Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 30, 1990, Page 6, Image 6

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Pteoto bi Sm* PnUwi
Todd Pros is? (pictured) teamed with University debate team
partner l.add Wiles to take first place in senior division debate
in a tournament held this weekend.
Debate team gamers top ranking
By Carrie Dennett
Emeiaid Reooiter
The University's debate team
took top honors this weekend
at one of the Pacific North
west’s largest debate tourna
ments held in the last decade
The tournament brought stu
dents from 28 colleges and uni
versities to campus from Friday
through Sunday
The Oregon team, generally
ranked in the top 10 out of 241
competing teams in the nation,
finished first in the senior divi
sion, making it the top-ranked
team in the country
The tournament season runs
throughout the school year,
with a fall topic and a spring
topic chosen each year for use
by all competing teams. The
t urrent topic is art censorship.
Steve Stolp, assistant director
of the University's team, said
the 45 students on the team
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typically begin doing research
on the fall topic in late August,
spending from 15 to 20 hours
each week in the library
Preparation for the tourna
ments also involves numerous
practice rounds.
ine that for all of us not debat
ing would worsen our class
performance." Jacobsen said
“The skills that 1 learn and
practice in debate, whether it
lie research speaking, or think
ing. can be classified to all of
‘It’s much more than just a game, it’s
much more than something people do for
pleasure. It's not an athletic competition,
it is an activity specifically designed to ed
ucate students, and educate them well. *
— David Frank
"You can set* the? blood and
sweat and tears on the floors of
Villard Hall because we spend
a tremendous amount of time
listening to our students pres
ent their arguments, criticize
their arguments and revise
them,” said David Frank, di
rector of the forensics program
The preparation intensifies
before each tournament. "The
last 4H hours before a debate
am devoted to debate work di
rectly or indirectly,” said Ju
nior Trond Jacobsen, who is
ranked as one of the top colle
giate debaters in the country.
While success in the compe
titions is important, perhaps
the most important aspect of
debate is its educational Irene
fit. "It's much more than just a
game, it's much more than
something people do for pleas
ure," Frank said. "It's not an
athletic competition, it is an ac
tivity specifically designed to
educate students, and educate
them well."
"The students in this activity
are much more committed to
presenting radical and new
ideas in a pretty open forum of
discussion,” Stolp said.
it might seem that the time
spent preparing for debates
would have a negative effect on
schoolwork, but in fact the re
verse seems to be true, 'I imag
my classes.” said junior I .add
Frank said in addition to the
educational benefits, debating
improves the college experi
ence as a whole.
"Forensics is among the
most important of all the co
curricular activities in helping
to create a sense of communi
ty," he said. “Students in our
program I rent each other very
well, and are very supportive of
one another.”
Debating, for all its benefits,
can also have a down side.
“One of the things that has
been difficult about debate is
that it wears down the body
over time from stress," )acob
sen said.
lie said he tries to get as
much sleep as possible, and
tries to deal with stress before it
The forensics program is
unique in that it is open to any
one who is interested in partici
"We're the second largest
program in the country, and we
are among the very few pro
grams that will basically take
anybody." Frank said "Hut at
the same time we try to support
a national caliber program We
try to be everything to every
body, and sometimes that's
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