Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 01, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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6 brings fix
Through my long association
with BRING recycling, I have
observed Lane County’s recycl
ing and waste reduction efforts
and their impact on the waste
Although recycling rates
have increased steadily, they
have not kept pace with the
ever-increasing amounts of
wasteful, non-recyclable pack
aging. Measure fi, the recycling
and waste-reduction initiative,
will reverse the trend. Measure
6 will shift accountability and
cost of wasteful packaging from
the consumer and taxpayer to
the manufacturer when; it lie
That is why such a vigorous
"sky is falling” campaign is
being waged by packaging spe
cial interest groups and easily
"influenced" political allies.
Measure fi is thoughtful and
well-crafted. It exempts hard
ship cases and is gradual in im
plementation. The recycling
rates demanded by Measure ti
are no more excessive than
ones currently in Seattle.
Many of the special interest
groups that fought Portland's
successful Styrofoam reduction
law are fighting Measure f>.
On a recent flight from Port
land's airport, two things oc
curred to me. The Portland
streets were free of Styrofoam
litter and the sky had not fall
Leslie Weinstein
Lonsdale can do
Seven years ago 1 went to a
workshop on venture capital
and ended up buying the
speaker's book, I was so im
pressed. That speaker was Mar
rv Lonsdale
This year 1 had the privilege
of meeting Lonsdale again, this
time as one of his opponents in
tiie primary Mis enthusiasm
and energy were amazing Mis
campaign strategy was bril
Matfield has changed in 24
years in Washington Now he is
throwing wild i harges to smear
Lonsdale. Is that the mark of a
False environmental charges
about Lonsdale's business were
followed by saving we'll lose
50.000 jobs Hut it's Hatfield's
support for log exports th.it will
export the jobs
Oregon lost ground econom
ically during Hatfield's six-year
chairmanship of appropria
tions He wasn't able to slow
Reagan's military build-up and
he co-chaired the Reagan re
election in Oregon He didn't
seem to mind depressing our
economy to transfer our state's
military taxes into a California
economic boom
As a prominent member of
the peace community. I have a
problem with Hatfield's sup
port of militarists like Pack
wood and Reagan It's time we
had a senator who was not
afraid to challenge them.
Not tied to special interest
money, Lonsdale can do that
Not tied to the party of military
spending. Lonsdale can do
Hob Keuschlein
Vote Kahle
Votes by some voters in Ore
gon can be more equal than
others in Oregon's Nov l> gen
eral election.
This is particularly true in
the Oregon House of Represen
tatives District -Li race The
election of Lynn Kahle, the
Democratic candidate for that
position, is a dramatic case in
point. (Kahle is an associate
professor in the University
school of business.)
Kahle is uniquely qualified to
represent West Eugene. West
ern Lane and Southwestern
Douglas County He is energet
ic. knowledgahle. an author-ac
ademician. family and church
related, permanently located in
the area and is not beholden to
any spec ial interests because of
mammoth campaign contribu
tions Kahle is independent
and will act where the fa< ts of
any situation will lead him in
representing your and the best
interests of Oregon
I have been a lame County
legislator as well as a legisla
tive administrator in Oregon
legislative sessions from 1963
to and in< hiding 1989 and have
never seen any legislative can
didate more qualified and with
more promise of excellent ser
vice inthe legislature and state
government than Ruble
As a senior citizen myself.
t>7, I know knhle for his excel
lent work for Eugene seniors
and his leadership and know!
edge in the area of fair treat
ment of older Americans This
goes for all ages and the estab
lishment of fairness for both
women and men as well
I urge you to support Kahle
at the ballot Ihix with a yes vote
on Tuesday. Nov. t>.
lack Craig
Campaign Chairman
Man's issue
There is a general male apa
thy toward ballot measures H
and It). They an; both anti
choice measures threatening
the lives of women
However. I call on all men to
turn and face the central issue
This is government interval!
tinn in the life of the individu
al. This is a man's issue
I call on all men to vote no
on measures H and tl).
(•ary Hraun
After Chernobyl, after Ml. St
Helens, after last year's cata
strophic Has area quake and the
quaking predictions of geolo
gists lor the l’a< ifi« Northwest;
after Hanford, and federal com
pensation that barely touches
the damage done to Nevada
atomic-testing downvvi rulers,
and finally. after the dismal op
erations record of the Trojan
plant itself since its going on
line in l!l7ti any voters who
buy the whining arguments of
opponents and thus defeat bal
lot measure -I w ill have to have
their head stuck into the {radio
active) sand
And it goes without saving,
so I'll say it anyway; any peo
ple selling aforementioned ar
guments have their hands stuck
squarely into the pockets of the
utilities' ratepayers via their fi
nancial "interests" in the con
tinuance of Trojan's operation.
Don't sell your children's
{and their children s, etc.) fu
ture down the "full of good fis
sion" Columbia River.
Vote yes on ballot Measure A
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ril H... »l«, I utfrnr. Orrg«« v’*»»
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The fate of Don King * great-great-grandfather