Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 m HLK'IIffi CONGRATULATIONS SPIFF YOU’RE 211! R»m«mb«r the wit* words of Milch S "Pour Ml of every drink out tonight " Your "Thrifty Friend" _D.__ CONGRATULATIONS Leilani Brua on being the first person to correctly fill out yesterday s crossword pu/zle Be the first person to bring the solved crossword puz/te to the Oregon Daily Emerald Office. Room 300 EMU after 8 a m A w*n a FREE ODE T thirl A a $5 credit for classified advertising' (1 win per week please1) The pumpkins were orange The ghosts were all white We want to thank you guys for the great Friday night L'K AZ YOU R SUPER Thanks for a freaky Halloween Party I ATO GREEKS! Today is the day to turn in your order envelopes from last week end s party Wally, 344 6750_ KA0 KRISTY M. Congratulations on your pinning to UOP Phi Delt Dare Weller Love, your sisters Michael & Darren The G Phi B barn dance it only 4 days away B at R house 10 a m ! Get psyched* Love. JlK_ Planned Parenthood has <♦ p»©gnam y test that is 99% accurate one day after a missed period* Includes unbiased counseling. Cali 344 9411__ PRIVATE HELP FROM FRIENDS Free Pregnancy Testing BIRTHRIGHT 68 7 6651 II UMiim tn S*gma Kappa Jann»far P Mar* 9 to a graat year at Paari Sit tart1 Dova lova, C»ody You Can't lagltlata Family Communication Vota Pro Choica Vote NO on 8 and 10 Studontt tor Chorct M04411 ml [The WORD SPECIALIST'S! Gndulc School Approved DtMef!tt»fu/Thc«r.v?ftpcf« IBM ( ofnpatible;I>!R|k UHivtriKMs laicr Printing, (itaphkr* Fditlng/Kcsumes \CAROLYM aMOY\ [•184 4 177 EEEKsBl Printed It'tl to computer filer, BBDSXSanB 74 T 4 StfO - • • . . ■ • Oregon Dally Emerald’* 1-stop Marketplace DIALATYPIST _m-ww_ TYPING UNLIMITED IBM Compabbt* Grad School Approved Gut* ante*! Pfeaae call 485*3343 Barbara Land 2515 Front»#r Blvd *B S♦nr»ng th< U o> O »r#4i ttnc* I9fl< iraflirt-imHi ROBIN. 3440m 300i YEAR? QRAO SCHOOL APPROVE0 i latton Pull iiww »«*' Rot«4»R’> FI VINO FINOCRS typing service F#*t *CCU'*t« pU)l0S»K>OjM »t OCVpegeup 444 SO 34 FOOTNOTES TYPING SVR. Best f on c«mpu* LASER PRINTING Rm 21 EMU ground floor 344 3779 professional typing Also word processing editing Free pickup-delivery Roods. 43S ttltU Retired University Secretary Ait types papers Cali Jean 994 ' H*>4 Avail eves after & week and* NEED QUICK CASH? WE CAN HELP! Advertise any Item/items under $500 in the Daily Emerald Classifieds for 4 days at regular rates. If the item doesn’t sell within the week, call us and we'll run your ad for another 4 days for FREE! Single party ads only please. Nor»iund» noc>«jh* Place ads at: Room 300, EMU UO Bookstore EMU Main Desk Or call: 346-4343 MiraiBiangi '/jV-jO 344 4510 C 11th Aft mtiMft SPANISH Gatling frustrated or »u*l want to practice-* Af*ortfeOte tutoring from graduate Call 343 MUM_ MATH-BIOLOGY- CHEM Tulormg at your home or school Onttiflont or group. by credent MS teacher Call Joe at SM MO/ . Lttrn Spod Beading $25 Sal 11/17. 10am 4pm Innov Ed EMU 110. 34*4305 Ma» Quality Beer booklet e.plamt •guipmeni and ingradtanlt. naadad plui 3 aaay recipe* A hoar to' tnalructtona Sand 14 to Brear Unlimit ad P 0 Bo. 11471 Eugana OB 9/440 Bat* guitar with amp $120 444 724/ evenings jggg..zzz Sunrtlt (Mluii aluminum aatai 135 Adfuttabto *»ceilani comM»on _m4tio__ Vil(wn«i#< JO R hydraulic ROWINQ MACHINE 125 _415 0*52 ____ (■•retting machine vary good 1*00, lain col atlh maMratt 105 Evanmgt M6 2110 Pay 34* 2735 F or tala Convanttonal quaan «at*rt»«d 1125. twin bad adraaart A 5