Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS LI Kill DEADLINES UN* AD* pladty mpM batata I pm. ana bmtnaa* day pttat ta taaar PL At AO* gtadhr accaptad ba i I pm, baa buttnata day* pttat DISPLAY AO* tat tal ERROR* Tha OOC maka* aaaty at .U_ Mia --A- Hut w» n* ww* pb^i Cp ad aatataOy. It yaw I aa atiat. tapatt H ta Paa ad Oiamanitt tfbt aatay by *4*4*43 and M add cattaa H yaw da aai cad dm atiat ta atp attatidan. Tba OOC caaaaiba d SOLVE THE PUZZLE mttmrntm FUN OOf HNH and a H owM tot ClmlM «U»wtMn« to Com M Hm OOf oNm EMU) lo (Wn yaur prtia' KA0 KRISTY M. CpngriluUlkm •fl fOW pMWMf lO UOB Rfy DMDm WiNw , Uw, ywt tOm» Planned Parenthood tew Pap ameer*, infection check* btHh control end couneeiing Day* and evening* J44M11 PRIVATE HftR FROM FRIENOS Free Fimmuci Teating BIRTHRIGHT U7 MS1 Andy end Lome. congratulation* on your pinning Love M DeO* ox Th*ok» to much tor m# fun l»m# |*»t w##k Th« H«llow««n party wtt « Natl' L«t t gal logattw 4 can* pumpkrnt na»i yart Lov Alpha On AXO would like to thank tha contostants who mada tha Dating Gama such a hill \XA Frank W oXDmN '.♦K Mu W Ki Kalaay T XX Jantla T Will Scott M. XAK Brian F. FIJI Mart M axn Jaton F XT Dan M AT Mika S XX Send T KKI* Ftancaaca V K AU JoannaS AAA Satan W A* Kalla M ran KaUa & A XU Alyaaa T Alt JwMh M KAAIanaB XK Alyaaa S KAk t.F Thanks to avaryona who want to tha show. Wa hopa to saa you all thara next year! Alpha Chi. limit LUMPY METAL!!! 0*1 th* ana on HU Fim Mil« graafast frutod #v#r S*y»#d. A Nun m BkCi TrovW#'^ OCB Frtondt ar* Ittaods *omv«« I low* you »tw arwt I always win Lot s latk tow* Baa* 0n> Sanlagasm Al? I want for X mas «t you to* my f>am danca daft’ Pfooch ♦H* from /out lo B»g 8»< e Low Rates 34% 4900 C «$Otsa •Ml IMRSw 344-4510 nBornmnan ■H t .pi WOHDPftOCESftlNO fspeneoced Outfit* edit in^lvpiftQ tor etederrHc but and *9tf snth (**er pn«lmtnc» t9Bi PERSC ! i i i i do you, uke, yes. ha Amo KNOUJANY- 1HZ&WA6A THING ABOUT V&L LAST NIGHT. THGGONZDNfSa I'M TOLD Tf€Ft OUT FRONT* MAG 20000 L V M>\KMBMt M1KM IIONS; T**wf' Kh taalurmg niuotiia ClMMhod AOfnitmg ditcounit MM tx piacod tn iMlom clotwftcatton* C»l owl Wx «mm< *d and »u«> N •" min four ad lorni la iKMn lha ditcount daacnbad within th* ad ■|1 "tooomr" ad pa» p#f»on pa* woo* phml * ftfftdvatc Nct»*K>l Approved HIM (omp*toblr.t)vA (>»v««oft* lAKt Pnw^illpfcw CAROLYN QNOY £tp«n*nc*d typist offering **»•*•€*» on IBM computar *y*tem and «**#♦ printer Reaeonapi* i#t*» CaWN^itW^m PROFESSIONAL TYPING Atfto *ord proc#»*mg dtRWtoQ Fte* ptcfcupKWtwy «o«d« ft3S '8V ROBIN 344-07M 20th TEAR' GRAD SCHOOL APPROVED Eating****** i«i»on expertise Futi resume **' etca Lata* printing ON CAMPUS' SPANISH G«1tmg frustrated Of jus! went to practicec ABonRMl tutoring from graduate Cat^343S£ftt __ Mach Tutoring AH lav#i» Mailers in math and 4 year* teaching eipenence ftOrivouf Scott. 6S3 31M MATH • STRUCTURES • PHYSICS Call it you need tutoring Individual* or youp* Emily, 4S4 5408 MATH-BIOLOGY- CHEM Tutoring at youf bom# of icbool One on one or group, toy credent CaH Joe “ MS taaciNM i »at SSS4S07 guitar writ* amp t’20 *»* MS7 ayomng* (laciung machine very good StOO twin cot with mat treat 165 Evening* 6682nft day* 346273ft_ FOR SALE7 3 Hafto Dolly ttcAata tor Saturday CaH. 343 3975_ Plngtlia walarind wavafat* matt rat* dart wood ttmah good condition 8450 new Mutt tall f/Votoo iK 10001« IQ Zoom Sftft Vivttar 70710 Lan* $75, Flash HO Tatumar 2SB0 lan* $125, Sat $350 Call mi Plan ft It Mfta 344 0210 Vitamattar 20 R hydraulic ROWING MACHINE $25 WEOOMO DRESS Worn one* tn Sapt 90 Sica 5 9(1 IS 1»lt») USQ GORGEOUS* M3 4904_ tea* 3 dMki. 1 ttoM and mm chaMt May (M mm m4 pvtchtMd MN W tOth, Suit* 203 Mofi Fit 9 am 3 pm THC 9UV A SELL CENTER Auy * Sod * Trad* Mu&ttfti Instrument*. Ptiotogr aptvtc Equipment 361 W. 5lh usUg 1991 Rabbit Con*#r1ib*a new red paint new white lop runt great Ptietlt Pfc t $4000 6&37S33 937 2J3t 1999 Toyota truck e*c«uent condition canopy, sliding window lowing package custom bump#*, moie Call .. 747 97J1 *94 tog runs good great transport lw Ub&obo Chns, 4A4 4<**> fipr" : 164 W Broadway Eugene, Oregon 97401 (SOI) 343 3622 _ 73 VW Bug Nfe» Stereo S*» tec* 1 OB 000 mue* 32900 Jeremy M3 4445 •& GIN Turbo pocket »cc*uM body/mtortor great (Ml, 2S-30 mpg 33250 M3 4240 Honda PMtpOft Mu«1 mMi S200*obo Catuotfi. 4*«>0981 0>«*f) tran»poMat>on' tMS Honda JUko tO including t»aft*«M 2 NHmotft fiadoam* 7260630 twrtwaon *02 of I—*9 m—oopa__ IMS Honda EMI# to Hun* groat' SlaaJ H. SMS. MM* 6660297 13L iimu SbiM S40 170 __ 344 T2U fra—)_ ItfO Of Karakofom K? 20 fram# Daora OX Riddon 20 mi SSflO 464 5903 U5 COMPUTERS/ELtCTWOWICS Computer Systems West XT (MS 00 m »4»oo MBS* (1199 00 Systems include DOS 1M8 RAM ?OMB HD monochrome monitor Student ID will receive *>** discount _ 342-41S3_ •toe Him and MnM> •900 or boat olfaf MHSMito_ ■tomory Word Broeoaaor Smiin Corona Pap 1 wrOr** 0n»o. (MO Thaddoua. 34S-BBST_ MS Word (0 Slodont Edition Brood now; IBB. Cod cHort. BOWS. Sharp ataic ironic typawntar (bo Rtboon and corraclion rape (40 TV (30 344 ?7S9(a»a»l TOSHIBA CO PLAYER Wrth remote 1100 344 72SO tevest m IHSTBUMEMTS Qibaon Lm Paul custom, eaceitent condition. $775 QaWW Kreuger 760 ML Amp. new condition. $375 Jim >44-1717 Um YOUR fevo«te« Baatie&Ciepton to CfuetfapPOhn Guitar keyboard bass lessons All ages. levels and styles John Sharkey Piccolo Armstrong Excellent tone & condition list $4% Sail tor $250 1 1424071 'immrn. Tho Holiday mood Enhance it with something for yoo» wardrobe from B«nQ Cherry Palace 67 W 13th MM American Airlines flight from Eugene to l A November 7th $100 747 0109 iMSAlt MM [ L / V / \G FUTONS & FRAMES (-urimhmp' * Lighting * P«Mcr> * CMhing * Jcwclr* OH. CU0U1..Y0U HAP20,000 PtOPU: WAIT ING OUTBiPt tour House* mpKAP HJU-Y SORRY. i)= To Place, Cancel or >10/10 Correct your ad call: OHO’HOHO m TRAVEL Apply lor a FAEf VISA of Amortcftn £■ p'»»» card and ta*a oft **un a TWA S99 fbflM *nywh*ft tn !f»e USA' CH r*Q» 4SS M39 Two on# way plana to l A X on 0«k S90#aeh 344-727S mi Earn 12000 •lira par month at home Call 6370935 altar 6 pm weekdays Anytime on weekends WANTED! Tha Collage ol Business it now look »ng for energetic. dynamic, responsi We business majors to be pear advisors If you Id this description please apply now in 271 Gilbert There will be an informational meeting Nov 1 at 5 p m in 333 Gilbert Hurry now deadline's Mon . Nov 5 at 5 p m WINTER INTERNSHIPS! These are |us» a few of the sites that are available for winter internships You must be a JrfSr with a mafo»/mmor in the Collage of Arts and Sciences in order to participate m the Career Development internship Program 5th Street Market place Xero« Oregon Mo/art Players KVAl T V Eugene Family YMCA KMNN Radio Mutual of Omaha KSND Radio Btrth to Three Eugene Symphony Kaufman s BRING Recycling Gty of Eugene Business Assistance Team EuganeiSpfkJ Convention & Visitors Bureau State of Oregon Dept of Corrections Read position descriptions tn 221 Hendricks Hall and attand an orient# lion meeting Monday, November 5. 3:90 pm. EMU Walnut Am for first chance sign ups mmi; COMPUTER SYSTEM CONSULTANT wanted for maintenance and future development of an operational PC LAN Knowledge of Novella Netware various types of hardware and software required Programming experience helpful Student wages beginning at 16/hr for 5 * hourVwk Calf ail S S131 tor application_ Dancers wanted Great Alaskan Bush Company Eacellent money 1030 Mwy 9> North SSS-9027 _ It's —ter then you thins to pay tor your cottage education working at Jiggles Eicellent money tlenbie hours Call Nantee or Brook tor per sonai interview 344 6197 HOME TYPISTS, PC users needed 335.000 potential Details _0)805£876000. Lit B9642 Need 42 students each night tor a survey involving environmental risks Receive 15 00 for about 45 minutes work Mpnday October 29 thru Thursday November t. Come to Gilbert 339 at 9:30 pm sharp On Campus child care program lor toddlers Full and pert time PACE Program, Center on Human Develop mem jane Wagner 146 3566 SUN VALLEY SKI RESORT Sun Volley Co i* hiring tor me winter season Hiring all restaurant and food department positions Discount skiing, eaceitent benefits and some housing available Interviews at EMU Century A on Tues Nov 6 For information Slu dent Employment 1? Hendries* Hah The Oregon Deity Emerald is now accepting applications for one sports reporter position Requirements roughly include a 20 25 hour commitment per week Applications are available in the Emerald office. Suite 300 EMU txttween 8 am and 5 pm daily Application deadline is Nov 2 at 5 pm AAfCOt wtmmm: NEW 2 bedroom house «n woodsy South Mills Drive by 820 Brooksitle D< lease MT5 sell *99 500 Cell 687 8702 33 __ 2040 Emerald (rear) Contemporary rowhouse with (off bedroom Fireplace *385 includes utilities 1 adult No pets By appointment 888 1130 _tpyfl»M88iPC BY GARRY TRUDEAU HBY. YOitRB HOI, UXB, YOXOONO arb you, MAH?\ il HO.DBAR. ARB YOU* imwnam m. Hideaway mjv, t tem Greal 3 bdrm »pt dost to campus Fully applianced private parsing, covered walkway Call Jim tor appt. MX2271. or Chart. MS 6236 Ask for movt-tn bonus! Londontown 601 Coburg Rd Quit! surroundings al great location 2 bdrm apt with private pati M help pay ydur dopes d Christian female wanted Please call Barbette at 344 3842 or 3450991 CHELSEA HOUSE CO OP 1651 Onyi St Winter Spring terms 343 2674 Share 2 bdrm house w/1 person on 31 bus line m W Eugene Private entrance, decs 6300/mo includes unis 6661013. 4650362 mm Locally owned Since IMS 342-4972 19th ft Agate