattan Kerans
Democrat Senate Dist. 20
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