BAT Bf AT PA80Y Too bad our scary kitty isn 1 h«ra »h« mi»s«s us‘ Jamik K You may nol ba spooky. but you ra quits kooky. It'* baan 0 months ot bliss. I think that dasarvas a kiss! lova. C BRIAN The cow is emerging from it's little bag Halloween will t>e surgin and won t be a drag' So psyche yourself up. there's fun to be had Our Halloween evening is sure to be rad dude Love, MOO__ THAG ADUH To my barbaric roomies' WAAA MOOO» Jenn Craig and Graca You re the best friends a guy could hope to have Flashcards and Candycorn (Robert') congugatmg Verbs and which after shave to buy (Brett1) Wie Wo Wann. and Warum PMS Don't let us gouts contuse you Happy Halloween Love Kara and Carol O T. Thanks for being so fun to work with Show up today for a inch or a treat What do you think It'll Be’ Have a Happy Halloween! Love. J H__ HEY SCHAOEDEA' Happy HaHowMfl you stud' _Papa*t Amiga Motion Picture Todd I *• antoy#d talking to you I hop# tfWt means *r v# started a friendship Happy Malkme#n A midterm study partner McAlister Wednesday it party nigh! don't forgot it. Wo can’t lot our reputation die Without a doubt, ere know what McAlister's about Love. A McAlister Hey Deano What do you say we go out and scare the town on Halloween-* III pick you up at 9 30 HAPPY HAUOWEENIE' Love always. Your l»l Pumpkin To Stg Ep Grog G Saturday night waa Mowltn Whila wa war® out a Prowlin'. Thanhs tor a ghouilshly tun tima Lova. Your Worst Nightmara BOO 4 Happy Hallowaan to aH my triindi tn tho HJtyard Houu. tha Quads, 14th St and wharavar aisa thay may ba Hka avaryona at wort Hava tun. from tha parson you call Grid To my ELECTRIC blank at I'm looking forward to tha long. cold, dark nights of win tar' Much lova. Your Yaddy baar Druyi* Ku*h 4 Moca* Happy Halloaroan To my tavorita hwitln at tha Hotai HOyanf low. Hot Happy Hallouraan Fmltbaly! Should «ra all Hall tha a>a»«ya>d Mia laal yaaf’ ________ Huy Fruitbats1 HapPV Haunting •nd Good Luck to all ol u» Tl* toa itaion I Of group counaaling M#y fr»c% 1 ft 2 <•»> Tha rub* **•»• mc# but »l't my turn H*»* « Happy Hallowaan Lov«. your backrub friar*! To my rod MftM I can t «* art to aura you t II iova you fora*ar Jatmtet I hop* you mi*»*d m* l*«l ntghi Happy M*llow***n' I low* you ___CoHif • pip S#ih F You guy* cen bom>w anything o* mine eacept my p»g OK1* Judas Prittl founds vary tempting, so does Mud Football Happy H«itow»M to tb* both o» you*' let * go to »wmgef»* *jha b*» SOME WIMMIN %o UiMonabla Hi icary* TraaP Trio*? Wall, yai HYMN (or HYMN )_ Alyton T Ma*a a »ywM HiHowim baby* You »• a raally funky cfuda' low, Amy U«i IK Happy Hallow****' Loir*. Killy Tarn O H Marl!. tor*. Inyrid. Pali* Katfwyn Brian. Woody l»n *p*rtU. Tar* B . Lynn. Eva A a vary body alt#' HAPPY MALI OWL I N' lova ya all' Jana! To my tmta" brotbar Robb arbo a no! •o liltla anymora Happy 1«lh a day tala' You ara ona ot my baa! tnand* and I MISS YOU1 Lova Anna Happy H«llo«»cn to a g»aat bunch of paopia m the EMU Admin office Adell Alicia Bait) Bob Oayla. Kathy Mary C Mary low Mika Man. Su»an and Viigima' YO Paopla' That % yoii God Jane! Marti Lynn Eva. Patty and Bn an ami «ot> too' Happy Hallowa«n you guys* You f* th* t>a*i and I hop# your Naik>*«M»n i» tha urK>ut«a*t a**r' * Ch* Omaga Woodar Woman whaia did you part that invttibla (at? You ra iwatoma A I fova you' YBS Count WJ Or acuta Thankii again tor a huga ot a waaktffKt t kn»a you Jannia k Jaaon' Wade hay' Derail n B day Got OUtOO Y. HAPPY HALlOWIf N FROM THE Bill CHIRKIN' 4 inbl tc k «rOfdnV*«i «a€ ta t aaawiOcanttaUgh Happy Birthday Baby Oat Go ahead' I'm an »a»y target' love Conni Witliam* tAP| _ Kivtn my Pagan lotwi. Happy l ove your (iixkj«is fturmymuMm* _ BOO* KEN 0 Happy H«ppy Hallowed Day In a Joan Luc Picard Batman way IfllKI CROSSWORD By Eugene Shaffer ACROSS 1 list shortener 5 Swat river • Rug of dance 12 Soli dunk 13 Baked dish 14 New star 15 Anne Muiray hit ot 1970 17 City on the Oka 18-Surer 19 linguistic unit 21 Dobio Gilbs had many 24 String or shine lead in 25 Anagram tor more 26 Lily's cousm 30 Asian leslival 31 Role lor Alan Ladd 32 Actress Olivia d"— 33 Auto extra 35 Jungle cal 36 Old Norse poem 37 Oprah's rival 38 Nautical 41 Beach bonus 42 leave out 43 Winter coverings 48 It might be golden 49 Swiss canton 50 A/ab ruler 51 War god 52 Youth org 53 Novice DOWN 1 Double curve 2 Weight unit 3 Com mo lion 4 Parry Mason, lor on* 5 Saciad bull 6 MekxJy 7 Gorby's appa/a lus? B Disluibed Ih® mghl silane* S lively dance 10 Tha birds 11 Strong wind 16 Egyptian god 20 Sawing machine man Solution lima: 24 min*. Yesterday'! answer 10-30 21 Building units 22 Had sign 23 Prosidan lial power 24 tnlrap 2« — to (cumas favor) 27 Shore turd 28 Anciant Greofc com 29 Small liqueur glass 31 Stupely 34 Pills in a check 35 Surgical kmla 37 Adaga 38 Unit ol metrical time 39 River in Asia 40 Irritate 41 Tiring 44 Near Daal org. 45 Pierre's pal 46 Moslem saml 47 Sign ol a hit SPAGHETTI SPECIAL WITH GARLIC MIAD $2.95 Tuesday only 12 p.m. to 10 p.m. 2673 Willamette • 484-0996 Next to the Block Forest Tavern Free Delivery Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson OPtN WlOE OUt* wiot - !WM S Cv*jWM ' ' KRfi ' Slop tviKAsvum.,' L ft AIMOST 0 tws Ri-MCWV 0 ' JUST , LOOK. MT ML r- ^ rvtu m $fw>' ) tUN^U HT I HMs 10 Hi UK.V WS Hudson van curen by Michael Russell V Jfbflti ills^na ihi mofJ Surtr f i$to I H.c IF J Otn'Tj THC/'U t/se rvf FLANS TO gl/lLD SVPfVISTOLS^ 0&