Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 30, 1990, Page 12, Image 12

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Fraternity members have no right to save seats
University student Arm Hope is incensed about
fraternities that send their members into Autzen Stadi
um to save .in inordinate number of seats before Oregon
football games Who can blame her after what she went
through at the Or t 20 Arizona State-Oregon game?
Hope savs she was verbally and physically assault
ed by Phi Delta Theta fraternity members at the game
after she and three friends refused to move from a sec
tion fraternity members were saving for other members
She might have moved if they were* just saving a
few seats, hut she says they were trying to hold down
six rows
Hope alleges that several members of the Phi Della
Theta fraternity then proceeded to yell obscenities at
her throughout the first quarter
Hope put up with it. just to prove that kind of in
timidation was not going lo work
And whal transpired during the rest of the game,
from Hope's point of view and mine as well, was defi
nitely out of line.
After the verbal abuse, four of them spat tobacco
on her- a move of true class.
The abuse continued until halftime, when one of
the members intentionally punched her in the hat k and
pushed her off of the bench, she said
"They wen* laughing." Hope said, "saving. 'Way
to go (The name is omitted due to legal restric
tions. Iietter known as innocent until proven guilty.)
From the Sidelines
Hope has filed fourth-degree assault and harassment
complaints with the Eugene police department
After she was punched four more times by the
same person, Hope said she went to the nearest securi
ty guard to get some help
"He said. ’We get a lot of flak from the greeks
w hen we step in,' " she said, and he did nothing
That's an interesting stance for someone trained to
defend people who are subjected to abuse at games
kind of makes me wonder who was actually (laving
this guy.
"This is the first year that we have had a totally
professional security staff." said Sandy Walton, assis
tant athletic director. "We gave instructions to all of
them that seat saving was not a viable alternative, and
apparently this was one person who missed the brief
Hut I think the situation goes much deeper than
lust missing a briefing
Hope's experience proves that at least one fra
ternity believes il has a right to demand those seats, or
make someone pay for sitting there, and shows that the
practice of using intimidation to save seats is more
prevalent than ts reported
So Hope, angry and bent on getting justice, went to
the fraternity house and talked to Phi Delta Theta Presi
dent Craig Waniohek the day after the game
"He didn't care about what had happened." she
explained, "but he was begging me to keep quiet about
it He was so concerned with the image of his house,
but he didn't care about what had happened."
Wanichek said he tried to stop the member from
yelling obscenities, and never saw him spit on or
punch Hope.
"The house dries not condone his actions in any
way." he said. "We are conducting our own investiga
tion And (the member) claims that he never hit or spit
on her."
Yet Hope said that there were four members spit
ting tobacco on her.
Hope was quick to point out. though, that all fra
ternities and sororities are not involved in these kind of
Many of them are great places to get peer support
and leadership on the long road through college. Hut
sometimes the support and leadership turn into control
and power, and that's when people like Hope have to
stand up and say, "Enough is enough."
Oregon moves up in poll, Castle receives honor
Oregon moved up three
notches in this week's Associ
ated Press Top 25 football poll
as the Ducks check in at No
Oregon was ranked 25th last
week. bul moved up three spots
with an impressive ui-0 shut
out of Stanford this past Satur
day. Oregon's first shutout
since 1988
Tile Ducks moved up as
Oklahoma and TCU. ranked
22nd and 24th. respectively, a
week ago both lost Arizona,
sidl .it No 2 t struggled to beat
Washington State.
Oregon free safety Eric ('.as
lie. who had lt> tackles in the
Stanford game, was named as
Pacific-10 Confarem e defensive
player of the week
All five Pac-ll) teams w ill be
in action against one another
again this week
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The Top Twenty Five
By The Associated Press
The Top Twenty Five teams
in The Associated Press 1M0 col
lege football poll, with first place
votes in parentheses, records
through Oct 27. total points
based on 25 points for a first -
place vote through one point for
a 25th-plai e vote and last week's
1 Virginia (44) 7-0-0
2 Noire Dame (6) 6 10
3 Nebraska i5) 80 0
4 Auburn (2) 60 1
5 Illinois 6 1-0
6 Houston (2) 7 00
7 Washington (1 > 7 10
8 Miami, Fla 5 20
9 Colorado 7 11
10 Brigham Young 6 1 0
11 Tennessee 4 12
12 Florida St 5 20
13 loara 6 10
14 Te*aa 5 10
15 Florida 6 10
16 Georgia Tech 6-0-1
17 Mississ»ppi 7 10
18 Clemson 7 2 0
19 Wyoming 90 0
20 Michigan 4 30
21 USC 6 20
22 Oregon 6-20
23 Arizona 620
24 Penn St 5 2 0
25 Loyismlle 7 11
Pis Pvs
146? 1
1 36C 3
1 350 4
1.284 2
1.230 5
1 196 6
1189 7
1 074 8
1009 10
94 3 9
870 11
807 12
759 15
742 13
638 14
612 16
519 17
424 19
407 18
403 20
333 21
230 26
225 23
123 -
108 -
Other receiving votes Michigan St
*0 Ohio St 38 Texas A&M 37 OKiaho
ma 29 Central Michigan 9 Georgia 6.
Indiana 5. TCU 4. North Carolina St 1
North Carolina 1, South Carolina 1 Syr
acuse i. UCLA t
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