Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 30, 1990, supplement, Page 8B, Image 19

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    H*A*L*L*0*W*E»E*N '90
Students brave hex
There's only one thing for stu
dents at Transylvania Univer
sity to do when Halloween is
near — sleep in the tomb ol
the teacher known for putting
a hex on the school
Four Transylvania students
won the opportunity to spend
a night in the tomb of Con
stantine Rafinesque. who
taught biology at Transylvania
from 1819 to 1826 before be
ing fired
"I can't believe we're sleep
ing over dead men." freshman
Shallie Miller of Muncie. Ind ,
said Friday nighl while
sprawling on a concrete slab
lhat seals Rafmesque's crypl
in the school s administration
And so ended another
Rafmesque Week, a time of
ghoulish activities started
around Halloween in the
1930s to celebrate the unusu
at botanist s life
Rafmesque. who wa6 born
in 1783 in Constantinople,
published taxonomic descrip
tions of 6,700 new plants But
students know him better by
his curse
Legend says the universi
ty s then President Horace
Holley tired Ratinesque when
he discovered the botanist
had had an affair with his
wife. Outraged. Ratinesque
cursed Holley and the school
and (led to Philadelphia.
Transylvania's administra
tion building mysteriously
burned down and Holley died
soon after In 1969. the admin
istration building again
caught tire, and every room
was gutted except for the one
in which Rafinesque is en
Monsters tie knot
bride was dreadful, the groom
gruesome, but love conquered
all in a wedding that looked
like something out of Fright
Anthony Taylor and Debra
Hutcherson, dressed as
Frankenstein and the Bride of
Frankenstein, culminated
their six-year courtship Satur
day in the back yard of their
13TH & KINCAID M F 7 30-6.00 SAT 10.006 00 PH 346 4J31
home with a Halloween-style
“You always see pretty
brides and pretty weddings,"
said Hutcherson, 32 “I just
wanted my day to be differ
Different it was — even
friends and relatives invited to
witness the weird wedding
decked out in frightening
garb. Only the minister who
performed the ceremony
came in regular attire.
Hutcherson said she had to
talk her beloved into the un
usual wedding.
“I was kind of leery at
first," said Taylor, 34 “But I'd
rather be married to Debra in
costume than not at all."
Another couple in Evans
ville, Ind.. had the same idea
Stephanie Plemmons, re
splendent in her white dress,
makeup and Frankenstein
head earrings, married Glen
Hettenbach, attired in green
makeup and with bolts at
tached to his neck.
Eerie music played as the
ceremony started and thunder
crashed when the couple
Good beats evil
lice caught the devil and
tossed him In the cooler.
An inebriated party goer
dressed like the devil was ar
rested while driving home
from a Halloween celebration
early Sunday
Police Sgt Mike Pattee
said the man. whose name
was withheld, had a blood-al
cohol content of .15 percent,
nearly twice the legal limit of
.08 percent
The man was among 246
people arrested for drunken
driving during a weekend
crackdown that ended early
Sunday About 65 Los An
geles Police Department and
California Highway Patrol offi
cers patrolled streets and
freeways as a part of the oper
’We re getting ready for
the holiday season,” Pattee
Continued I runt Page 5B
Blatty, who wrote the original
Exorcist Georgetown police
investigate a series ol freaky
murders Murder victims in
clude survivors from The Ex
orcist Movie stars George C
Scott. Movies 12, 2850 Gate
way St., Springfield. 741-1231.
Night ot the Living Dead (R)
— Color remake of the 1968
classic George A. Romero
black and white horror film
about seven people who barri
cade themselves inside a
farmhouse while flesh-eating
zombies with bad skin roam
the countryside. Movies 12,
2850 Gateway St., Springfield,
741-1231 Movteland, 808 Sen
eca St., 342-4142.
The Rocky Horror Picture
Show (R) — Classic spoof on
horror films. A straight couple
gets stranded in a strange
house full of weird, freaky
people This film has had a
strong cult following since it
was released in 1975. Playing
Halloween night at the Bijou
Art Cinemas, 492 E. 13th Ave.,