UNIVERSITY Meer chooses action over anger South African dispels myths By Cathy Peterson Emerald reporier Although she is a university trained sociologist and the au thorized biographer of Nelson Mandela. South African Fatima Meer said she is denied a basic right in her country enjoyed by many in the United States. Because of her color, Meer cannot vote in South African government elections. But Meer. of Indian descent, said she does not let her anger get in the way of her activism. "Of course I'm angry ... but I’m not in a state of anger. I really couldn't survive that way. I’m mobilizing through action," Meer said. Meer is the University's fifth Carlton and Wilberta Ripley Savage Visiting Professor She is also the author of Higher Than Hope: The Authorized Bi ography of Nelson Mandela. as well as a short biography of In dian leader Mahatma Ghandi. She is teaching a course on peace issues in southern Africa, the Middle Hast and India, as well as another course on wom en in South Africa this fall. "Growing up in the system of apartheid, being segregated and abused, lots of people re acted against it.” Meer said. ”1 was among them. ” While in high school. Meer participated in organized resist ance campaigns in 19411 and 195.’). She was banned from participating in the resistance organizations, under a South African security law in 11154. 19711 and 1981. She and Win nie Mandela were detained without trial for five months in 19711. In 1975 Meer helped found the Federation of South African Women, which was banned a year later because the state felt threatened by their activities. Meer said. In South Africa. Meer has l>een active in the development Arnold Jake U. of 0. S.A.A. PRESENT -Homecoming Parent’s Weekend ComedyNight Starring: Jake Johannsen Arnold Mukai_ Ticket* Mild at EMU Main link Fri.N0v.2nd Students $4.00 Emu Ballroom Public $00 8:00 PM ant* i ton nnnttts *no matmoavs GAMES ADMISSION *1.50 STM STMff PMUCI • (VMM • M1-MS4 Htato by Nmb Mwi Meer. left, and graduate student Barbara Sumner take part in a group discussion before a class lecture. of education and research op portunities for black social sci entists at the Institute for Black Research. The institute recently completed a survey of South Africans' reactions to the cur rent political situation in their country. Meer said the survey found that 78 percent of all South Af ricans supported negotiations between the African National Congress and the government and found very little support for an armed solution. Support for Nelson Mandela was also very high, she said "He has a total commitment Meer, was tried lor treason with Mandela in 1956. Since Mandela’s release last spring. South Africa has en tered a new phase. Americans who want to help black and white South Africans carve out a new government should keep themselves in formed and support sanctions against the current nationalist government. Meer said "Fatima Meer has spent her whole life doing academics as an activist." said 1-eslie Scott, a graduate tear hing fellow who is working with Meer to the uemocratu: process, Meer said "If you want a peo ple to be moved together, you need to walk with them, not ahead of them " Meer has been acquainted with the Mandelas since the 1950s. and her husltand. Ismail Shannon Oliver, one of Miser’s students, sail! the s S111 K tXIMRI S 10/11 'M) Oregon DAILY EMERALD P I! n«, .119*. Sagvar. (hrgtm *74*3 The Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday through Friday eicepl during eiam week and vacations by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co , at the University ol Oregon. Eugene. 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