Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 31, 1990, Page 4, Image 4

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The Lifestyle Planning Program provides
Peer Health Counseling on these topics:
Nutrition Fitness
Sexuality Relationships
Substance Abuse Stress
Food Issues Weight Management
To make an appointment cal! 346*4456
Located in the Student Health Center
The Macintosh.
The monitor.
The money
Saw now on select color Macintosh ystems
Buv Apple's new Macintosh* llsi and an
AppleCokx ’ High-Resolution RGB Monitor now
through January \ 1991, and save*
The Macintosh ILsi ls Apple's latest powerful
affordalile system. It's Ixiiit fa people who w ant
performance and need affordability At 20 megahertz,
it can even do serious number crunching at an
impassive speed. .And like all Macintosh computers,
it s easy to set up and easy to use. So you can spend
less ume learning and more time doing
What s more, you can save not only on the new
Macintosh ILsi. hut also on the Macintosh llci or the
maximum-performance Macintosh llfx Just combine
any of these exceptional computers with an Apple-Color
High-Resolution RGB Monitor, and you'll be getting a
system of lasting value. Not to mention great savings
Hurry in today for a closer look at the new
Macintosh ILsi system and the other Macintosh II
systems Then choose your Macintosh, your monitor,
and see how much money you II save when you
buy now
Microcomputer Support Lab
202 Computing Center • 346-4402
Monday-Fridav 9am-5pm
P * W! ' Hr* -«i iknr ;* «■
Mortar Board, OSPIRG to meet
StudnnU for Barbara Roberta
meets tonight at 7 in the EMU
Board Room For more informa
tion. call 686-0693,
Et als
Mortar Board meets tonight
at 6 in EMU Cedar Room A. For
more information. call
OSPIRG'c Toy Safety Group
meets tonight at 7 in EMU fee
der Room C. For more informa
tion. call 346 4377
National Student Exchange
Orientation Meeting will be
held today at 12:30 p.m. in
EMU Cedar Room A. For more
information, call 346-3211,
Coca-Cola boycott meeting
will be held tonight at 7 in
Room 146 Straub. The meeting
is sponsored by the Black Stu
dent Union and Students
Against Apartheid.
Women's Sexual Identity
Group meets today from noon
to 1 p.m. in EMU Cedar Room
IJ. Bring a lunch. For more in
formation. call 346-4090 or
Golden Key Honor Society
meets tonight at 5 in EMU Ce
m am
<iar Room B. For more informa
tion. call 346-3211.
College Republicans moots
tonight at 5:30 in EMU Cedar
Room C. For more information,
call 345-1142.
CD-ROM tutorial on the
MEDLINE (medicine) database
will be held today at 2:30 p.m.
in the reference area of the Sci
ence Library. A tutorial on the
MLA Bibliography will be held
this morning at 10:30 in the
Knight Library reference de
partment. Call 346-2368 for
more information.
A video on Yosemite Nation
al Park landmark El Capitan
will be shown today at 12:30
p.m. in the Outdoor Program
office. Room 23 EMU.
Drug/alcohol-free Halloween
party will be held tonight from
7 to 9 at the Wesley Center.
1236 Kincaid St. Call 346-4694
for more information.
Pro-Grateful Dead Rally will
be held today at 3 p.m. The ral
ly will begin at the corner out
side the University Bookstore,
and proceed to Johnson Hall
with petitions for administra
tors. For more information, call
Bible study on the Gospel of
Mark will be held Thursday at
noon at the Wesley Center.
1236 Kincaid St.
Deadline for submitting Et
als to the Kmerald front desk.
EMU Suite 300. is noon the day
before publication. Et als run
the day of the event unless the
event takes place bt;fore noon.
Notices of events with a do
nation or admission charge will
nut lw accepted. Campus
events and those scheduled
nearest the publication date
will be given priority The Em
erald reserves the right to edit
notices for grammar and style.
831 East 13th • Eugene, OR 97401
(503) 683-5577 • 1-800-888-3799
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