You are invited to our HALLOWEEN PARTY Oct. 31, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Conic see the amazing display of srry unusual pumpkin floral arrangements. All "creations "arc original hv our staff BE A JUDGE—help choose ihe best carved pumpkin i >R \ \\ I \ ( I S !, \I . I. >. M |'| |/i's REFRESHMENTS—hoi cider, popcorn, cookies PLAN AHEAD—see our displays for Thanksgiving and Christmas Sum's ftoMT ttomt Th<* University I loic.l 610 E. 13*Ii At Patterson • drive-in parking WITH THIS COUPON ON DELIVERED PIZZA Urflc PIZZA With two toppings DELIVERED 6 DAYS A WEEK 5-9 PM HE 4 expires 11 9 90 STOP 1478 Willamette 345-4811 H*A*L*L*0*W«E • E • N 90 Photo by Eric Evans By Halloween night over 30 pumpkins will grace the railing of Pegasus Smokehouse Pizza. These pumpkins are en tries in the first Pegasus pumpkin carving contest. Winners will be announced Halloween night. Smokehouse pizzeria offers quality food Imagine you're walking home from your nigh! class on Halloween As you lurn off Alder Street onto 14th Avenue you see the glow of 30 grinning, leering faces looking your way That's what you will see if you hap pen upon Pegasus Smokehouse Pizza. 790 E 14th Ave , on Halloween night The faces don t belong to people, but they are the creation of a group of local artists and students who were just look mg for something fun to do on a Sun day afternoon Those grinning faces will be the out come of Pegasus pumpkin carving con test We are doing it )ust for fun. it s a gas.' said Pegasus owner/manager Robert Henderson There is a $25 prize for the best pumpkin and so far there are some good ones There is a Bart Simpson pumpkin, with bulging eyes, husk hair and a sign which reads No way dude! There is also a pumpkin with yellow hair and green earrings, not to mention all the creepy iack o lanterns with insanely curved eyes and mouths. This is the first pumpkin carving con test for Pegasus. which opened a little over a year ago "Some of the people in the neighborhood suggested the con test." said Henderson Old Max's used to do it. so I thought we d give it a go." Henderson is always willing to try something new or recycle an old idea. Opening a pizza place was not some thing Henderson had been planning to do I didn t come in with a concept "I had never made pizza before, but I had been smoking (food) for years " Henderson decided to open a pizza place, despite the number of pizza es tablishments already serving the stu dent population. "The market here is a lot more so phisticated than people give it credit for, the people want variety and quali ty " So Henderson set out to open a qual ity smokehouse pizza place Our goal is to make a better pizza We use the freshest ingredients and try to pur chase local produce whenever possi ble." Employees at Pegasus hand toss dough daily and the tomato sauce is cooked for a minimum of 24 hours Quality and variety rank high on Hen derson's priorities A quick look at the menu will show one of the largest varie ties of pizza toppings available in town. Barbecue chicken, smoked salmon, smoked oysters, fresh pesto and a wide variety of fresh vegetables are just some of the specialities of the house Besides trying to buy produce local ly, Henderson also concentrates on lo cal beers. All but two of the beers on tap are Oregon beers Henderson has been working on expanding his micro brew selection; currently he has five and will soon be moving up to nine To diversify the atmosphere he also remodeled the basement, which has a pool table, big screen TV and beer on tap The basement is more of a sports environment," Henderson said Now with the 21 and-over basement and the general restaurant atmosphere of the upstairs. Pegasus caters to all kinds Especially to people who like quality pizza Costume Party Wed. Oct 31 Doors open at 7pm Join Us For A Costume Contest at 11pm PRIZES: First-$100. Second-$75. Third - $50. tugene's largest and most festive Halloween party) 959 Pearl (downstairs) Eugene 683-2360 FLY ON IN AND WHAT WE CAN DO FOR YOUR EYES!! mmumu Cart— Cr**i lr*^«n»i h torn* Jb H— VALLEY RIVER CENTER 687-2926 Looking for work? I t T T l R PL ft f [ c T Graphics RESUMES Get your resume done professionally at Letter Perfect Graphics. 346-4381 300 f rb Memorial Unton • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSUITATION INC. Your One-Stop Photo Shop For: 1-hour color film processing 1-hour slide processing NOW! 1-HOUR BLACK & WHITE PROCESSING Enlargements to 11 ” x 14” Prints from slides Prints from prints Friendly, expert advice Passport photos As always, we assure you of the finest in quality, service and the commitment to your valuable pho tographic memories! 10% STUDENT DISCOUNT! 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