Glasses/Con tacts/Exams Complete lab on premises for fast service rainbow optics 343-3333 766 E. 13th Ave., Eugene Otu‘ block from U of ('i l av p.irktnj; in Kick Hours. Mon-Fri 8,im-7pm, S«it Sam-'ipm DEAD Continued from Page 1 open forum held in brand with the feeling that "the burden of proof" was on students to per suade the administration that the Eugene community favors the concerts Despite early misgivings about involving himself in an issue that is trivial compared to things such as the rising num ber of hale crimes, Adan said he was glad he decided to speak out on behalf of a band that promotes tolerance and ac ceptance of many different viewpoints And he said the overwhelm ingly positive response to his petition has reaffirmed his be lief in his cause "People told me they were glad someone was doing this." Adan said. "1 reali/.ed I was tapping into this energy and helping people put it into the right context.” Fan alleges assault A female University stu dent filed harassment and fourth degree assault com plaints against a member of the Phi Delta Theta fraterni ty alleging that the member pushed her down and spit tobacco on her at the Arizo na State football game on Oct. 20. according to Eugene police. Amy Hope told police that she and her three compan ions sat in the student seat ing area of Autzen Stadium when they were approached by several members of the fraternity. They were told the row they were sitting in was re served for f’hi Delta Theta members, and that they should move. Sealing in the student section is on a first come. first-serve basis. Hope told police she re fused to move. As other fra ternity members arrived, they were told to abuse Hope and her companions for remaining in the section. The subject of the com plaint pushed Hope to the ground and repeatedly hit her in the back during most of the game. Hope told po lice. She obtained the man's name after talking to the fra ternity's president. As of I'Tiday, no formal charges had been filed, and Eugene police are continu ing to investigate the inci dent. Want a great looking (Iyer ior an upcoming event? Letter Perfect Graphics can help! 346-4381 DRINKS ARE ON THE HOUSE At TRACK TOWN PIZZA, you buy the pizza and we buy the Pepsis. Every Monday we’re giving away two medium Pepsis with every small, medium, large, or giant pizza purchase. (Valid in-house and on delivery. Valid with TRACK TOWN coupons. Valid Monday only.) So call TRACK TOWN and enjoy the quality pizza and free Pepsi. After all, A Why settle for less . . than the BEST!?! TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1809 Franklin Blvd. 484-2799 I Engine Service 1000 S. Bcrlclsen Rtf. II Eugene OR 97*02 One Block North o( W 11th Nolan Ind Plaza Specializing m Volkswagon Service For 32 years 342-3952 Student and Faculty Discounts CALENDARS OCT. 29 TO NOV. 3 EXCI |l3TTH CLUDES SOME CALENDARS IN ART DEPT. ANDMNCMD MI»M SAT. 1tk* MMMW