SIIVUSI-U VII l( ALL CREEP SHOWS 2fc>r»l expire* Nov 1st 1888 Franklin 344-2691 DRINKING AND DRIVING CAN KILL A FRIENDSHIP H*A*L*L*0»W*E*E*l'i '90 Halloween: History behind the ghosts Ghosts, goblins, monsters and witches; lack-o' lanterns, costume parties and trick or treating — how did these strange traditions come to play such an impor tant role m contemporary American society? In her book All About American Holidays, Maymie Kyrth traces current American Hallow een traditions to their roots in the Druid festival Samhain. the Roman festival honoring Pomona, and the Christian holiday of All Saints Day Druid Samhain According to Kyrth, Halloween traditions stem from the Celts of ancient France and the British Isles These people held two important feasts every year, one on Oct 31 and the other on May 1 The supernatural played a large part in the autumn ceremony, as the Druids “tried to pla cate Lord Death." Bonfires were lit atop hills as people danced around them in costumes and grotesque masks. This ritual mimicked what the druids be lieved to be happening elsewhere on this same day Witches were said to be dancing to the devil's music on other hilltops as the spirits of those who had died in the last year spent a few earth hours carousing about before moving on to the next world Roman KcaM of Pomona Romans, who later occupied the Celtic homelands, adjfed to the testival from their Feast of Pomona The celebration honored Po mona, the goddess of fruits. Krythe wutes she believes this is where the American traditions involving produce such as pumpkins and ap ples originated All Saints Day In the seventh century. All Saints Day began as a Christian holiday observed every Nov. 1. Oct. 31 is thus All Hallows' Eve (holy or hal lowed evening). According to Dorothy Spicers’ The Book of Festivals, this day Is honored in much of the world as a Christian religious festival, but the American traditions remain primarily of Druid origin. Finally Gaellic immigrants brought the tradi tions of Oct. 31 to the New World. Krythe states that trick-or-treating originated from the tradition of poor people going to the homes of well to do and asking for a "soul cake" on All Soul's Eve Jack-o'-lanterns are said to be based on the story of a stingy Irishman named Jack who was condemned to wander the earth for eternity carrying a lantern. — Andy Dunn PIETRO’S DELIVERS QUALITY FREE DELIVERY from our new P.D.Q. delivery stores (limited areas) CAMPUS 20 E 18th 342-2323 SANTA CLARA 2620 River Road 688-2222 Other Great PIETRO'S Locations 4006 Franklin Blvd 1011 Valley River Rd 1600 Coburg Rd 3450 Wesl 11th All PIETRO'S locations open 11AM dally. Off Any Large Pizza Or Off Any Medium Pizza Coupon good for offer *bov* Nof good w#h #nv Other offer or wrth Moerth Slyle Expires 11/6/90 (uHorrw Mgntlui* Pietro's Pizza 'YoutCmm Noieiwof Famfy fltia Rw * ms Large Thin Crust Pepperoni Pizza (with Coupon) Not pood with any other offer or with Hearth Styte Coupon h*» no cash v»ue Urrvj or* p*ua per coupon, E spires "*«. * • IV Pietros Pizza "Ytwr Oral Ncwthwm* Family Puxa Reck * 2347 $C99 Lunch Special For Two Buy Anir Situ* NT 2 Tcwmg fVu* Ant 7 Urgt Colm Fo> S& M Cot*on good tar olhr atm*. Na good w«fi tn» atm dim o> «ati HMttft Styfc o> Omp Oufi U AM lo 3PM on*r. E>pires *” Pietros Pizza tm *Any Medium Thin Crust Pizza * Buy MedKjm TNn CnM (Va at regular pntf, gM a aacond pun of aqual oc laaaaf valua tar M as Nof good wrtfi any ottwr offer Coupon naoaaaary E i pi res 11/6/90 Pietro’s pizza am VALUES SO GOOD THEY’RE SCARY! OIT A 3rd roupmh "mm m» m*\ ralun Cak» «•» aar tons* an) taji* tfwi *n«H An) ami II,«a— wa alw ytiu t>uy an M* A»»m > »*»-» pay •» aft. to* y NNC *00oaks (•m ta* «*•> A mMKmsm Tt«* tvtJ nal (*HC *00 ir f«fl • &» *xfm fcarta, a»«i bad .*■ h» « » a* MMMur) <* **» . t»V»» tatung 395 •MAT SUMS AND A W AOiA DJIUIPB • Buy A0a* 4J>k* at AOFACHROME CT ootc* akda f»n mti H&t Oahnkon Goto, and ga> tfiarpar pouraa wayibngMai. nctw. tntdar ooton >toui Mo dm an A«ya (X Ufa. ABSOLUTELY FREE l Como ai today SuppAaa Bniad 2250 Light Up Your Pumpkins With Panasonic Alkaline AA BATTERIES «/4.99 */1.49i aerlachS CAMPUS STORE 849E.13TH SPRINGFIELD 565 W. Centennial