H»A»L»L«0»W»E*E»N '90 ‘Rocky Horror’ keeps fans dancing in aisles Talking back to a movie screen, dressing up as a trans sexual alien, dancing to the instructions and di agrams of a criminologist — does any of this seem strange? Well it should, even if you're familiar with it. Strange is not an adjective that Rocky Horror cultists, fans and fanat ics would disdain. Now celebrating its 15th anniversary. The Rocky Horror Picture Show has enjoyed popularity as a late night feature in theaters across the country Many filmgoers — some seeing the show for the ump teenth time — will engage in a sort of audience participa lion with the film that includes dressing up as characters from the movie or acting out scenes in the aisles Other audience antics include talking back to the char acters and giving advice, holding newspapers overhead while shooting water through squirt guns into the air, throwing props across the theater, and, of course, dancing to such memorable classics of rock'n'roll as "The Time Warp." This film is a science fiction musical spoof that lam poons traditional social values. The hedonistic values of the main characters are also presented lightly throughout the picture, although the movie is obviously designed to shock the more conservative-minded viewers. The 14 musical numbers, performed by the like of Tim Curry and Meatloaf, carry the film and account for much of its popularity. The music is witty and integrates well with the rest of the film, besides being great rock'n’roll. Rocky Horror has traditionally drawn large crowds, espe cially around Halloween, and it is certainly worth experi encing at least once; but be careful, it can be addictive. Rocky Horror is playing at the Bijou Arts Cinemas at midnight on Halloween. —Andy Dunn FUo photo It’s just not as tun unless you can see the gore In color. A 1990 remake ot George Romero's Night of tho Living Dead Is playing at two Eugene Springtleld theaters. Local theaters offer frights galore If you're not In the mood for trick or treaters knock ing at your door but still want to get into the Hallow een spirit, you can check out any of the four new and old horror films playing in local theaters this week. Graveyard Shift (R) — This is the latest movie from Stephen King, the classic horror story writer of our time, and follows the gruesome experiences of an unlucky night watchman Workers in an isolated Maine town discover a terrifying creature living beneath a cem etery next to a mill. Brad Dourif (One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest) stars with Oa vld Andrews, Stephen Macht and Kelly Wolf. Springfield Quad, 2005 Olympic St.. Springfield. 726-9073 and Mo vieland, 808 Seneca St., 3424142. Exorcist III (R) — Written and directed by William Peter Turn U> FLICKS, Page KB If You Are Considering Having A Pizza Delivered Consider This: DOMINO’S PIZZA gives you: 1A FREE CHEESE PIZZA of the ■ same size with every pizza you order. 2 FREE COKES, diet or classic on ■ every order. (Just ask & campus lo cation only) 3 Timely delivery off every order ■ GUARANTEED. 30 minutes or it’s *3 OFF. You can’t beat the service, you can’t beat the value, you can’t beat Domino’s pizza • 343-3030 • open for lunch; CAMPUS SPECIAL 2 SMALL PEPPERONI PIZZAS only 7*99 Additional toppings only 50e per pizza 'Not valid with other offers. Delivery area limited to ensure safe driving. TRIPLE DOUBLE 2 small pizzas • 2 toppings per pizza 2 classic or diet Cokes only 8.99 *Not valid with other offers Delivery area limited to ensure safe driving