Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 01, 1990, Page 2, Image 2

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De Fazio deserves
another two years
Democrat Peter DePazio gets our endorsement for
re-election to the U.S. House of Representatives. Dis
trict 4. He is running against Libertarian Tonie Nathan.
DePazio voted againat the Savings and Loan bail
out. He wants to catch the crooks, throw them in iail
and recover as much of the stolen money as possible.
He doesn't think the working class should have to pay
lor the fraud.
DeFazio is constantly
fighting to get President Bush
to abide by the War Powers
Act. which requires the presi
dent to consult Congress be
fore engaging in overseas mili
tary actions.
DeFazio is righting the un
fair tax system of our country in which the wealthiest
Americans pay a lower rate of income taxes than many
middle-income workers.
DeFazio introduced legislation to permanently ban
state and federal log exports from Oregon, keeping
wood products industry fobs in the state.
DeFazio voted repeatedly against the funding of
the contras in Nicaragua, and he is very vocal in cut
ting aid to the brutal, oppressive. ll.S.backed El Salva
dor government.
DeFazio is a co-sponsor of the Equal Rights
Amendment, lie supports a woman's right to choose.
And he’s always in the forefront of the fights for civil
rights for everyone.
DeFazio has passed legislation protecting many
Oregon rivers, and is fighting to protect the last free
flowing stretch of the Klamath River from hydro-elec
tric protects.
DeFazio knows what is happening in Congress.
While 90 percent of the House members twiddle their
thumbs and wait for PAC money before making deci
sions. DeFazio acts on his knowledge, integrity and
DeFazio knows the issues, knows Oregontsns and
will continue to lead the progressive battle In the
Return Edmunson, Hosticka, Dix to House
Voters should return incumbents Carl
Hosticka, David Dix and Jim Edmunson to
their state House of Representative seats.
In District 40, current House Majority
leader Carl Hosticka is the obvious choice.
As a university pro
fessor. he has been a
strong supporter of
campus needs in the
past. In addition, his
experience in Salem
make him a valuable
any ior university
students in these budget-crunching times.
Kepulilican challenger Paula A. Walsh
has led a tough campaign, but her lack of
political experience should concern voters.
Hosticka's experience and influential posi
tion in Salem are assets that Eugene and
Ijine County cannot afford to lose.
In the race for the District 41 seat. Demo
cratic incumbent David Dix is the best
choice. His opponent. Republican Marie
Bell, is opposed to legal abortion. Dix. on
the other hand, is solidly on the side of a
woman’s right to choose.
In a time when the Supreme Court has
passed the abortion decision on to state leg
islatures, it is important to keep pro-choice
advocates in the House.
Dix's record in Salem has also shown
consistent support for higher ed funding and
the University.
Edmunson also has done a good job as
District 39's representative to the House,
where he has served since 1987. He is a
strong advocate of individual rights and be
lieves in strong state laws to protect them.
Edmunson's three years of experience make
him an easy choice over Libertarian chal
lenger Bob Fauvre.
Choice votes
1 have been working with
Students for Choice. We have
registered nearly 2.000 stu
dents to vote, and I think we
have done a pretty good job of
informing these voters that the
pro-choice vote in the coming
election is no on 8 and 10.
These ballot measures are the
most immediate threat to our
right to make our own deci
sions on the abortion issue, so
most of our work has been to
defeat them However, many of
the candidates also threaten our
Mark Hatfield believes that
the unborn child, regardless of
the circumstances of concep
tion (including rape or incest),
possesses an inalienable right
to life. Hatfield is running for
senator against Harry Ixmsdale,
who is pro-choice.
In the gubernatorial race both
candidates an; pro-choice, but
Barbara Roberts received the
endorsement of the pro-choice
croups because she did not
waffle about coming out strong
ly against measures H and 1U.
Finally. David Dix is the pn*
i hoice candidate in the District
41 Oregon House race.
I am not encouraging single
issue voting, but please consid
er the choice issue when you
enter the ballot Ixix Nov (i, and
remember the pro-choice candi
dates an> lonsdale. Kolierts and
And don’t forgot — No on 8
and 10.
Molly Kness
Side two
I .ast September Jeanette
Turk, executive director for the
statewide No on 8 and 10 cam
paign. declined an invitation to
debate with Measure 10 back
ers. Anti-choice advocates
"misstate facts and misrepre
sent statistics.” Turk declared.
"It's not in the public interest
to put forth that kind of confu
I'm inclined to believe that
Turk's accusations are a projec
tion of the pro-choice move
ment's own deceptive strate
The Becky Bell case is a per
fect example. Sponsored by the
Fund for the Feminist Majority,
Becky Bell's parents have been
speaking nationwide on behalf
of their daughter who died of
pneumonia, which the Bells be
lieve was caused by an illegal
abortion (allegedly obtained in
Indiana, where parental notifi
cation is the law for minors).
The Oregon Daily Emerald
printed a news article regard
ing Becky Bell's parents.
Becky’s alleged abortion was
referred to as though it were
proven fai t Yet Dr. John I’less.
head of forensic pathology at
Indiana University Medical
Center, who performed the au
topsy. has said that he "cannot
prove that she had an illegal
abortion" or that she "had any
thing but a spontaneous abor
tion " (Cleveland Plain Dealer,
Sept. 9)
Cenna Southworth. who co
ordinates the National Abortion
Rights Action League locally,
insists that exactly how Becky
Bell died is not important. On
the contrary, if the public is be
ing presented with speculation
as though it is truth. I fell it's
imperative that this be pointed
out. especially in light of the
fact that Becky Bell was sched
uled for a legal abortion in Ken
tucky on the day following her
Star Holmberg
Good measure
I am a low-income parent
who did not appreciate your
editorial against Measure It.
You forgot to mention the
nearly $4lM)-a-month-per-child
fees assessed by the schools for
crossing district boundaries.
This in effect already restricts
the poor from attending the bet
ter schools, as they cannot af
ford to move nor can they pay
those ridiculous fees.
Measure 11 would al least al
low us to choose according to
our child's academic potential,
rather than have a choice
forced on us due to our fi
1 daresay most parents would
gladly transport their children
a fair distance if they thought
they would get a better educa
tion by doing so. and that
would certainly be less costly
than trying to move to a better
It is already so difficult to
find a good school; don't slam
the door of opportunity in our
faces. Vote yes on Measure 11.
Nancy Cam-Smith
A common complaint about
elections is that there is little
difference between political
The race for state representa
tive for District 41 provides a
marked contrast. Representa
tive David Dix has served for
two terms and during his ten
ure has done more for the Uni
versity. the community and the
state than any representative
from this district in recent
His opponent, an anti-choice
conservative, would likely rep
resent the special interests of
the far right. Being aligned
with elements such as the Ore
gon Citizens Alliance, she
would be ineffective in passing
legislation important for this
community as a whole.
David Dix has worked for the
entire community. For the Uni
versity he has successfully
sponsored legislation for athlet
ics. architecture and the li
brary. For the people he has
fought for freedom of choice
and human rights. He has sup
ported legislation to ban oil
drilling on the coast and lower
taxes. His legislation covers
child abuse, the elderly and the
This election will affect you
as students and community
members long after graduation.
If you want to have a voice in
your future, go to the polls and
vote — take a friend. You make
a choice about your future
whether you vote or not. Which
will it be?
Dale Grace
The Oregon Daily Emerald will attempt to print all
letters containing comments on topics of interest to the
University community. Comments must be factually
accurate and refrain from personal attacks on the char
acter of others.