OREGON BUNGEE MASTERS HA HA HA HA HA HA HA THURSDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS ARE COMEDY NIGHT ' msms Well-known northwest comedians. The fun starts at 9:00pm DANCING AND BLUE LIGHT SPECIALS FOLLOWING! 343*4734 • 2222 Centennial Blvd.ortion is sue lias i ome to a head. "Abortion is barbaric ." Mobley said "It is not the sign of a great six iety when women want to kill their babies in the womb It s most unnatu ral " Beyond condemning the practice. Mobley lias also come out in support of both measures that would change the state's abortion laws Measure* t) whic h he endorses first, would prohibit abor turns exi epl in cases of rape incest or to save the life of the mother. Mobley says he also supports Measure 10. w hii It would require parental nolific ation at least 4H hours before a minor could receive an abor tion, but that it is "a mt»ot point" because lie la* lit-ves it wouldn't in* needed if Measure H passes The other three candidates oppose Mobley on the issue, and all three have said they stand against both measures on the grounds that the in Turn to ABORTION, Page 5 WHERE THEY STAND ABORTION Republican Dave Frohn mayer says be "respects the private choice of the wom an;" opposes Measures B and 10; sees Mobley as a "divisive force" that is tak ing votes from Frohnmayer; believes Mobley is perpetu ating a rift among conserva tives that the Roberts cam paign is able to exploit to the Democrat's advantage. Independent A1 Mobley an- ] dorses Measure 8; supports Measure 10 but says it will be a "moot point" if Meas ure 8 passes: calls Frohn maver a "member of the lib eral wing" who has strayed from the Republican Party's anti-abortion platform. Libertarian Fred Oerfher calls himself ‘pro-choice on everything;" opposes Meas | ures. 8 and 10; believes "a woman's right to choose .should be protected," Democrat Barbara Roberts calls herself "pro-choice"; opposes Measures 8 and 10; members of her campaign deny Frohnmayer’s charge of exploiting Mobley’s can didacy for their advantage. Frohnmayer sees Mobley as spoiler By Joe Kidd fcmeraid Politics Kditoi Early in the campaign. Re publican Dave Krohnmayer held the high ground uf favor ite in the ratal for governor. With a $2 million financial advantage, a campaign jump start of nearly five months over his Democratic rival and an edge in the polls, Frohnmayer looked to have the best shot at becoming Oregon's next gover nor That scenario held true de spite the emergence of Inde pendent A1 Mobley's candidacy - a campaign that Frohnmayer MEChA Present* free drinks Dia de Los Muertos Day of the Dead A cultural celebration Dance to the lights and sounds of LEGACY O.J. $1 at door NOVEMBER 2, 1990 Friday 9:30 pm - ???? 1236 Kincaid (next to bookstore) for information 346-3508 free pizza saw as designed solely to op pose him over the issue of abor tion. Hut things have changed. Now with Democrat Barbara Roberts pegged slightly ahead of Frohnmayer in the polls. r Turn to MOBLEY, Page 5 Jake Arnold U. of O. S.A.A. PRESENT -Homecoming Parent's Weekend Comedy Night Starring: Jake Johannsen .Arnold Mukal Tickata told *1 KM1 Main Daak Fri Nov. 2nd Students $4.00 Emu Ballroom Public koo 8:00 PM * tMINDCRlAND * GREAT f on parties ano wrtmoays '*VIOEO All GAMEswork ■- WITH NICKELS GAMES ADMISSION '1 so STM STMfT PIMUC MAMET iM(M • IU-M44 V