SPORTS Defense shuts down Cardinal offense in win By Ashley Conklin Emerald Sports Editor Oregon's defense pitched its first shutout since 1‘tflB Satur day, whipping the Stanford Cardinal 31-0 at Autzen Stadi um. On a day of big plays from the offense and special teams, the defense had its most domi nating game of the year as the Ducks improved to l-'l in Pacif ic-10 Conference play and 0-2 overall. it was tho first shutout or an Oregon opponent si m e the !9HB season-opener when the Ducks pounded Long Beach State 49-0. And other than Civil War rival Oregon State it was Oregon's first shutout of a Fac to Conference foe since 197.c The defense placed super football.'' Oregon Coach Rich Brooks said. Thev controlled and establish the running game We did not let that hap pen. Led by inside linebacker |oe iarweil and free safety Kric ( astle, the defense made sure Stanford would go nowhere on 'lie ground Farwell helped clog the mid dle with l.i tackles when the Cardinal tried to establish its power running game of Tommy Vardell and Ion Volpe Castle, along with cornerback Daryl Singleton, had a big hand m shutting down all-purpose threat Glvn Milburn on both running and passing plays Castle had Hi tackles anti Singleton, linebacker James Bautista and cornerback Devon Hosey all had interceptions on the day. Hosey returned his 76 yards for a touchdown. “In the third quarter we wanted to get the shutout and did everything we could to get it." Farwell said. "The defense really pulled together." Castle said "Any time we get a shutout, that's a great feeling for the defense "It doesn’t get much better than this does it?" asked defen sive coordinator Denny Schul er "This has to rank up there with the Arizona game last year :a 16-10 win) and the Stanford game two years ago (a 7-3 w in) as one of the best games we ve plavod since I've been here The offense did it’s part, too with Sean Burwell rushing foi 44 yards inr.iud iree Miiburn had come into the ■ante second in the nation m .dl-purpose yards with more than 2(H) per game hut was completely controlled by Ore gon, as were quarterbacks Jason I’alumhis and lohn I.ynch with the three interceptions and only 197 yards through the air "I didn’t think it would be possible to get a shutout when you look at their players and look at the points they've scored against the caliber of teams they've played." Si huler said. “This is not a Hig Sky KAMirri >eun Burwull outran entryone. m.lading Stantunl i(irnttrbui k Daman (lOnluti. on this '5-yard si am per in the m i ond quarter team wttii Big Sky talent She Dues offense sputter-ii after Ylusgrave's tout: Into vs ,i pass an the Isrst drive, hut it titln t nutter bevoragi on Slii burn and split end Kd \lc( a I 'ey when die Ducks went tn their five and six defensive track pai kages Oregon finally got the offense going again midway through the second quarter when Hurnell sprinted 7r> yards on a draw pia\ to give the Ducks a U-0 lead Stanford was able to stop the (Jregon running game early on w ith an eight man front but 'he ! Hit t.s .night the • arriinai on i blitz on Uurweil's long ,m ,is ‘ make sat ntk es That’s why you shouki cmsxkf the new, affonlabk' Macintosh* Class* * computer It has everything vi xi need—including a nx >mn x. kestx uni nx hjsc. 2 megihvtes of RAM. and a -tO-mcgabyte lianl disk Just [Jug everything in and the Macinti ish (lass* is ready to run. because tlx- svstem software is already mstalkil' And. thanks u> tlx- Maontc*h computer s legendary ease c J use. you II lx* up aixi running in tx > time lake everv Macintosh, the (lissx can run thousands < JavailaJJe a[)[)lxatKms tlut all work in the sanx\ consistent way -so one e mw've learned one |xi igram, ycxi're well ixi yimr wa\ to learning them all And this is i me c heap n»minute tlut ik rsn't have tn ml Je shanng The Ajijik'* $u[xtI )me - "-standard eijui[xix‘nt with every Madnt* rh—reads fn xn aixl writes to .Macintosh, MSDOS. OS/2, arxl AjifJc 11 floppy disks, wluc h means you can share infomutx m with scxnei me wtx i uses a different type of o mi[xiter See the Macintc ish Classx lor yoursetf. It'll change vc mr mind alx mt cheap n x minutes For further information visit the Microcomputer Support Lab 202 Computing Center Mon-Fri, 9am - 5pm or call 3464402 The [x mer u) lx- y< >ur best' ■ U»..o«D»r '.«•*> K* pur('*•«* t»«0*a >art«ary •*»' .rOuda VO*»#'* or VjM'I <*••» «* "Ctf r,tv*»(J C *'«C *«*>*• t fl( 4mm Wa* 4«m qao «nrt U* -«o** «• ►•'*•''*'** o' *»»• C « *rc %**•*{>-*• W 'Nl pomp to o* r ** <■**•« a « tr»ir»o *•»*•*#+ -<9t^mn *> *«%*• T< MS OOS •* a ■'•Jr*** o' M<»oao* Co*po»afcor OS? * a •»»>*« o* »r«a»Aafcor* S.i'att UaNrai ' wpo>*tor