Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS MIWMHIK \ I I H \< IIONS T,„„ »di iMiuong ClaltKM Adwlittn^ dt»cou"U ■'til »• placard hi >*n(ki(n dmikaiiOAi Cut oul lh* "*aa*aw" ad and !«»" il *« wtft you* ad lonn to focanr* tt»a *t >*-4 ^^*50 Happy 18th B-day KacyM low. Kim, Kerry. Him Nicole. M—> 4 OiiiBo_ Hay all you Gamma PM Barn Dane* Oates' Get psyched to* iha Shat Wild Bam Oanca' Tappmg »* Thu»sdey' It will be a West *' l oy You? Gamfn« Phi Data s' congratulations KAH Anita S. lot Penheltenic Prai and Ruth Ann R lo* icMaihtp Wa low You* Your sisters' KA0 To the girl who keyed and spray painted my car, you and your sisters have sunk to a NEW all time low... ORDER OF OMEGA Membership selection meeting tonight at • pm in the F it Room AH mamba»a should attend PRIVATE HELP f ROM FRIENDS Free Pregnancy Tasting _ BIRTHRIGHT 647 MSI __ ter Night o* the living Deed was a smash Thank you tor the monster bash Phi Dells The barbecue was simply divme Thanks tot the wonderful n.IMT iwm.. LOST House car A kryptonite key whahite whistle Call Kut Ml 2333 lost gold bracelet with initials Wat my grandmother s means a lot to me Return to Jennifer T ay lor 1314 Sf Raymond Rutland OR 97** 7H04TI REWARD ISO An emerald post ea»r»ng bet wean iSth on the tod# ot the tennis count to the back ot the EMU Photo ID (*3n3t or r» mt iiam Teen age Women do Have Constitubonel Rights Vote Pro Choree Vote NO on 8 and 10 Students tor Choice. MB 4431 Vote NO on 5 Students Faculty Classified A Management Employees Beware • Devastating to Higher Education • Significant Tuition Increases • Reduction ot Staff Gary Walker An Old Prof ISS mnsmm IS -_ ^ ’ r l ova it a *:. fl' *} ■ many ipliwdoKd ;/ * * (King tf- tfc* Oa*v f"*K#d Pawn* Dnv*«i» DIAL A TYPIST _ FIYIWQ FtNOtRS •»; < » Fast accu’ata pfOfatttonM |t OGkpaga up 414 tOM Laurie’s Word Processing Fttt. Quality SarvK* low R#t*» 34S4W0 _ PROFESSIONAL TYWNO Ai»o word prorattmg adding Frg* ptcfcup*0a*«*Wf> Ronda 435 t«G "JTiVuO 344-4510 MM tltDAw Printed lent to computer hle> BBUSHSaOB 747 4589 >i.u -h-.< » i WOROPROCISSINQ 'Hifl t »par«arw ad Quality adit HP »f*0't»p«rYg for acaclam* f»ot J5sL and >#Qai with taaar printing MyrrftQr Roy «1 48WW1J_ TYPING UNLIMITED IBM Compatible Grad School Approved Guaranteed DPtMM call 485 3343 lobMi l*od 2MS Ftofttw Ulirt] #fi Satying the U of O area line* t9flt j The WOHO SPECIALISTS! * < jfAdu«!r V kool Approved * * I )| U( t1|tK>ft»/1 Ilf Ilf i p»pf M * IBM < «mpatiblc.l>»*li ( «>i»vciv»on' * IaKI hlRl>Aitaraiion« for beginner* Guitar Lessons from experienced performer ami teacher Private studio reasonable rale* Cali Stave at 726 2&4204*>«289 Baa* guitar with amp St20 44M 2287 evenings E ••losing machine .<• . ^ twin cot truth mattress IAS Evenings AB6-21 todays MB 2739 like near sleeper couch 1100 micro *«ve MO typewriter |f0. rocking chan M0. like new queen mattress set J12S Make otters Call 485 3464 mmm raw 164 W Broadway Eugene. Oregon V740I (503) 343 3622 LIVING HEJLi Penlaa K tOOO tW tO Zoom $99 Vtvder 70210 ten* $75 Flash $10 T**um*r 2B40 ten* $125 S#1 1550 Ca*i eve* btwn 9 11 Mike 344 0210 Snowboard Bunion 105 Cruise* eatra ankle strap* included $150 00 M134S0 20 R hydraulic ROWING MACHINE $2$ __4I&MS2_ Wf DOING DRESS v\ 90 Si/e 59(11513010*1. $250 GORGEOUS'J343 <604. leave message 2 desks, 1 stove end mi*c dtdrt May Re *een end purchased et ft W 10th. Suite 201 Mon Frt. t #m 3 pm 12L I'il'LlL7!'] THE 9UV A SELL CENTER Ouy * Sell' Trede Music al Inst rumen!». Stereo* Photographic Equipment ati W.Sih Wa ll pay cash for your used SOI tart* Bring them to the EMU (mam desk area) on your way to the feme Sal Nov 1 10 am to 3 pm Up to IS 00 a pee tor adult sites (no holes) HESSE 16 Bug runs good great transports Iron $4SOobo Chris 484 4660_• I) VW GTt Whit** Gr«-d» v • - *t.*f* Nee t Cell Josh 4650961 Cheap Iran sport at ton1_ 1*65 Honda Aero SO 2 helmets tiedowns $525 726 0630 between 102 or leave message 155 wmr Ilianc hi Shada 10 speed E*ceilent condition must sett Ail o«tras int'lud «d $100 opo Can Bart) 741 6406 ! Touring Bike 89 Fur* Ac# Perfect condition 12-speed askmg $350 *465 231$ _ 1990 Gt * .. »i ran * . Deore D* Ridden 20 mi $560 4*4 5103 its fc6MPuf^$/itlgTBgg?g5 Computer Systems West XT 286 386SX Systems include DOS $749 00 $949 00 $1199 00 iMB RAM 20MB MD monochrome monitor ] Student ID will receive 5S discount 342 4153 MACINTOSH MEMORY t mb t#». 2 mb *130 4 mb I2bb Free installation Memory Direct 343 2541 MS Word 5 0 Student Edition Brand new. $M Call collect. 4730075 175 HiiTIHHIHITS Gibson les Paul custom, eacoiient condition $775 GaNNP KreuQer ?50 Ml Amp new condition $375 Jim _144-1717_ l earn Y< >uM lavuM** btrahe* dapt'*'* to Ccue/Zappelin Guitar keyboard, bass tesson* All ages levels and styles John Sharkey. 344 4452/345 5312 iso ae^ale ferarawci Gentlemen’s Encore We pay TOP dollar tor Men s and Women * clothing 1111 Willamette 343-6179 NOW BUYING tooTHM - American Airlines flight from Eugene to l A November 7th $100 747 0909 mSBB. Apply lor « FREE VISA or American t* pras* card and taka oft with a TWA >99 flight anywhara »n th# USA' Sava MOO On* way Eugan* to S120 997 2100997 3144 Two ona way plana tic h at* to L A X on Dac 19th >90 aach 344 7275 Earn >2000 aitra par month at horn* Call 667 0935 altar 6 pm waakdays Anyiim* on waakand* Call now 465 M 39 mi RECYCLE/ THIS h PAPER (fo INTERNSHIP YOUR PATHWAY TO SUCCESS Start on your career now by gaining upper division credit and practical experience »n public relations marvel mg/sates, researcn/wntmg, social services, computer related and financial services through winter internships offered by the Career Development internship Program Available to Jr/S/ with major/minor in College of Arts and Sciences Read position descriptions in 221 Hendricks Hail and attend me orientation meeting Monday. November 5, 3 30 pm. EMU Walnut Rm tor first chance at sign ups 220 HELP WONTED COMPUTER SYSTEM CONSULTANT wanted for maintenance and future development of an operational PC LAN Knowledge of Novefle Netware venous types of hardware and software required Programming experience helpful Student wages beginning at $6^hr tor 5 ♦ hourvwk Calteit S-M31 for application _ Dancers wanted u»»*at a > Company Excellent money t030 Mwy 99 North 668*9027_ HOME TYPISTS PC users needed 135 000 potential Details _0) &X>W4000 E if B 9642_ It’s easier than you think to pay tor your college education working at Jiggies Excellent money fienbie Pours Call Nanr ee or Brook lor per sonai interview 244-6697 RESEARCH LAO MANAGER DEPARTMENT OP COMPUTER SCIENCE. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON The opening it a half time systems staff positron Ip work with faculty members to manage research lab equipment assist with lesearch ‘ problems install and troubleshoot hardware and software Qualifications require a minimum of one year eapen ence as Uni* system administrator Desirable additional qualifications include eapertence with different a per etmg systems especially Macintosh programming in lispfOc * ♦ knowledge of lens ethemet tcpip. Sun NFS and lastly electronics design Salary it $16 000118 OOG’yr plus benefits for this halt time position Send resume by November 15 1990 to Prof Stephen Flickas Department of Computer Science U of O Eugene OR 97402 1202 EO AA employer ^ __ _____ The Oregon Only Emerald • s now accepting applications for one sports reporter position Requirements roughly include a 20 25 hour commitment per week Applications are available m the i Emerald office Suite 300 EMU between 6 am and 5 pm daily Application deadline Nov 2 at 5 Thinking of taking some time oft from tchooP We need MOTHER'S HELPERS/NANNIES We have prescreened families to suit you Live in e* citing New York City suburbs We are established since 1964 and have a Strong support network 1600-222 XTRA__ Need 42 students each night for a Durvty involving environmental risks Receive 15 00 for about 45 mmoles work Monday October 29 thru Thursday November I. Come to Gilbert 339 at 9 30 pm sharp 23S A iSM£S: Lrg 1 - Bdrm Close to Campos Sep ba/vanity. large walk in closet, bd/tvgrm/util closet Spacious kitchen In a dean, quiet comples Call 494-4103 ALDERWOOD MANOR 1990 Alder Street Accepting applications lor 1 4 2 bdrm flats m excellent campus complex Call Mike. 344 5695 for details Jennings ♦ Co ___ 9934219 OREYSTONE TOWN MOUSES 211 Brtarcliff Newly remodeled two bedroom town houses Close to buslines' 1395 Call 999-3950 Hideaway Tisvy E ieth Great 3 bdrm apt close to campus Fully applianred private parking covered walkway Call Jim tor appt. 993-2271. or Chee 495 9238 Ask tor move In bonus! Londontown 601 Coburg Rd Quiet surroundings at great location 2 bdrm apt with private patio/balcony 1465 Call Chris eves 8 wkds. 993 4945 715 E. 16th Single room in large house just one block from campus Call Chee tor more info/showings 4959239 Student Plaza 945 E 19th Nice t bdrm apt Less than 1 blk tibm UO Com op laundry on site Oft street parking Only 1345 993 4219 or Mika. 344 4219 553 E. 18th Quad available now in small complex Parking, laundry. 1260 Millrace Apts 1905 Garden Ave. 2 bdrm flat just 2 blocks from campus 1525 Lease required through 7/31/91 Murry! Only 1 left' Large t bdrm apt dose to campus Clean qu»et complex Cameiot Apts 18th and Alder or call 464 4103 CEDARWOOO QUADS 441 E 17|li Single rooms with shared common * area* ALL UTILITIES PAID CLOSE TO CAMPUS' *250 Calii 344 9290 large rooms Close lo campus, fro* utiltUos 1220/mo 1444 Horns #3 _wnrt,_ TYLER PARK QUADS 524 Tyler St Largo furnished quods with private bathes Alt utilities paid' 1245 Coll 341*235 Willowtree 1540 Lincoln Si Ouod living of its best* Private both Shored common oreo Brinng distance to compos. *245*255 Call 343 5087 215 BOOMS CHELSEA HOUSE CO OP t»51 Onyx SI Winter Spring terms 143 2874 f~ COOP living' • Tired Of answering to O higher j authority'* It the ideas of living coop ; ; erafivety w other students 4 having o j J part »n decisions that affect your living space appeal 10 you. contact j i me membership coordinator at Jan j ! et Smith Coop 683 3777 Campbell I Club Coop 68.13453 Loro* Manner ’ | Coop 6834960 Space avail now & ! [winter term Boarders also welcome j Turn rm in private home Util included f250/mo All amenities, cable TV in room Friendly atmosphere 4884747 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU HI. BOSS GUESS IOUAS mxe ptsmcr afraipof Off ICS ISA that cone Mce SCZN£. tN.PZAR. ^sli I £=X I I TAKE A LOOK AT TH/5. LACSi. A PETITION FFOM 23.000CONST! TUEFOS A5K1N6 TOJ TO RUN FOP CONGPE95 AGAIN... _ /n -- CH, PEAR...P£AR I'M NOT SURE I'M UP TO THIS... NO. NO, up to mrrim RUNNING? 28.000 | THANK TOU NOTES., ViaW//tfW UHkutf WE BUY, TRADE 1 * CONSIGN I quality f lotluiiti utrw to 2 yrs okll ' Kfiminl«'f iiv * licit ( kjniiM) out I yoiil closets Oi just inilH' Ikuhm | llirotu|h our uiilquv shop I Call Mornings lor Appt. S 344 7039 j SAVE MONEY 1 10 6 Non. Sal. 160 t. I lib. | bclttcca mil 6r Hl«k i_ cur • SAVE_ -I