UNIVERSITY Speaker to discuss U.S.’s role in environment Oxford-educated Myers will examine economic impact of environmental actions By Carrie Dennett Emerald Reporter Internationally renowned environmental scientist Dr. Norman Myers will speak on campus today about "The U.S. Stake in the Global Environment." The lecture will look at the character and extent of American eco nomic and security interests in environmen tal factors around the world. Myers, educated at Oxford University and the University of California at lierkley. has been a consultant on the environment and development for more than HO countries. He lived and worked in Kenya for 25 years as a consultant for Great Britain. Myers has undertaken projects for the U.S. State Department, the World Bank, United Nations agencies and the World Wildlife Fund. Myers has developed a detailed under standing of the intricate balance necessary to sustain life on this planet, liis expertise includes rain-forest resources, gene-pool preservation and the greenhouse effect He has traveled widely around the world to observe development projects that com bine economic growth with environmental protection in ways that art' sustainable The lecture reviews the findings of a lengthy policy analysis for the World Re sources Institute in Washington. !)(' He will discuss the main forms of environmen tal problems, including tropical deforesta tion. mass extinction of species, toxic waste, the depletion of the ozone layer and the greenhouse effect Myers will also cover foreign-policy im plications of the links between economic slowdown, security, and environmental fac - tors in many parts of the world, including the Philippines. Central America and Mexi co. Myers is the author of more than 200 pa pers published in academic and scientific journals, and and ecptal numtcer in the pop ular press He has also published several laioks on subjects ranging from the growing extinction of species to the destruction of tropical rain forests The lecture will take1 place in Room 150 Columbia at 7:J() p m There is no admis sion charge, hut the lec tores presenters sav a dollar donation would lx- applet iated Norman Myers U.S. Senate candidate Harry Lonsdale to speak MEETINt IS Student (Campaign for Disar mament will hold a general in terest meeting at 5 p in. in Ce dar Room F. Call 346-4248 for more information. Student Senate meets to dis cuss course availability at 6 p.m. in EMU Cedar Room A. Call 246-3724 for details. Et als Survival Center office meet ing is scheduled from 6:30 to 7:30 p m. in EMU Suite 1. Call 346-4356 for details Black Student Union will meet at 7:30 p.m in EMU Ce dar Room F. Call 346-4379 for more information. Students for United Na tions/Model United Nations will meet at 6 p.m in EMU Century Room A Cali 343-5569 for more information. Men Against Rape will hold its weekly meeting at 7 p.m. in EMU Century Room 1) For more information call 346-4206. MKChA, the Chicano latino student organization, meets at 5:30 p.m in the EMU Hen Lin der Room Call 346-3508 for more information. Jewish Student Union week ly meeting is at 3 p.m. in EMU Suite 5 Call 346-4366 for de tails. Pre-law Society meeting will la: at 7:30 p.m. in the EMU Hoard Room. Call 485-6962 for more information OSPIRC’s hunger and home lessness group meeting will be at 5:30 p.m. in EMU Suite 1 Feminist activist group will meet at 6 p.m. in EMU Century Room B. Call 346-4248 for in formal ion SPEAKERS AN!) EVENTS Democratic: senatorial candi date Harry l.onsdale will speak at 12:30 in the EMU Fir Room. The speech is sponsored by Students for Omsdale. A forum on Ballot Measure 5 . the property tax rate limit ini tiative. will be at 7:30 p.m. at Washington Elementary School. 3515 Harlow Kd. The forum is sponsored by the Lane County and Springfield PTA councils and the larague of Women Voters. INTERVIEWS The following bid for inter views are available through the Career Planning and Placement Service from Oct. 29 to Oct. 31. For more information on date and time, visit Room 224 Hen dricks Hall. * Ingersoll Kami Co (manage mcnt trainee) • (Chevron dorp (actminting .ISSIStrtlll) • Ford. Black & do (account niK trainee) • Soars. Roebuck & do (credit management trainee) • US UIA (management trainee agent) • Ralston Purina do. (sales rep resentative) • US KDId (bank examiner trainee) The following companies art! available for open sign up. For dates and information visit Room 224 Hendricks Hall. • Standard Insurance Co. • Hlack and Decker • Russell Stover (Candy • Shnpko • Defense dontract Audit Agen cy • dintas • Russ Berrie. do. • Meier & Frank • lOU TWV O/T RQllf» BLAOfSrOFTOURSllf s*o*#o«ro#v Sip (ftrrgonum totmo ifcfeUi | USAijr