Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 iSW SCI2C0 CAM, trucka boat* 4 whaai •ft motor homat by FBI IRS OCA AvwlaOla you* m now Can 16066S2 7S66 «.l Ct2l0_ M FOND FtSB U.T 'hmm 5! AMlFM low mi MM fcapl T»r, clttn »10SOCVoOo i *< *phr« & $80 OOO SI Fl«ng«f $50 DOO 0»Q D#t»y 2 mc $100 St#v« 342 8841 12XA .Away! SMntfTudHf tons to lanp«*Asto*Utto toifki*tortn>i*iUriu sJf issf hwc/ fftcto Council Travel 715SW Morrison#600, Portland O# 97905 MM«wrt-wninm mmmm ■ — LMm YOUfl BaattaVClapton to Cruatfappatm Gu«tar fcayboarcJ bait laaaona Ait agav Mr*ai» and atyiaa John Sharfcay. 344 44S234S 3312 Apply tor a FWI VISA or £« pro** cor« and taka oft with a TWA tW ♦tight anywhara ift tha USA? Colt fxm __MO SOM CHRISTMAS. Spring B'««* tummat tra*a* FREE Air conaadad and crviaa »n«p K>Pt Coll ? A034S2 7356 t«t F 1431 _ $o*o $400 Onoway Fogan# 10 Stour City towa Nov 7th Dap Eugana 2 30 pm Arrtvat Stour Oty, 9 36 pm Fa moroonty ft30 997 2180997 3144 Two ooo oty plan# hcfcata to LA X on Doc t9th 390aach 344-777% REPOSSESSED VA A HU0 HOMES *vrut*t»« from go*amm»nt from 31 without uadtt chock You rapa<» Alto lor Oolinquont fOMKiOfturOt C«4l 1 SOSAS?7333 oil H14S4 for tapo Hat your araa__ tarn 33000 aalra por month at homa Coll 6S7 0935 ot!o« 6 pm waafcdayft Anyt.m# on WtOSOOdO_ INTERNSHIPS YOUR PATHWAY TO SUCCESS Start on your commh now by gaming uppot-tfnriAion cradif and practical aspananca in public rotation* mar*ating?»aia* raaaarcfVwfttmg •ooai aannca* computer tatatao and financial aarvtca* through I at mtornthipt Qtta**d by tha Caraar Do'voiopmoni fnfornahtp Program AvaiiabHi to Jr/Sr wifh m*,or'mmor tn Coitaga of Aria and Sc»anc«t Raad position dotenpiion» in 221 Man dneM Haft and ailond c>'*«ntal»on maattng Monday. Noaambor S. 3:30 p.n.. EMU WatiHfl Rm for Hr»l chanca at t*Qnupa____ now avwiabta inlrou^aroa No invonlory invoatmanl Catt for your complala brochure on a Tron Syatama Daataohip 5D382AS393 ~ ~ WANTED! " Tha Coitaga of Buamaas »• now took mg for anorgattc dynamic moponai Wa boomoa* majori to ba paar advitora If you f«t th«t daacnption. piaaaa apply now m 27t Gubart Thar* will ba an informational moating No* t at 3 p m in 333 Gilbart Murry now daadtina >* Mon No* 3 at 5 p m Mipltw Camping OheCtOr. TR Of equivalent degree »pec>ai population experience neceaaery Send (Mumi to Comp Easier Seal 3787 Donald St. Eugene. 97406___ A mi re*M IttHwiR tt seeking pan time office assistant Outlet include filing, typing Compul•» skit** an ad vantage Apply In person. M-F 2 304 30,134E Broadway COMPUTER SYSTEM CONSULTANT wanted tof maintenance and tutor# development of an operational PC LAN Knowtadge of Novatie Netware various typaa of hardware and software required Programming experience helpful Studant wages beginning at $6fhr tor 6 • houflhek Can e«i 66t3l tor application_ Dancara wanted Great Alaskan Bush Company Excellent money tOJO Mwy 99 North 68MQ2T _ It** aaalar than you think to pay tor your cottage education working at Jiggtaa Excaiiaot money flexible hours Call Nancaa or Brook tor par tonal interview HI SWT HOME TYPISTS PC user* needed $36 000 potentiat Detwit (1)8068878000 Ext B 9M2 Need 42 students each night tor a aurvey involving environmental nak* Receive SftOO for aOout *6 minute* work Monday October 2t thru Thur*day Novamh*r 1. Coma to Gilbert MS at 830 pm sharp The Oregon Deity Emerald i* now accepting application* tor one apod* reporter petition Requirements roughly include a 2026 hour commitment par weak Application* are available * Nov 2 at 6 pm AA/COC__ mwmmm - NEW 7 twonwn xoum in »oo44 5696 1 o* details Jotmln§9 ♦ Co 13-42H Campus. furnished 1 bedroom 137V1305 No p*t 4602623_ Campy 1 Available Nov 1 MW 444 1057 Furnished 1 bad room apartment no pals 1260 1 1280 plus deposit ..3434106__ Condo 2 Mfm $ fcupene Poof oac* aid rani $560 isMettscteentng Buy 139 900 444OVa 3456760 large 1 bdrm apt cioee lo campus Clean Quiet com pi*. Cemeiot Apis 16th and Alder or call 4644103 2tl SrtarcMff Newly remodeled Iwo bedroom town house* Dose to buslines’ 1395 Call •663660 HkfMway mv> c nth Qraat 3 tMSrm apt clot* to campus Fully appitancad. prtvala ptrtmft. c ova* ad walkway Call Jiat tor appi NMtn, ar Chaa. 4004330 Aa* lar am In fceaust Londontown Outat *uf rounding* at graai local ton ? bdrm apt w*tf» pnvata pat.cvbalcony |4M CaM Chris avaa A taMa. M34MI ns E. 16th Stngta room in larga bout* iutt on* Woe* »rom campus Cad Chaa lar tarn Inlands aSapa HHM Student Plan MIC *•> Ntca i bdrm apt taaa than i bth from UO Com op laundry on sit# Off straat parking Only (345 •03-4310 or ftft*a. 3444211 553 E. 16th Quad avatiatx# now »n small comptai Parking, laundry. 1200 Jennings t Co 488 E. 11th Avc, 688-2271 mmL mm paiiic QUADS UtTytar St Larg# furnisbad quad* with prtvata batha* Ait uttiitia* paid! 1245 Can Kum CEOAAWOOO QUADS 441 f fTtti Smgta room* with tharad common araas ALL UTILITIES PAID. CLOSE TO CAMPUS- Imms through 60091 1250 Call 344-9290 tltt ptu* dapoalt 143491 SU9 LEASE OUAO to tamaia across from UO mu*»c achoot NICE 1239 Laaaa until and of Juna 345 3669 Bonu*1 Juoas rant alraady pad* WillowtfM 1540 Lincoln St Quad living at it* ba»l* Prtvata bath Sharad common araa Biking distant* to campus 1245,5255 Cali 343 5067 Bmo include* ulna 488-1013. 4880282 ml Dorm Contract For Stilt Fma com of ba-ra^a Chris. 344-$293 ___ Ul Dorm Contract tor *a»a Cali Kan at mtm m. $27Vmo • uhl 683 1628 or 683 8919 quiat. nonsmoking grad studant Kitchan laundry uhltttas included 5 mm to U ol O naar MaodncM Part Formgn studants •ncouragad $24Q/mo » 150 dap 344 9343 i kt downtown ralaiad housahotd Avail H/$ liflfe plus $80 Smoaar pral 8834920 mk tor Lynn_________ To ahaao 3 bdrm housa tn VVast Spnngti*»d $20Dmo plus $30 utINhOt 7474887 smmn Ouatflt Arlist't loft . 400 foot oflice Close to earnout oft street parti ing CaH4t1 oifNOy »N» I Mwilwrm MmO WwifA -iflUBLMttaaui iiQi rrmufinmniTii ir POCKET PLAYHOUSE PRESENTS ROOMMATES An original comady Oct 31. Nov 1 A3 5 00 PM Pocfcat Thaatra. rtn 301 Villard f 1 donation gladly accaptad 2V0 POOP A DBIWK miner roomn « Om GmInCmi Eugana'a own let Craam ! and Fro/an Yogurt HOT FUDGE SUNDAES S1.25 Every Tuesday 1»th 4 AgaI* 344 4414 Opan daily 12 11 pm 861 Willamalta 343 2621 ING U o(0 Crisis Center Helpline “MS 4488 eves, nights A weekends 218J mim NEED FINANCIAL AID? Call now for FREE Information Packet' 140*521TOM not YOU CAN GET INVOLVED! TWO OPENINGS AVAILABLE ON UO BOOKSTORE BOARD OF DIRECTORS The UO Bookstore is searching for a graduate student and a faculty member to serve on the Board of Directors. GRADUATE POSITION; The position is (tut of a student currently of graduate school standing. For purpose of membership on the Board a graduate student must be fully accredited in the graduate school and must maintain a course load of not less than 9 units. The term of office will run untillunc 1991. FACULTY fQamOMl The position is that of a teaching faculty (officer of instruction). For purpose of membership on the Board a faculty member must be a full-time professor, associate professor, assistant profes sor, or instructor employed as an officer of instruction on the Eugene campus. The term of office will run until June 1991. UO Bookstore board members represent the student, faculty and staff of the University of Oregon, and have the opportunity to guide the Bookstore in policy matters. Members attend monthly meetings, and receive a DO stipend per month. ALL APPLICANTS must pick up your application packet in the Administrative Office (at the rear of the second floor of the UO Bookstore). Applications for these two positions on the UO Bookstore Board will be taken until 6.00 p.m.. Friday. November L 1990. The Election Committee of the Board will screen all applicants and will select applicants for a personal interview. All applicants will be notified whether or not they have been selected for an interview. For more information, please contact either Jim Williams or Lisa Burkhart at 346^331. UO BOOKSTORE 13lh and Kincaid, M-F 7:30-6, Fri. 10-6, Ph. 346-4331 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU sae*y you mseo-me BKf Vt&L.MK> P! FOJ&SU& WAN1XXJ&CK INOmCt1 H£U. TM AFRAID IU. HAVtTO DISAPPOINT I ! I I SOMEONE HAP TO ACCEPT RESPON steam for our banking megs 1 REStGNEP CNCR PRJNQPLE ■ IF I UHRBSI6N, MiAT POBF> THAT SAY ABOUT Th€ - PRlNClPU* PRJNCJPtf ? H££, H££ • no omm, MRS P, but you've- bon out oe OUASHIN6TON TOO LONG' * FLIP! I STPONGMF&l HIP! 1MMN, FLOP! WISPY FUP' IM&WT FiCP! &PN113 rrsoKAY, s/k, trs ovzR.mz Alt OVER * slIUtSlAt \lt K ALL CREEP SHOWS 2 for ^ 1 1888 Franklin • 344-2691 cxplies ftov 1st